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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
USPS (4165 Main St) "Lost" a Certified Mail Again 2022-10-31 22:39:23

USPS “Lost” A Certified Mail of PURSUING ASAP EVICTION from Landlord the Shiaus’ Attorney Perry Ian Tischler  --- My Preliminary Response to the Motion of Malicious Eviction

October 31, 2022

By Limin Wang

[from: Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>
to: QUESTION <question@nycourts.gov>,
Serena Valdes <svaldes@nycourts.gov>,
Agata Rumprecht-Behrens <arumprec@nycourts.gov>,
P T <PTISCHLER@aol.com>,
Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>
date: Nov 2, 2022, 10:57 AM]


1.       Landlords the Shiaus and their Attorney Perry Ian Tischler Ruthlessly Push for EVICTION

My family of four have been renting the 136-09, 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355 since July 1st, 2011, supposedly as a “home”, from landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau. Over the past eleven years, there have been SIXTEEN CATEGORIES OF RENTAL ISSUES which I have writtenly listed out but the landlord side and the Queens Civil Court, Housing Part have so far IGNORED in the eviction case LT-304213-21/QU. Of course, the DIRECTLY RELATED issues happened on me, my wife Li Li, and my younger daughter Alexandria Wang causing the pause of rental payment since December 2020 have been brushed aside by the landlord side and the Court system AS IF UNRELATED. The landlords Mr. Maurice & Mrs. Jyne Shiau have Mr. Perry Ian Tischler as their attorney and relentlessly want evacuation and then eviction. The so-called “Adult Protective Services” of a governmental program has persistently provided a bunch of shams, lies, verbal assaults, NOTHING about housing or other assistance. The only good grain from “APS” is their left-on-gate instruction for me to go to court to file an “Order to Show Cause” to at least postpone, or in legal term, “stay”, the eviction. However, my 1st OSC filed on Sept. 09, 2022 was denied by Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez on the 9:30 AM, Sept. 22, 2022 sham court proceeding during which Judge EPS was even reluctant to take and look into the copy of LANDLORD MAURICE SHIAU’S HANDWRITTEN AND SIGNED LEASE I presented; and my 2nd OSC filing on Oct. 06, 2022, hours later asked by court room 209 to follow Judge EPS’s request to add my Emergency Rental Assistance Program application number and my Date of Birth on it, led to a court appearance schedule of 9:30 AM, Oct. 14, 2022. But, on 10/14/22, after over two hours of waiting outside court room 202, the court clerk lady told me to go home because I applied for ERA and the landlord side filed a unspecified motion. My two OSC filings present ALL THE GIST of why my family should NOT be evicted before all the issues are addressed, mitigated, and even solved. (seven images attached).

p1 Order to Show Cause I filed on 09092022 before giving back to room 209.jpg

p2 court signed copy of my 090922 OSC to landlord side Perry Ian Tischler.jpg

p3 Judge EPS scheduled 09222022 court proceeding on my 09092022 OSC.jpg

p4 judge EPS denial letter on 09220222 court proceeding.jpg

p5 My 10062022 Order to Show Cause filing before giving back to court room 209.jpg

p6 My 10062022 OSC signed by court, added with ERA app number and my DOB, copy to landlordside Perry Ian Tischler.jpg

p7 Judge EPS scheduled 10142022 court proceeding on my 100622 OSC, copy to landlord side Perry Ian Tischler.jpg

On Oct. 15, 2022, both my “wife” Li Li and I received a separate 9.75’’x13’’ orange Manila envelope as regular mail from PIT (one image attached). LI LI HAS BEEN DELIBERATELY AND METICULOUSLY TURNED INTO A SEVERE PSYCHOPATH BY HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM DURING HER TWICE DESERTIONS IN YEAR 2014, so the CHANGED Li Li since her return in August 2015 shows MANY MANY FAMILY-DESTRUCTIVE HUMANSCUM TRAITS, INCLUDING NOT EVEN TAKING OR OPENING HER OWN IMPORTANT OR SERIOUS MAILS, SUCH AS ABOUT ANY OF THE LEGAL CASES, WHILE SHE KEEPS HER SICK CURIOSITY OF READING OTHER FAMILY-MEMBERS’ MAILS OR STUFF. I opened my copy and found that PIT’s file, on behalf of the Shiaus, dated on Oct. 13, 2022, is still relentlessly pushing for ASAP EXECUTION OF EVICTION PLUS MONEY, “A. Vacating, terminating and annulling an automatic stay issued due to a pending Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) application, and upon such vacateur, permitting the Landlord to proceed with the eviction to regain possession of the subject premises, fortwith; B. For such other and further relief as the Court may deem just and proper.” I would have been focusing my injured effort on the eviction case if I had not been gravely concerned about my younger daughter, now legally an adult of 18-yrs-old, Alexandria Wang being de facto abducted, jailed, drugged, and brainwashed under the American Evil System’s “psychiatric care”, “foster care’, and recently “qualified residential treatment program” under the perversely fabricated and distorted “child neglect case” (Docket # NN-09918-21), and if I had not contracted some severe respiratory illness since Oct. 16, 2022. The AES has premeditated and coordinated all kinds of assaults onto my whole family, and this following section shows how the United States Postal Office at 41-65 Main St., Flushing, NY 11355 is even AGAIN involved.

