My Email Responses to the Landlords’ Attorney Email of the October 26, 2022 Court Decision November 13 – 14, 2022 By Limin Wang On November 13, 2022, I found I had an EMAIL from landlords Maurice & Jyne Shiau’s attorney Perry Ian Tischler sent on November 10, 2022. Its attached 3-page pdf file has a 2nd page of his scanning of Queens Civil Court Housing Part Room 202 Judge Enedina Pilar Sanchez’s decision/order on October 26, 2022 about the landlords/petitioners side’s Order to Show Cause filed on Oct. 21, 2022. Their OSC was to vacate the so-called “automatic stay” of eviction by my Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) application and thus to push for ASAP EXECUTION OF the EVICTION previously “decided” on July 05, 2022. The scanned page demonstrates that Judge EPS on Oct. 26, 2022 DID DECIDE/ORDER to vacate the automatic ERAP stay of EVICTION and to EXECUTE THE EVICTION as early as Nov. 09, 2022, and the court clerk entered such a decision/order into NYSCEF only on Nov. 10, 2022, and the landlords’ attorney only emailed me such a decision/order only on Nov. 10, 2022. While I was in the Queens Civil Court waiting for TWO HOURS for the Oct. 14, 2022, 9:30 AM “court proceeding”, the room 202 court clerk lady came to the hallway to tell me go home WITHOUT a “court proceeding” because she claimed my ERAP application had produced automatic stay of the eviction and the Judge could NOT do anything about it, but the landlord side had filed a motion, unspecified by her, and she advised me to respond to the arriving mail. However, the landlords’ attorney mailed out “certified mails” to me late as Oct. 21, 2022 about the “Civil Court” scheduled “court appearance” on Oct. 26, 2022, 9:30 AM, and the USPS would NOT bring back the “certified mails” after leaving the pick-up notice to my address. On Oct. 27, 2022, I was only given ONE such “certified mail” at the USPS office at 41-65 Main Street, Flushing, NY 11355, while the pick-up notice stated TWO and the USPS woman claimed the other “certified mail” could NOT be found. Later, on November 04, 2022, I found ONLY one Notice card folded, damaged, and hidden at the mailbox bottom, from Queens Civil Court to “Jane” “Doe”, about another “court appearance” scheduled by them onto Nov. 03, 2022, 10:00 AM. I check all three mailboxes carefully every USPS-delivery day, and such a SINGLE notice was NEVER in ANY mailbox on or before Nov. 03, 2022. Why did not the court send such Notices to all other three family-members? If the court did, what Humanscums were so meticulously deliberately messing up my family’s mails? My family of four is Limin Wang, Li Li, and my two now young-adult daughters, Rosila and Alexandria Wang. The landlord Shiaus, after my family has lived at here 136-09, 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355 since July 2011, pretended they had not even known my children are both daughters, so the landlords side and the court refer my children as “John Doe” and “Jane Doe”. The details with images and audio/video have been publicized online and emailed to the landlords side and the Housing Court on or before Nov. 02, 2022 in the long article titled as “USPS ‘Lost’ A Certified Mail of PURSUING ASAP EVICTION from Landlord the Shiaus’ Attorney Perry Ian Tischler --- My Preliminary Response to the Motion of Malicious Eviction”, as well as its follow-up revelation on Nov. 04, 2022 about the ONLY “Jane” “Doe” court notice. PEOPLE, you get a sense of how such a “Rule of Law” by the “courts” and “attorneys” under the NYC “Liberty Statue” shadow even professionally mess up with the mails and rush up the schedules for them to claim