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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Russia, Be Strategic, Resolute, Fierce, Yet Resili 2023-06-15 13:36:15

Russia, Be Strategic, Resolute, Fierce, Yet Resilient and Patient

By Limin Wang

June 15, 2023


Ukraine’s another round of so-called counter-offensive has begun, with the overtly touted modern weapons trolleyed from the Western “democracies” to the frontline, right? Were they able to achieve as much or as fast as they did in the fall of 2022? So, the point is that a well-prepared defense would work well to inflict tremendous defeats on the enemy’s troops, armaments, morale, and support.

Russia should CLEARLY tell its own peoples and the whole rest of world that it is fighting this war against the USUK-led and -controlled NATO’s puppet Ukraine regime in former Ukraine. So, Russia’s REAL ENEMY is NOT “the collective West”, rather, is fundamentally the American Evil System’s CANNIBALISM deceitfully portrayed as “liberty”, “freedom”, “democracy”, or by the seemingly “innocent” term, capitalism, backed by reckless, shameless, ruthless military conquest. Many many people are the victims of the AES and its puppet systems around the world, including in present time Russia and Ukraine, and they HATE such EVIL SYSTEMS. “The collective West” is NOT united as ONE and UNITED nation. Russia needs to utilize this war to achieve the ultimate goal: A NEW SYSTEM FAIR TO EVERYONE. Russia should NOT spread further disinformation of COMMUNISM, instead, it should comparatively look back THE GREAT ACHIEVEMENTS COMMUNISM HAS LED THE RUSSIANS AND MANY PEOPLES TO, and then have the courage and determination to embark onto the RIGHT path.

When the war is protracted, regardless of by how many months, years, or even decades, Russia will be stronger and better and brighter, not because a war costs materials and humans, but because Russia could use this crisis to LEARN and thus ADVANCE. Think about this way, the DECADES of “peace” time in the collapsed USSR and the Maoist Communist China the local puppets, I call them HUMANSCUMS, have brought in with and for their USA masters, BREAK DOWN BILLIONS OF FAMILIES AND INDIVIDUALS, some into TOTAL AND COMPLETE DESTRUCTION AND DEMISE. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING Russia should admire about the American Evil System or the Special-Colored Chinese Fake “Communist” Puppet System. The AES is NOT a civilization; and the SCCFCPS is NOT a power. And you should also look seriously at the environmental disasters THE HUMANSCUMS have brought, especially in post-Maoism China. In other words, the sacrifice of materials and humans in A JUST WAR is WORTHY OF A DEVINE CAUSE: A FAIR AND PROGRESSING SYSTEM.

Any means, forms, and shapes of weaponry, including weapons of mass destruction, should always be ready to use, and to even use widely. How many people would ever “care” how many NATIVE AMERICANS had been wiped out by GENOCIDES? How many people in Germany, Japan, Vietnam would still “care” how many of their own people had been annihilated by the USA military, including by using atomic bombs, fire balls, carpet bombing, and chemical weapons? How many FAKE Chinese “Communist” Party members would ever respect the many Chinese sacrificed in the Resisting-America Assisting-Korea War? IN EVIL SYSTEMS, THERE ARE WAY TOO MANY HUMANSCUMS AND WAY TOO FEW HUMANS. The AES and its puppet systems’ humanscums always overestimate themselves as the invincible, SO IT’S ESSENTIAL RUSSIA AND RUSSIANS NOT ONLY PUBLICIZE THE DESTROYED WEAPONS, DISMANTLED INFRASTRUCTURE, BUT ALSO THE KILLED, WOUNDED, OR CAPTURED ENEMY TROOPS, ESPECIALLY THE ONES COMING FROM THE US AND UK! The capitalism-permeated US and UK would NOT have the so-called “solidarity” between the government and the people or between one individual and another.

Tactically, Russia should re-start to use Belarus’s land and space to have a second front in Ukraine’s WEST, to disrupt, diminish, or even destroy the Western support to the Ukraine’s current regime. Any enemy country OPENLY OR SECRETLY fighting Russia should be dealt with an OPEN OR SECRET war with Russia. Remember, it’s a lot easier to inflicting crippling destruction without occupation!

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