p8 separate mails to Li Li and Limin Wang arrived on 10152022, from landlord side Perry Ian Tischler.jpg


2.       USPS Office at 41-65 Main St. “Lost” One “Certified” Mail Again

In September 2022, I publicized a long post about this 4165 Main St. Postal Office “lost” another pick-up mail, and about their delivery mailmen’s “REGULAR IRRESPONSIBILITY”. That pick-up notice was barely and PRE- filled by the mailman, and my TWO SEPARATE PICK-UP ATTEMPTS both failed to get that “certified” letter USPS said to have come from zip code 10199.

On Oct. 22, 2022, Saturday, both Li Li and I got a separate mail pick-up notice. This time, the masked, uniformed USPS mailman brought FOUR 9.75’’x13’’ orange-Malina-enveloped’s on his left hand. My security camera saw at least one of them has a return receipt attached. He pressed doorbells, and rattled the iron gate for a moment, waited at the gate for a minute, added something to the pre-written pick-up notices before he dropped the notices into my mailbox and left. I was outside on street that day selling the used items. Li Li either didn’t hear the iron gate rattling or didn’t respond due to whatever fear. The doorbell to my apartment was PREMEDITATEDLY DISABLED by landlord Maurice Shiau via his hired man on ALMOST ALL SHAM “FIXATIONS” of other things around the ground floor and burner room on January 28, 2021!

I brought both pick-up notices in, showed to Li Li, but Li Li would pretend it’s not her matter. I filled on the BACK FORM of my notice, with “Oct. 25, 2022 or ASAP” for “Please redeliver on this date:” and with “The locked mailbox here. Or, you KNOCK The Iron Gate Hard. The landlord side has disabled the doorbell to my apartment.” after the checked box of “Other” behind “and leave at (check one):”. On Oct. 24, 2022, Monday, early afternoon, I taped my pick-up notice onto the locked mailbox and put Li Li’s pick-up notice onto the iron gate. For the next THREE days, USPS mailmen NEVER took my notice away or brought my mails over. And since 10/24/22 to today, Halloween, Li Li has ranted so many times in the front yard, but SHE ACTED AS IF THE PICK-UP NOTICE TO HER, STAYING ON THE IRON GATE, WERE NOT HERS. (five images attached).

p9 front, USPS pick-up notices to Li Li and Limin Wang, arrived 10222022, about certified mails from Bayside, NY.jpg

p10 back, USPS pick-up notices to Li Li and Limin Wang, arrived 10222022, about certified mails from Bayside, NY.jpg

p12 USPS pick-up notices put back on mailbox or iron gate on 10242022.jpg

p13 USPS pick-up notices STAY on mailbox or iron gate on 10262022 late afternoon.jpg

At ~17:30, Oct. 27, 2022, Thursday, I arrived at the Flushing downtown USPS office (41-65 Main St., Flushing, NY 11355). The solitary window in the South-wing lobby previously used for picking up mails was closed with a notice. So, I lined up after a short line of probably three in the main lobby. When it’s my turn, the service (wo)men behind two or three windows simply left their posts. I was then served at window #1, the one right opposite to the blocked stairs and right next to the passport application room, by a unmasked, round-faced, mid-aged, Mandarin-speaking, Chinese-looking lady. While talking about pick-up, I gave her the pick-up notice and my NYS driver license.