default on their victims?! The email content from PIT himself is very terse, WITHOUT EVEN ADDRESSING MY NAME. I convert his attached 3-page pdf file into three images and publicize online for the FULL, UNEDITED, DETAILS. How remarkable it is that HIS SCAN BECAME SO LIGHT ON THE ENDING SENTENCES OF Judge EPS’s HANDWRITTEN “decision/order”. I was very furious that after the HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM have premeditatedly and coordinatedly perpetrated for so long so many ATROCITIES, including numerous sophisticated murder-attempts, onto my young immigrant family, and for so long I could NOT find another place to rent and reside, the “civil court”, the “attorney”, and the Christian landlords in New York would go AS FAR AS THIS EVIL to push my DEVASTATED family into DESPAIR. As my rebuttal to such an EPS “decision/order”, if the landlords side and this court room use the ILLEGAL CONVERSION OF LEGALLY A BASEMENT ACTUALLY A GROUND FLOOR as the reason to vacate the ERAP automatic stay of EVICTION and to claimingly reject possible ERAP payment of arrear rent, THEN BY THE SAME RATIONALE THE LANDLORDS SHOULD REPAY ALL MY PAID RENT SINCE JUNE 29, 2011 ALL THE WAY UP TO NOVEMBER 2020 AS WELL AS THE $925.00 DEPOSIT. The AES HUMANSCUMS have used such a dungeon rental place to TORTURE, THREAT, AND ASSAULT my family by multiple forms, including multiple times and multiple forms of EVICTION, since the very beginning of this rent all the way up to now.
My FIVE email replies, not only to Perry Ian Tischler but also to NYcourts, the court clerk Serena Valdes, landlord Mrs. Jyne Shiau, and myself, at the email addresses shown below, are copied and pasted here. The whole email series is converted into images attached with this online post.
Perry Tischler <ptischler@aol.com>, QUESTION <question@nycourts.gov>, Serena Valdes <svaldes@nycourts.gov>, jyne.shiau@gmail.com, Limin Wang <liminwang29@gmail.com>
Nov. 13, 2022, 11:17 AM
What an EVIL joke of such "court proceedings" are. All the SIXTEEN CATEGORIES of SERIOUS RENTAL ISSUES I have writtenly brought up to you you would PRETEND there were nonexistent, and DELIBERATELY AVOIDED even on the court room 202 on September 22, 2022 even when the WRITTEN LEASE was RELUCTANTLY FACED by you and the landlord Mr. Maurice Shiau ACTED TO COVER HIS EARS WITH HIS HANDS AT THOSE MOMENTS. The court room 202 presided by Judge Enedina Pillar Sanchez was in the proceeding to STAGE A PSYCHOSIS ONTO ME TO "JUSTIFY" THE COURT-ROOM POLICE BRUTALITY TO DERAIL THE DELIBERATION OF THE RENTAL ISSUES. All the rental issues reflect how the HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM HAVE USED SUCH A DUNGEON RENT AND MULTIPLE FORMS AND ROUNDS OF EVICTION TO TORTURE MY WHOLE FAMILY FOR OVER ELEVEN YEARS, WHILE THE AES EVEN MANIPULATES AND CONTROLS ALL MY ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND COMMUNICATIONS. Most recently, HUMANSCUMS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM even use HUMANSCUMS within the United States Postal Services to "MISS" your so-called "certified mails" sent on Oct. 22, 2022 about YOUR SCHEDULED "Oct. 26, 2022, 9:30 AM" court proceeding apparently under Judge Kimon C. Thermos. Now, by Nov. 13, 2022, Sunday, I have ONLY received such an EMAIL from the landlords' attorney Perry Ian Tischler about the so-called "VACATION" of the ERAP stay and the "EXECUTION" of your "EVICTION" from your so-called Oct. 26, 2022 court proceeding. On the BLURRY, BARELY LEGIBLE TO ME, HANDWRITTEN "DECISION/ORDER", IT RIDICULOUSLY STATED THE FALSEHOOD ABOUT YOUR "JUDGMENTS" ON THE RENTAL ISSUES AND ALL THE DIRECTLY RELATED