RETURNING the Mails of Bronx High School of Science Alumni Foundation Seeking Donations From My Daughters by Limin Wang Sept. 23, 2022
The family RARELY got postal mails from Bronx High School of Science, while THE MAJORITY OF THE RARITY is Bronx High School of Science, a Specialized PUBLIC high school, asking either the parents or my daughters for money donation. BS had cut the parents OFF even from GENERAL EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS while I asked them WHO, HOW, WHY had brought up their perversely fabricated and distorted "child neglect" case against the parents! As shown in the attached images and copied below, the envelopes have been written with my response to BS.
"Rec. Sept. 22, 2022 Thu . ~17:53 PM RETURN BOTH SUCH LETTERS! My both now-YOUNG-adult daughters are NOT living here with their parents anymore, because the mail-sender Bronx High School of Science did NOT teach my daughters ANY REAL knowledge or skills but did again and again initiated the BS perversely fabricated and distorted "child neglect" case, and then the American Evil System forces "Psychiatric care" and SECRET "foster care" on Alexandria Wang, and severs even all communications, including electronic, between parents and BOTH DAUGHTERS. Public school like this SHALL NOT keep asking for MONEY DONATION, while the BS knows what's happened to my daughters. ALSO, the parents are to be "LEGALLY" evicted by MARSHALS from this address AS SOON AS Oct. 03, 2022, after the whole family have suffered tremendously at this rental dungeon, by persistent deliberate noises, threats, ceiling leakings, floodings, mail messing, lighting messing, multiple FORMS of evictions, etc." (I could go as long as SIXTEEN CATEGORIES of rental issues, if the envelope were bigger. The HOUSING "court" has persistently professionally corruptively AVOIDED AND THUS DENIED the RENTAL ISSUES. What's the DEFINITION of EVIL in my phrase of "American Evil System"? It's not your psychiatrISM; It's the AMERICAN REALITY.)
"The explanation is written on the other letter's ENVELOPE. WHAT YOU DO TO THE PEOPLE SHALL BE KNOWN TO THE PEOPLE. BS may send such money donation requests to the ADDRESSES where my daughters actually reside." (My wife and I do NOT know where our daughters live since the younger daughter Alexandria Wang was seduced and abducted by the NYC cops of precinct 109 into "psychiatric care" and "foster care" at the night of Sept. 24-25, 2021. SINCE THE AES HUMANSCUMS' OPEN INTERFERENCE, OUR ELDER DAUGHTER WOULD EVEN BECOME, AS IF WILLINGFULLY, TO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH US ON PHONE OR INTERNET. THE YOUNG-ADULT DAUGHTERS DO NOT UNDERSTAND THE EXTREME DANGER FROM THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM TO THEMSELVES EITHER.) P.S. USPS mailman would not take such BS mails for return from the iron gate, so I dropped these two mails into the mailbox in front of the 4165 Main St USPS office on Sept 24, 2022, Sat., and then today Sept. 26, 2022, these two mails were brought by USPS mailman into my mailbox. Then I simply torn the junk mails apart.