That USPS lady silently checked my ID and left it on the mail weighing scale, rotated her computer monitor about 90 degrees to its right to face the scale, and then seemed to scan the pick-up notice by the monitor, before she went away with the notice. About five minutes later, she brought one large orange Manila envelope over and started to talk. THIS USPS LADY’S VOICE WAS SOFT, VOLUME LOW, AND CONTENT DRIFTY. She claimed she could only find ONE certified mail for me, and she pointed the pick-up notice showed “2” letters for pick-up. Meanwhile, she blurrily talked about telling “her” to bring “her” ID for “her” mail. I was so confused, thinking about whether the “missing” letter was actually addressed to me or to “Li Li”. What’s so fucking weird is, this USPS woman STARTED to ask about whether I live together with “her” (Li Li), and to tell her known story of somebody else was also staying for two years in a to-be-evicted rental place. I did not begin by telling or asking this USPS woman ANYTHING ELSE OTHER THAN PICKING UP MY MAIL. She torn away the Return Receipt from the attached envelope. The touchpad near me lit up TWICE at two times, and I signed on it TWICE. At my first signing, the USPS woman probably had NOT TOLD me to sign. Nonetheless, for the second time, she told me so. She wanted me to take back the pick-up notice, but I gave it back for the USPS to keep it or to REDELIVE THE “MISSING” LETTER. I was concerned whether she would claim on the USPS tracking record that I had just picked up “two” letters. Back home, I found the tracking record at usps.com about the “missing” item with tracking # 7020 3160 0002 1705 7724 shows the most recent entry of “Delivery Attempt: Action Needed” on Oct. 27, 2022, specified as “Reminder to Schedule Redelivery of your item before November 5, 2022”, while the picked-up item (#7020 3160 0002 1705 7694) is shown as picked up at 5:33 PM, Oct. 27, 2022, after the so-called 10/27/2022 “reminder”. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NEITHER PICK-UP “REMINDER”, i.e., 2nd or 3rd pick-up notice(s), NOR “REDELIVERY”, from USPS since Oct. 22, 2022 to today, Halloween. (three images attached).

p14 the orange Manila enveloped certified mail picked up from 4165 Main St USPS on 10272022.jpg

p15 USPS.com tracking record of Certified and Return Receipted mail 70203160000217057694 from Maurice Shiau attorney Perry Ian Tischler, picked up Oct 27 2022.jpg

p16 USPS.com tracking record of the COULD NOT BE FOUND 70203160000217057724 mail from landlords the Shiaus attorney Perry Ian Tischler.jpg

Why the United States Postal Service, a federal business, at 41-65 Main St keeps “MISSING” such so-called “CERTIFIED” mails to me while its “tracking record” keeps INSINUATING the fault of “no reception” or “no pick-up” on me? Isn’t such a governmental behavior evidence of the American Evil System?


3.       My Preliminary Response to the Sheer Malice Inside the Certified Mail

The beginning two pages of the certified mail picked up on 10/27/22 seem to an “order to show cause” filed by the landlord side (two images attached), to object my 09/30/22 ERAP application, to push for immediate EVICTION and “such other and further relief”, and to ask me and Li Li to appear in court at “Part ‘O’, Room ‘202’, before the Honorable (blank line left blank), located at 89-17 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, New York on the ‘26’ day of October 2022 at 9:30 AM, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard for an Order:”.  The HANDWRITTEN FILL-INS are in single quotation marks. On the end, it’s squiggled on the signature line and the added handwriting seems to be “K.C. Thermos, JHC”. Judge Kimon C. Thermos was presiding on this eviction case on ALL the hearings on 09/24/2021, 10/28/21, 12/02/21, 01/13/22, and 01/25/22. All these five hearings were VIRTUAL, but I attended the first one IN-PERSON at Queens Civil Court. Among the total 69 pages of this stapled deck in the picked-up certified mail, most pages are simply REPEATS of previous files and many are meaningless or useless or vicious, but LANDLORDS’ ATTORNEY DELIBERATELY OMITS MY FIRST “OSC” FILED ON 09/09/22.

p17 the first page of the certified Perry Ian Tischler mail picked up on 10272022.jpg

p18 the second page of the certified Perry Ian Tischler mail picked up on 10272022.jpg

