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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
My Callings for "Free Legal Services" On Aug 01-02 2022-08-02 11:58:28

My Callings for "Free Legal Services or Aid or Consultation" on August 01-02, 2022 After NYC HRA's Response to "Protect Tenants"
August 02, 2022
Limin Wang

As I said on the Facebook live broadcast ( https://www.facebook.com/limin.wang.94651/videos/2234485340059680 ) , I was filling online form to contact New York City Mayor's Office to Protect Tenants on July 22, 2022, Friday, seeking help to at least delay the Queens County "Civil Court Housing Part" ordered EVICTION effective as early as August 16, 2022. Until July 28, 2022, Thursday, an email from seshiem@hra.nyc.gov (Seshie, Matilda) arrived, with a title of "Free legal services for eviction", while I was seeking for PREVENTION OR DELAY FROM EVICTION. Her email's full content and my two replies is copied below between quotation marks and shown as images in this post.

Seshie, Matilda <seshiem@hra.nyc.gov>
Jul 28, 2022, 12:52 PM (5 days ago)
to me

Good Afternoon Limin Wang,

Please follow up with free legal services for Legal advice concerning eviction and legal representation

LAS - 212-440-4230
LSNY- 917-661-4528
NYLAG- 929-356-9582


First Name: Limin

Last Name: Wang

Street Number: 136-09, Ground Floor Rear Apartment

Street Name: 59th Avenue

Unit No:

Borough: Queens

ZIP Code: 11355

Email: liminwang29@gmail.com

Phone: (646)623-0501

Message Topic: Eviction Help

Message: July 22, 2022, Fri.

Dear NYC Mayor's Office to Protect Tenants,

My filling-up these online boxes for NYC or NYS governmental &quot;HELP&quot; on Tenant Protection would most probably be FUTILE, or even COUNTER-EFFECTIVE, according to my experiences.

The NYC Civil Court, Housing Part, Emailed me Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez's EVICTION Decision &amp; Order, via Senior Court Clerk Serena Valdes (svaldes@nycourts.gov) on July 05, 2022 about my landlords Maurice Shiau &amp; Jyne Shiau &amp; their attorney's petition of Eviction case LT-304213-21/QU, after a series of SHAM AND SHAME &quot;virtual hearings&quot;, surprising visits of BOGUS &quot;Adult Protection Services&quot; and REAL humiliation and ASSAULT, and the LAUGHABLE &quot;trial&quot; METICULOUSLY SCHEMED with other humanscums of the American Evil System. The much FABRICATED AND DISTORTED 3-page &quot;Judge's Decision&quot; of EVICTION or POSSESSION clearly shows the Corrupt System's collusion with the Petitioners' mostly FABRICATED AND DISTORTED &quot;petition&quot; files, while the &quot;Court&quot; and the landlord side AVOID, IGNORE, DISTORT my presentations (on phone virtual, in court verbal, or in written emails &amp; files) of the SIXTEEN categories of listed !
ISSUES about this RENTAL, and the MISERABLE BACKGROUND INFORMATION of me and my family!

I have been severely and permanently injured, particularly on the Central Nervous System, at the VICIOUS SLAVERY workplace (B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply, Inc. 109-35, 178th St., Jamaica, NY 11433) and then at two PROFESSIONALLY MURDEROUS &quot;medical clinics&quot; named as New York Medical &amp; Diagnostic Center (80-46 Kew Gardens Rd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415), and New York City Medical &amp; Neurological Offices (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suites 601 &amp; 611, Elmhurst, NY 11373), both authorized by NYS Workers' Compensation Board and referred to by &quot;my&quot; then WC &quot;representative&quot; law firm Bengal, Cohen &amp; Falconetti, LLC (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Elmhurst, NY 11373). That WC case is G2029240.  My wife Li Li could NOT survive the harsh working environment in and around NYC and became psychologically distressed and stayed home, but the AES HUMANSCUMS, including Li Li's human-trafficked elder sister ChunLing Li and the NYC Police, seduced, coerced, aided and abetted Li Li to DESERT this family twice in year 2014, and Li Li came back in 2015 as an almost CONSTANT &quot;PSYCHOTIC&quot; AND FREQUENT &quot;HYSTERICAL&quot; woman SO DISTRUCTIVE only to this miserable young family. The AES Humanscums turned Li Li into such and want to use Li Li for &quot;domestic violence&quot; against ME. Beyond, my younger daughter, Alexandria Wang, when SEVENTEEN-AND-A-HALF-YEARS-OLD, was seduced and abducted by HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM to desert this miserable family, and these AES HUMANSCUMS, including at Bronx High School of Science, NYC &quot;Administration for Children's Services&quot;, NYPD, Hospitals, &quot;Foster Care&quot; threw a BAIT of &quot;suicidal thoughts/behavior&quot; to Alexandria Wang and then have de facto abducted and jailed her into &quot;psychiatric care&quot; and &quot;foster care&quot;, at/with LOCATIONS/MEANS/CONTENT all SECRET/INACCESSIBLE to the REAL, WORRING, AND SUFFERING parents. Even any electron!
ic communication between Alexandria and the parents is PROHIBI!
TED! The AES Humanscums hold the SHAM AND SHAME &quot;virtual hearings&quot; too, in this &quot;child neglect&quot; case (Docket # NN-09918-21)! And, they have also affected my elder daughter Rosila Wang, still a VERY YOUNG, IMMATURE, adult, to START TO DISCONNECT WITH the parents!

Why Heroes and God have NOT DESTORYED the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM and its HUMANSCUMS yet? Why EVIL often WINS in the AES?