ISSUES. Today is a Sunday. The American Evil System's HUMANSCUMS often use the name of "GOD" to carry out their real EVIL, because they know THERE IS NO GOD TO SAVE THE SYSTEMATICALLY-OPPRESSED VICTIMS. COWARDS, ALTHOUGH YOU HAVE THE AES'S SYSTEMATIC EVIL POWER, YOU DARE NOT EVEN TO MAIL THE COURT NOTICES OR DECISIONS TO ME IN THE MINIMAL "JUSTICE" WAY. OF COURSE, YOU DARE NOT TO FULLY RECORD AND PUBLICIZE ALL THE VIRTUAL OR IN-PERSON "COURT" PROCEEDINGS. Truly, Limin Wang Victim of the Humanscums of the American Evil System Nov. 13, 2022, 2:25 PM NOVEMBER 13, 2022, SUNDAY ALSO, WHAT DECISION/ORDER YOU HAVE FROM YOUR SCHEDULED NOV. 03, 2022, 10:00 AM IN PART O, ROOM 202, "COURT PROCEEDING"? ARE YOU PRETENDING THAT MY EMAIL TO YOU ON NOV. 02, 2022, 10:57 AM ABOUT USPS "LOSING" YOUR 10/21/22 "CERTIFIED" MAIL AND MY PRELIMINARY RESPONSE TO YOUR PERSISTENT MALICIOUS EVICTIONS AS WELL AS ITS FOLLOW-UP EMAIL ON NOV. 04, 2022, 5:46 PM ABOUT THE ONLY AND DAMAGED "COURT" NOTICE OF THE 11/03/22, 10 AM "COURT PROCEEDING"? IF SUCH A "CIVIL COURT HOUSING PART" CLAIMS THAT THE RENT-OUT BY THE LANDLORDS SHIAUS IS ILLEGAL AND THUS "INELIGIBLE" FOR GOVERNMENTAL "EMERGENCY RENTAL ASSISTANCE" AND THUS "INELIGIBLE" FOR ERA STAY OF THE MALICIOUS EVICTIONS, THEN YOU SHOULD RETURN ALL THE PAST PAID RENT SINCE JULY 2011 TO NOVEMBER 2020 PLUS THE $925 DEPOSIT BACK TO ME PRIOR TO YOUR EVICTION. TRULY, LIMIN WANG VICTIM OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM Nov. 13, 2022, 2:31 PM THE FACTS THAT I HAVE ONLY RECEIVED SUCH A DECISION/ORDER FROM THE SO-CALLED OCTOBER 26, 2022, 9:30 AM "COURT PROCEEDING" ONLY THROUGH EMAIL ONLY FROM LANDLORD'S ATTORNEY PERRY IAN TISCHLER, ONLY AT NOVEMBER 10, 2022, PAST THE RESCHEDULED EVICTION "EXECUTION" DATE OF NOVEMBER 09, 2022, UNDOUBTEDLY DEMONSTRATE THE NOT ONLY CORRUPT BUT ALSO EVIL AMERICAN SYSTEM, INCLUDING THE COURT SYSTEM AND THE SO-CALLED "ATTORNEYS". YOU ARE NOBODY BUT HUMANSCUMS; YOU ARE NOTHING BUT THE REAL REPRESENTATIVES/EMBODIMENTS OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM. TRULY, LIMIN WANG VICTIM OF THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM Nov. 14, 2022, 1:07 AM November 14, 2022, Wee Hour I realized that I have misspelt Judge's name in the emails above. It should be Enedina Pilar Sanchez. The LIGHT AND BLURRY scan by landlords' attorney Perry Ian Tischler of Judge EPS's Oct. 26, 2022 "decision/order" did state at the end, "Petitioners' counsel to mail and email the Decision/Order to Respondents on or before November 7, 2022". How PIT only emailed me such a Decision/Order on November 10, 2022? Where is the mail of this? On November 07, 2022, Mr. Maurice Shiau came to the burner room of this rental townhouse with a Chinese-looking guy, who was knocking on my apartment door but would NOT answer my response to the knocking. In year 2021, one time, that Chinese-looking guy came together with Maurice Shiau, IMMEDIATELY BEGINNING HIS VERBAL ASSAULT ON ME IN THE GROUND FLOOR HALLWAY. I responded him with foul language then and asked him who the fuck he is. He was self-claiming as a "worker" or "handyman" for Maurice Shiau, but Maurice Shiau on the scene said he is his (Maurice's) brother. There was NO whatsoever paperwork/letter from Maurice and his "brother" on Nov. 07, 2022 to me or Li Li. Such a "decision/order" once again talked about "APS to be present at the time the warrant of eviction is executed". I have written and emailed and said to the "courts" about the SHAM AND SHAME "APS" that social worker "Antionette Menzies", "psychiatrist" "David Klein", and social worker "Everlyn Simon" rendered. Here I am compelled to EXPOSE