Within the deck, the female landlord Mrs. Jyne Shiau’s three-pages affidavit states on paragraph 7. “It has been nearly twenty six months since I began the process to regain possession of the premises.” EXCUSE ME, due to the severe injuries I have sustained from the slavery workplace and “medical clinics” but no real diagnoses or treatments or sufficient compensation (workers’ comp case G2029240), and due to the psychoses the AES HUMANSCUMS have turned Li Li into, and due to the OVER A DOZEN CATEGORIES OF RENTAL ISSUES NOT (REALLY) ADDRESSED by the landlord, I started to pause rent payment only since DECEMBER 2020. For what reason Jyne Shiau had ANOTHER SECRET SCHEME TO EVICT MY FAMILY back in around August 2020? Is it just because you are financially fortunate enough to have wantonly used such an illegal conversion of legally a basement and its lease as a residential apartment TO TORTURE MY WHOLE FAMILY SINCE THE RENT’S BEGINNING AT JULY 2011 VIA A VARIETY OF MEANS AND ACCOMPLICES, INCLUDING MULTIPLE FORMS, MULTIPLE ROUNDS OF EVICTIONS OVER THE ELEVEN YEARS?

Landlords Mr. Maurice and Mrs. Jyne Shiau and your attorney Perry Ian Tischler, if the other certified mail “lost” by the USPS at 41-65 Main St. is ACTUALLY A DIFFERENT-CONTENTED mail, not a same mail doubly sent for your claim or charge of EXPENSIVE ATTORNEY FEES, please either try to ask this USPS office to find and redeliver it, or resend another copy via regular mail or certified mail.

What do you not understand the two-pages skeleton draft of my “No Man’s Land” emailed to the landlord side and the Queens Civil Court Housing Part on Jan. 13, 2022, right ahead of the 01/13/22 virtual hearing? There, I explicitly ask for addressing all the rental issues and the PAY from the perpetrators to my family. The rent payment then should come from there. Before that happens, what has hindered the landlords to apply for ERAP??? I have been trying my best to channel my injured efforts to bring out as many as possible KEY SPECIFICS for a fuller version. The American System always propaganda to the whole world, including the U.S.A. itself, that it’s a “democracy”, “liberty”, “humanity”, “rule of law”, etc. However, the real-life horrible, potentially fatal, experiences of my whole family of four can evidently prove the it is what it is and they are what they are: the American Evil System and its Humanscums. Let We the People Around the World Along the History be the ultimate judges on all the facts and truth the adversaries can present.

4.       The Compiled Video

To facilitate the spreading of my cause of writing up such a lengthy response to the USPS “losing” a certified mail and the landlord side’s relentless push for eviction, I compile this single video, based on UNEDITED ELEMENTS of files, images, audios, and videos. You can find this video online at https://youtu.be/kgqb9RL0i0M and https://www.facebook.com/limin.wang.94651/videos/1210713076147063 .


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作者:王利民 留言时间:2022-11-28 06:45:14

from:Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>to:QUESTION <question@nycourts.gov>,

Serena Valdes <svaldes@nycourts.gov>,

Agata Rumprecht-Behrens <arumprec@nycourts.gov>,

P T <PTISCHLER@aol.com>,


Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>

date:Nov 23, 2022, 4:24 PMsubject:Re: LT-304213-21/QU, Maurice & Jyne Shiau vs Limin Wang, Li Li, "John Doe", "Jane Doe" --- USPS "Lost" One of Landlords' Attorney's Certified Mails; My Preliminary Response to Landlords' Objection to My ERAP Application

November 23, 2022, Wednesday

Landlords, Your Attorney, Queens Civil Court, NYcourts,

Are you playing with the mails again to crookedly discharge the "legal proceedings"?

I saw this USPS pick-up notice addressed to Li Li in the locked mailbox at ~14:56 today, Nov. 23, 2022, Wed.

Li Li was standing in the front yard like a SILENT IDIOT after her LASTING-TENS-OF-MINUTES HYSTERICAL RANTING there, while the USPS uniformed man delivered this single pickup notice into the locked mailbox at ~11:20 AM today. The mailman was holding two ~10"x13" brown Manilla envelopes on his left hand. This single notice was prefilled and shows TWO mails to Li Li need to be picked up at the Flushing post office. (1st and 2nd images attached)

As I have stated many times spokenly and writtenly to this Housing Court that Li Li has become so PSYCHOTIC that she would NOT tend her mails, particularly the ONES SUPPOSEDLY VERY SIGNIFICANT IN TERMS TO HER LIFE. I do NOT want to tend Li Li's mails BECAUSE THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM HUMANSCUMS, INCLUDING ALL THE ONES FROM THE SO-CALLED GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY "ADULT PROTECTIVE SERVICES" WERE LYING ABOUT THEIR APS VISITS AND WERE DENYING LI LI'S PSYCHOSES. Once again, as the previous pick-up notice to Li Li delivered on Oct. 22, 2022 by USPS was put on the iron gate by me, this new pick-up notice to Li Li was put there today by me. Both notices are so conspicuous. Li Li PRETENDED AND CLAIMED as if the eviction were not targeting her. (3rd image attached)

