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西瓜的新吃法--25 ways to win with watermelon 2013-08-05 05:42:37


There’s something about watermelon—it just isn’t summer without it. But you can do more than just serve it in wedges or in a fruit salad. Paired with basil and feta, it becomes a savory salad, and paired with vodka it becomes…well, the best cocktail to round out the summer months. So, for National Watermelon Day (which just happens to be today), here are our top 25 watermelon recipes.

Watermelon Squares with Campari

1. Watermelon Squares in Campari: We love it when things get a little boozy, and these cubes served with Campari are just right. (via Martha Stewart)

Watermelon Refresher

2. Watermelon Refresher: This cool drink will definitely come in handy on a hot day. We might also add a little bit of vodka to it and serve it at our next BBQ. (via Marthafied)

Watermelon Mint Jello Shots

3. Watermelon Mint Jell-O Shots: What makes our Jell-O shots the best? They are served in the watermelon rind. Yum! (via Brit + Co)

Spicy Watermelons Slices

4. Spicy Watermelon Slices: Watermelon is traditionally served cold, so we’re intrigued by this roasted version. The addition of hot sauce didn’t hurt either! (via Box of Spice)

Watermelon Salsa

5. Watermelon Salsa: There’s something so tasty about a fruit salsa—the combination of sweet and spicy makes it the perfect pre-dinner snack. (via Creative Culinary)

Watermelon Cooler

6. Watermelon Coolers: Somewhere between a drink and a dessert, this watermelon treat includes hibiscus—such a refreshing combination! (via Martha Stewart)

Watermelon Ceviche

7. Watermelon Mozzarella Ceviche: You might not think it, but watermelon goes great with cheese. Add in a little mint and some chives, and you have the perfect summer side dish. (via Brit + Co)

Watermelon Ricotta Salata

8. Watermelon, Ricotta Salata, and Sumac Salad: This tasty salad is almost hearty enough to be a full meal with the addition of spinach and a handful of walnuts. (via Turntable Kitchen)

Watermelon Sorbet

9. Watermelon Sorbet: The trick to getting this sorbet to be smooth, and not icy, is to add a bit of corn syrup or agave nectar. (via Leite’s Culinaria)

Watermelon Cocktail

10. Watermelon Cocktail: Watermelon and rosemary is a new combo for us. We imagine the sweet and woodsy flavors balance each other nicely. (via Weekending Blog)

Cucumber Watermelon Shooters

11. Cucumber Watermelon Shooters: Part of our ever-popular “Spike Your Sweets” series, these shooters aren’t a beverage, but the watermelon is saturated with vodka, so we’re counting it as a cocktail. (via Brit + Co)

Grilled Watermelon

12. Grilled Watermelon: All it takes to make this easy side dish or snack is a little bit of olive oil and a couple of minutes on the grill. (via Redbook)

Thai Watermelon Salad

13. Thai Watermelon Salad: Arugula, cilantro, radishes, and watermelon. This salad has everything we want. (via Shutterbean)

Pickled Watermelon Rind

14. Pickled Watermelon Rind: What do you do with the rinds from all these recipes? Pickle them, of course! The rinds will soften up and have a wonderfully briny taste. (via The Bitten Word)

Watermelon Margarita Poptails

15. Watermelon Margarita Poptails: The green “rind” on these pops is actually a slice of lime, which goes perfectly with the watermelon, tequila, and salt. (via Brit + Co)

Watermelon Salad Wedges

16. Watermelon Salad Wedges: Such a creative take on the traditional watermelon salad. This version would be great for outdoor parties since it would be easy to eat standing up. (via Lottie + Doof)

Watermelon Gazpacho

17. Watermelon Gazpacho: We love the combo of flavors in this soup recipe—watermelon, tomato, basil, and Thai chile. Yum! (via Bon Appetit)

Watermelon Vodka Rickey

18. Watermelon Vodka Rickeys: The best part about this drink? There’s no added sugar. All the sweetness comes from the ripe watermelon. (via Big Girls Small Kitchen)

Watermelon Margarita Granita

19. Watermelon Margarita Granita: If you don’t have an ice cream maker to make sorbet, try a this tasty (and boozy) granita instead! The salt rim is an extra special touch. (via Brit + Co)

Watermelon Mojitos

20. Watermelon Mojitos: Start out by making watermelon simple syrup for these mojitos. If you have any syrup left over, it’s also a great addition to some seltzer for a fresh soda. (via Pink Recipe Box)

Watermelon, Feta, Pork Belly Salad

21. Watermelon, Feta, and Crispy Pork Belly Salad: With the addition of crispy pork belly, this watermelon salad is a full meal. We’re guessing it will become a new favorite. (via Spoon Fork Bacon)

Watermelon Drink Dispenser

22. Watermelon Drink Dispenser: This might be our all time favorite watermelon recipe. Not only is it a delicious drink, but serving it out of the watermelon itself will take your party to the next level. (via Brit + Co)

Watermelon Rind Chutney

23. Watermelon Rind Chutney: Another great way to make use of the rind, this chutney recipe is best made with a yellow watermelon. (Martha Stewart)

Watermelon, Pork Belly, and Jicama Tacos

24. Braised Pork Belly Tacos with Watermelon, Jicama, and Jalapeño Salsa: Watermelon and pork belly just seem to go well together. Plus, the jicama in the salsa has a great crunch. (via Food 52)

Watermelon Grilled Cheese

25. Watermelon Grilled Cheese Bites: These easy appetizers are best when you use halloumi, a firm Greek cheese, but if you can’t find it at your grocery store, feta can be substituted. 

What’s your favorite way to eat watermelon? Share your recipe or the link to it in the comments!

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