MORE ABOUT THE EVIL OF THE SHAM AND SHAME "APS": On Oct. 06, 2022, while I was waiting so long for the decision on my 2nd filing of Order To Show Cause at court room 209 at Queens Civil Court, I went around to ask where is the Human Resources Administration or "Adult Protective Services" office within the court building. The gentleman sitting behind the glass in room 235 claimed he did NOT know. Probably for this kind of same reason, NOBODY from court room 202 via ANY FORM has informed me about ANY TANGIBLE "APS". I was answered by court policemen to try room 435 (?). On the door of room 435, a notice says something about "you have to have an assigned legal aid before you can be helped here". I still went in, only seeing one old woman, black, and she answered me that she was waiting for someone to help her. I then noticed the door of an inside room, 433?, spells something like "HRA" and the notice on that door stated something like "HRA is at 121". I then went to the first floor, but I could NOT find any room numbered as 121. I asked again, and was told to try room 148 (?). The direction arrows near the elevators do NOT even cover 148. By my wondering and wandering, I finally found room 148, a kind of make-shift office in the hallway. Before I entered, I did NOT hear any LOUD talk from the apparently not-sound-proof door at all. Immediately after I slowly cracked the door open, I saw an Indian-looking old male, a Latino-looking mid-aged female, and a black mid-aged female ALL STANDING BEHIND THE DOOR standing behind the door, and the Indian-looking male started to TALK LOUDLY, something like, "Can you help me here?" The females were both answering, "Are you a landlord or tenant? What you try to get here?" The Indian-looking old male was still talking loud and acting angry, something like "I am a landlord. Can you throw out my tenant?" Soon, the Latino-like asked me, and I said I got two letters and I needed to ask HRA about one letter claiming of back rent and section 8 voucher but without any phone number, email or website, and about another letter from APS claiming APS could not locate me so I was "served" ineligibility. The Latino-like said she would help me and asked me to first sign my name on a BLANK sign-up sheet. After I signed my name, the black female wanted to "serve" me, so I followed the black female to the Sutphin Blvd end and the raucous Indian-like followed the Latino-like to the opposite end. The black fat female CLAIMED that the APS "WORKER" HAPPENED NOT TO BE THERE THAT DAY (THURSDAY), AND WOULD NOT BE THERE THE NEXT DAY, AND WOULD BE AVAILABLE NEXT MONDAY. AT A LATER TIME POINT, SHE CHANGED TO SAY THE APS WOULD BE THERE NEXT TUESDAY. SHE LOOKED AT THE TWO LETTERS I BROUGHT WITH. SHE IGNORED THE LETTER FROM "CENTRAL PROCESSING OFFICE" ABOUT BACK RENT AND SECTION 8 VOUCHER WHILE I TOLD HER THAT I HAVE NEVER APPLIED FOR SECTION 8 VOUCHER OR KNOWN I SEEMINGLY HAVE HAD IT ALREADY. HOWEVER, SHE BALLPENED HARD ON THE APS EVERLYN SIMON LETTER'S ENVELOPE, CLAIMING YOU NEED TO GO TO THAT MAIL SENDER ADDRESS FOR APS. SECONDS LATER, SHE CLAIMED, "BUT THEY MIGHT NOT BE THERE TODAY. OR YOU MIGHT NOT BE ALLOWED IN." WHAT'S MORE EVIL OF THIS NEGRO WOMAN WAS SHE ASKED ME WHEN THE EVICTION DAY WAS. I TOLD HER, "TOMORROW". SHE WANTED TO MAKE SURE OF EVICTION EXECUTED "TOMORROW", SO SHE ASKED ME TO GIVE HER THE EVICTION NOTICE, AND THEN SHE CALLED THE NUMBER ON THE NOTICE, (718) 998-1852 AND ASKED ONLY ABOUT WHEN WOULD BE THE EVICTION EXECUTION DATE. SHE REPEATED THE ANSWER OF "TOMORROW", "OCTOBER 07", AND SHE CRAPPED HER NEGRO VICIOUS LIE INTO THE PHONE OF SOMETHING LIKE, "THIS GUY HERE IS