Landlords and your attorney, I Limin Wang is the one WANTING TO DEAL WITH YOU ON THIS LEGAL CASE. If you have anything for ME, Limin Wang, to receive and respond to, please do NOT professionally treacherously maneuver or mess the mails. I would appreciate you communicating via both mail and Email with me.

The mails, separately to Li Li and me, from the city marshal were received on Nov. 18, 2022. The inside letter states the next earliest eviction execution would be Nov. 29, 2022. I am hurrying up to write a rebuttal to the RELENTLESS EVICTION.


Limin Wang

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2022-11-13 19:11:48

It's humanscum's behavior that deleted the email addresses in the beginning section of this post. Now, I found it out and added that section of to whom and at when I emailed this whole post.

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2022-11-04 14:56:27
Nov. 04, 2022, FriHi, All,Please do NOT play this EVIL way on the mails. Today, November 04, 2022, ~16:15, I checked all three mailboxes and found this ONLY notice from the Queens Civil Court to "Jane" "Doe". This notice, shown in the attached image, was torn, crumbled, and hidden in the bottom of the small mailbox on the wall between the gate and the garage of this rental building 136-09, 59th Ave, Flushing, NY 11355. There was NO NOTICE to Limin Wang, Li Li, or "John" "Doe" about your scheduled 11/03/2022, 10:00 AM in Part O, Room 202 court appearance. I check all three mailboxes EVERY DAY carefully, so such a notice to "Jane" "Doe" must have been intentionally taken away and hold to PASS the court schedule time and then returned to the wrong mailbox today either by the landlord side or by humanscums from the American Evil System, including from the United States Postal Service. Also, THESE HUMANSCUMS DELIBERATELY WANT TO INFLICT PSYCHOLOGICAL HARM TO ME, BECAUSE MY DAUGHTERS HAVE BOTH DE FACTO CONTROLLED BY THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S HUMANSCUMS AND THUS HAVE FOR A FULL YEAR OR MORE NOT SEEN BY THE PARENTS, NOT EVEN HEARD BY PHONE CALLS.On Oct. 31, 2022, Monday, at ~13:52, my security camera caught a mid-to-old-aged Chinese-looking male with a black cap, black headset, black mask, slightly-green gray hooded-jacket over an orange shirt or vest, blue jeans, bright blue tote bag on left shoulder came directly to the mailbox between the gate and the garage, looked at it, swiftly turned to pretend checking into a garbage bin, immediately turned back for THAT mailbox, and SWIFTLY held some kind of ad cards on his right hand and stuffed in his tote bag. Then he quickly left, with a black walking stick, toward 136th Street. Such kind of a HUMANSCUM must be ACTING for something. That day, at ~13:27, the mailman delivered mails into all three mailboxes, although multiple wrong mails into wrong mailboxes. I checked mails from all three mailboxes at ~13:40, and I took all my family's mails in. The security camera did not catch any OTHER events between the mailman's delivery at ~13:27 and the "mail-thief" taking some "mails" away from that SPECIFIC mailbox at ~13:52. IT'S ABSOLUTELY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THAT THUG TO SEE SUCH A "NOTICE" OR "NOTICES", BECAUSE NOTHING WAS STICKING OUT THERE FOR HIM TO SWIFTLY TAKE AWAY WITHOUT DIGGING INTO THAT MAILBOX MOUNTED ABOVE HIS HEAD. THAT THUG DID NOT CHECK THE OTHER MAILBOXES AT ALL. All in short, I just want to say, the American Evil System's Humanscums should stop playing this kind of SOPHISTICATED PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED EVIL, even on the mails. PLEASE RESCHEDULE ANOTHER TIME AND DATE for my court appearance on this LT-304213-21/QU, AND PLEASE EMAIL ME THE NOTICE TOO. BTW, I am not available on Nov. 08, 2022, Tuesday.Truly,Limin Wang

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2022-11-02 00:41:55

This kind of post does NOT make the "freedom" ring? Only your "freedom" reigns?

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