I am tentatively asking for at least POSTPONING THE EVICTION (said to be effective August 16, 2022, but I am the SELECTED ONE who has NOT received a POSTAL MAIL of the court's eviction decision yet as of today July 22, 2022, more than TWO weeks since the decision made. The court has apparently ignored my email responses to the eviction decision, even about my request of the postal mail of the EVICTION decision. The Marshall or Sheriff has NOT served a Warrant of Eviction yet. Of course, if the NYC or NYS government agencies could provide much of genuine, effective help of mitigation, solution, justice on all the serious issues mentioned in this inquiry, IT WOULD BE GREAT.

Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>
Aug 1, 2022, 10:34 AM (1 day ago)
to Matilda

Ms. Seshie, Matilda,

Thanks for the phone numbers of free legal services. May you be able to forward my inquiry email to THEM, so my phone calls to them might be answered in a timely manner?

Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>
Aug 1, 2022, 12:00 PM (22 hours ago)
to Matilda

I have tried to call these numbers, and some numbers from Googling based on your provided information, but my calls were either not picked up or answered to be not understandable in my American language. When I said "I am talking in my fucking American language", the receiver end hung up the phone.

So, is there any DIRECT RESOURCE or HELP available from the Mayor's Office to Protect Tenants? "

Gmail - Free legal services for eviction received from Matilda Seshie on July 28 2022 upon my July 22 22 messaging to Mayors Office to Protect Tenants-1.jpg

Gmail - Free legal services for eviction received from Matilda Seshie on July 28 2022 upon my July 22 22 messaging to Mayors Office to Protect Tenants-2.jpg

Basically, the NY governmental agencies have sound names such as "Mayor's Office to Protect Tenants", but it could not provide any genuine help directly at all, and such a referral, or kicking-ball, to the IRRESPONSIBLE "organizations" is practically useless and corruptively disgusting. "Maltida Seshie" would not provide her own phone number, and would not reply my replies. I needed to google about the three ABBREVIATIONS and the phone #'s (LAS - 212-440-4230   LSNY- 917-661-4528   NYLAG- 929-356-9582), and found out NONE of the three numbers were their (main) numbers posted online. My called to Legal Aid Society at 212-440-4230 was simply put on tone of waiting for minutes, so I hung up. The LAS online number is shown as (212) 577-3300. The Legal Services of NYC I called at (917) 661-4528 led me into some keypad pressings and then waiting tone for minutes, so I hung up again. The LANY's online posted number is (917) 661-4500. I then searched more about LAS online, and I called (718) 286-2450 (Queens Neighborhood Office) and -2000 (Queens County Criminal Office) based on LAS's Queens borough numbers visible YESTERDAY but no more. The female receptionist at -2450 first asked about my name and phone number as if to fill in an intake but refused to even acknowledge her actual understanding of my English, so she refused to hear any bit about the MATTERS first, she got an Chinese interpreter on the call, but I kept saying in English for seconds. While I was saying "I am talking the fucking American language", the receptionist and the interpreter both understood and then hung up! What genuine or honest "legal aid" of such people could actually provide? The male at -2000 refused to hear about the matters, and quickly transferred my phone to a waiting tone, so I hung up. Then, a Chinese-speaking woman at (917) 428-5152, from a local law firm which a STRANGER WOMAN referred to me on street, called me, and her meticulously curt saying of "You are intentional" in Chinese during her refusing practically sounded an AES HUMANSCUM'S SCHEME of CREATING some soundbytes from me and DISTORTING its real meaning and context! I was saying that I was injured from other people's intentional murder attempts! Later in the afternoon, instead of calling NYLAG at (929) 356-9582, which online says it's the number NYLAG uses for NY COVID-19! I called its online posted number (212) 613-5000. A male voice answered me kindly but "professionally": they are already FULLY occupied on eviction cases; he COMPLETELY ignored my injuries from the perpetrators' murder-attempts and my wife Li Li's turning into a psychopath during her twice desertions aided and abetted by AES, so he told me to call back "tomorrow" (Aug. 02, 22) for the matter of my daughter having been de facto abducted by AES humanscums as a family law matter.

Then, today in the morning, I live-broadcast my call to (212) 613-5000 for NYLAG on all the issues, instead of just the "family court matter". NYLAG's phone prompt would cycle around, but they would not pick up my call. I left the voice message of a brief description of the matters, my full name, and my phone #. I do not dream about any call-back or real help from NYLAG. Later in the EARLY afternoon, I tried further multiple calls to -5000, for the operator, or housing issue, or family law, NOBODY picked up, I was prompted to call back at NORMAL office hours of 9-3, or to leave a voice message with name and number, or to wait on the ringing tone.

Since I have got the email of to be evicted by Marshalls or Sheriffs as early as August 16, 2022, I have been actively and anxiously looking for a new rental place. But the terrible complex situations the family have been facing would NOT get any sympathy or accommodation from the landlords either, just like from the "democratic" "We the people" governments. The rent price is so insanely high for an even NAMELY one bedroom and one living room, or a tiny studio shared with a slot tight kitchen, or a even single room with so much FORMALITY DEMANDS about questioning and ID's and "credit report", or a never viewable single room for ONLY ONE PERSON, OR ONLY ONE FEMALE.  I as well as my family are the victims of the PROACTIVE AND ACTIVE EVIL from the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, and nobody in this powerful American System has done the appropriate JUSTICE! Even some garbage from the NYC Department of Sanitation on August 01, 2022 would fabricate some fine ticket on the things I had to throw away due to the eviction threat.  The "Democratic" "Liberal" American System is the only real STATE TERRORISM SYSTEM inflicting terrorism acts from all around to individuals, families, and nations. The Sham And Shame "Rule of Law" can NEVER have the guts to go publicized or live to the general people. The reality, not me, is so cruelly cynical.

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