CRAZY. HE IS CRAZY HERE RIGHT NOW." I WAS ONLY TALKING IN NORMAL VOICE AND NORMAL TONE TO THIS NEGRO BITCH. IF THE OTHER END OF HER PHONE HAD HEARD ANY LOUD TALK, IT'S THE STAGED INDIAN-LIKE OLD HUMANSCUM ACTING SO ABOUT FIFTEEN FEET AWAY. AT ONE TIME POINT, THE NEGRO WOMAN ASKED ABOUT LI LI, AND I TOLD THAT LI LI HAS BEEN TURNED INTO A STAYING-HOME PSYCHOPATH BY THE AMERICAN SYSTEM. THE THIRD WOMAN, PRETTY MUCH ANOTHER "SOCIAL WORKER" LAUGHED. I RESPONDED TO HER LAUGHTER, "IT'S NOT LAUGHABLE. LI LI'S PSYCHOSES INFLICT TREMENDOUS HARM TO THE FAMILY." THE NEGRO SOON URGED ME TO GO BACK TO ROOM 202 FOR THE "ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE", SO I THEN LEFT. BUT AT ROOM 202, IT'S AROUND 1:00 PM, I WAS TOLD BY THE WINDOW LADY THAT JUDGE ASKED YOU TO WRITE DOWN YOUR ERAP APPLICATION NUMBER AND YOUR DATE OF BIRTH ON THE OSC FORM, BUT JUDGE WAS ON HER LUNCH BREAK NOW, SO YOU HAD TO WAIT. I THEN WAITED, WAITED, AND WAITED, UNTIL ~4 PM, ALMOST THE LAST PERSON IN THE ROOM TO GET JUDGE EPS SCHEDULED NEXT COURT APPEARANCE AT 9:30 AM, OCT. 14, 2022. HOWEVER, THERE WERE AT LEAST TEN CASES SCHEDULED TOGETHER TO THE 9:30 AM HALF-HOUR SECTION, AND THIS CASE LT-304213-21 WAS (ALMOST) THE LAST ONE. ONLY AFTER I HAD BEEN WAITING FOR TWO HOURS THERE WAS I THEN TOLD BY THE COURT CLERK LADY THAT YOU COULD GO HOME NOW BECAUSE YOU HAVE APPLIED FOR "ERA" AND THE LANDLORD SIDE HAD FILE A "MOTION", UNSPECIFIED TO ME THOUGH. LATER, THE REGULAR MAIL FROM LANDLORDS' ATTORNEY PIT DATED THE MOTION OF "OBJECTION TO ERA STAY AND ASKING FOR OTHER RELIEFS" ON OCT. 13, 2022. SO, THE CORRUPT COURT HAD KNOWN WHAT THE LANDLORD SIDE'S "ATTORNEY" "MOVED", BUT CLAIMED ON OCT. 14, 2022 THAT THIS COURT ROOM 202 COULD NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT "ERA STAY", BUT COLLUDED WITH HUMANSCUMS INCLUDING SOME FROM THE USPS ABOUT MAILS AND SET UP SUCH AN OCT. 26, 2022 SCHEDULE AND ACTUALLY DID THE SO-CALLED "GRANT" TO VACATE THE ERAP STAY WHILE I HAD NOT EVEN KNOWN FROM ANYWHERE THAT THERE WOULD BE AN OCT. 26, 2022 "COURT PROCEEDING"! I know you do not fear anything about my such revelation of the humanscums within the American Evil System, because you are the AES, and you are covered by the AES, and my online revelation would be de facto muted or silenced at no matter English or Chinese languaged whatever websites in the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM or its puppet SPECIAL-COLORED CHINESE "COMMUNIST" SYSTEM. Truly, Limin Wang Victim of the American Evil System Nov. 14, 2022, 2:37 AM Nov. 14, 2022, Wee Hour, You incited my FURY ABOUT THE HUMANSCUMS of THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, so I wanted to vent MORE about the AES's so-called "Social Services". On August 05, 2019, I went to the Human Resources Administration at Long Island City, because the humanscums from the Workers' Compensation Board office at Jamaica, Queens, through the negro immigrant "judge" "Lucky Enobakhare" kept using the never-realizable "telephonic deposition" from the "orthopedist" humanscum "Benjamin Uh" to keep denying ANY "workers' compensation" and then the CORRUPT WCB sent me a referral for "social services". The humanscums at HRA there kept me waiting SO LONG before I was interviewed by a NEGRO woman who said I need to have LESS THAN ONE HUNDRED U.S. DOLLARS BEFORE BEING ELIGIBLE FOR SOCIAL ASSISTANCE. She then claimed her printer could NOT print out her referral papers. A Chinese-looking male from a nearby desk came over to say something like "just say he did NOT show up." I took his talk as his VICIOUS INSINUATION about WCB's hearing in June (?) 2019 when I took the bus and arrived about twenty minutes later than the scheduled time, all the THUGS at that Jamaica WCB office PUT UP A SHOW, together with the JEWISH HUMANSCUMS AS my former attorneys from Bengal, Cohen and Falconetti, LLP to claim that negro "Judge" had already "decided". The realities are 1) WCB and my "representative" from BCF, just like this "Civil Court Housing Part", had kept me waiting for HOURS past their scheduled time multiple times before, WITHOUT ANY CONSEQUENCE, 2) the WCB humanscums, including Enobakhare, made the "decision" of "the applicant did not show up" MINUTES AFTER I ARRIVED. The HRA took my photo and fingerprints, but NEVER even gave or mailed me a BENEFIT white card. However, later, the OTDA (office of temporary and disability assistance) showed its "RECORD" of my old BENEFIT card from year 2014 as "issued on August 31, 2019". I NEVER GOT ANY BENEFIT FROM HRA about my SERIOUS INJURIES resulted from HUMANSCUMS' MURDER-ATTEMPTS ON ME FIRST AT SLAVERY WORKPLACE AND THEN AT 'MEDICAL CLINICS". The only little bit of food money electronically transferred to my BENEFIT card was the COVID-19 pandemic food money to my staying-home "remote learning" younger daughter Alexandria Wang, a high school student then at Bronx High School of Science. I had contacted OTDA in late March 2021 to issue either a BENEFIT CARD OR an Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer card to my daughter AW, OTDA humanscums WOULD NOT DO IT, but CLAIMED OTDA HAD PUT "DOUBLE" AMOUNT OF MONEY ONTO MY CARD BECAUSE MY ELDER DAUGHTER THEN ALREADY IN COLLEGE WAS ALSO "SERVED". A day or two later, on March 23, 2021, landlord Maurice Shiau brought a then unrecognized man to knock my apartment door and tape the END OF RENT LEASE packs (total four packs) onto my apartment door. In the beginning, I refused to use such high-school student pandemic money via my BENEFIT card, but later I changed my mind. Soon, in the summer of 2021, THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM IN NEW YORK CITY FURTHER SEDUCED MY YOUNGER DAUGHTER ALEXANDRIA WANG THROUGH THE SO-CALLED SUMMER YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAM AND FURTHER BRAINWASHED HER, INCLUDING FORCING HER TO CLEAN UP RESTROOMS AT WORLD ICE ARENA AND TAUNTING HER WITH SOME CHILDREN AND VERY PROBABLY ENTRAPPING MY 17-YEARS-AND-HALF YOUNG DAUGHTER FOR SOME "WRONGDOING" FOR LATER BLACKMAILING, AND THEN ENFORCED ALEXANDRIA WANG TO LEAVE HER PARENTS AND THIS "HOME" HERE VIA BRONX HIGH SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, UNIFORMED COPS, NYC "ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN'S SERVICES", "PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL OR DEPARTMENT", AND SO-CALLED GOD-BELIEVING "SCO FAMILY OF SERVICES" "FOSTER CARE" AND "PSYCHIATRIC CARE" BUSINESS. MY DAUGHTER ALEXANDRIA WANG HAS BEEN DE FACTO ABDUCTED BY THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S ALL WALKS OF HUMANSCUMS, AND HER PARENTS HAVE BEEN PROHIBITED FROM KNOWING ANY REAL HARMS BY THE NAME OF "SERVICES" DONE BY THE AES HUMANSCUMS ONTO HER. If God ever existed, God should have destroyed the American Evil System and all its Humanscums already. Russians, real Ukrainians, and many Americans, do you ever really know what you are fighting for and who you are fighting against? Do not be a cannon fodder. You may survive through a war, but you may well not survive in an American Evil System like this, because you may well end in BEING HOMELESS, SPOUSE-LESS, FAMILY-LESS, CHILDREN-LESS, and you may well die like Ashli Babbitt by a Uniformed Cop's gun at LAW-MAKING place. Truly, Limin Wang Victim of the American Evil System