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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Russian e-Visa should be for INDIVIDUALS 2023-07-19 13:57:22

Russian e-Visa should be Meant for Russia-Friendly INDIVIDUALS

July 19, 2023, updated July 20, 2023

By Limin Wang

I noticed about Russia’s e-visa application before, and now learned from Tass.com that “Putin supports launch of e-visa in Russia from August 1.” However, the e-visa program is reportedly for residents NOT from the list of UNFRIENDLY STATES. That’s VERY WRONG. Why is Russia confused with the almost fundamental difference between individuals and “their” states?

For example, I was born as a Chinese and got the USA naturalization as late as late 2018 but I for many long years practically have NO state to live in and live on, and the AMERICAN STATE TERRORISM EVIL SYSTEM even PHYSICALLY AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY CONTROLS AND MANIPULATES my younger daughter Alexandria Wang, who turns 19-yr-old in 2023, and in April 2023 I got ONLY the text-messages SEEMINGLY from AW herself which include images that the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM’s “Family Court” has issued “restraint order” against me the father for “their protection” of my daughter Alexandria Wang. Such images could NOT be downloaded and displayed as REGULAR image files, because the AES HUMANSCUMS have always manipulated and controlled the electronic devices my family have. The AES HUMANSCUMS’ “restraint order” would even have the guts to state that I, Limin Wang, should NOT travel, even within the USA between states! Most regular people may have NO real-knowledge of how the AES’s “rule of law” is actually acted and of what the AES HUMANSCUMS such as NYC “Administration for Children Services”, “medical professionals”, the SO-CALLED “attorneys”, the SO-CALLED “judges”, the SO-CALLED “law enforcement”, etc, actually twist and distort to INJURE AND MURDER, for example in my worker’s compensation case G2029240, the “child neglect case” with a docket # NN-09918-21, the EVICTION case LT-304213/21-QU, and the “domestic violence” “CRIMINAL” misdemeanor case CR-037692-22KN. The American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System not only ruthlessly ENSLAVE me but also maliciously and repetitively ATTEMPT TO MURDER me, and its HUMANSCUMS would not only DENY ANY HONEST DIAGNOSES AND TREATMENTS after they have inflicted serious INJURIES AFTER INJURIES, its “medical professional” humanscums have further arrogantly viciously executed PROFESSIONAL SOPHICATED MURDER-ATTEMPTS onto me. Its “law enforcement” thugs as cops have ONLY repetitively inflicted harm and serious near-death danger to me, because the AES cops have the murder “license”. The ACHES does NOT provide the systemic and social conditions for women like my “wife” Li Li, who has NEVER really loved me, to decently EARN even only her own living, but the ACHES systematic HUMANSCUMS would seduce her as a concubine while she was working as a policewoman in Special-Colored Chinese “Communist” Party system or “studying” as a student in Hudson Valley Community College, and “lead” and turn her as a prostitute or sexual assault victim while working in New York’s Chinese-run restaurants or nail salons or spas! The ACHES humanscums have long, since her arrival at America in year 2000, infused the PROSTITUTION-UNDERLIED “domestic violence” concept into Li Li for Li Li’s EXCUSE of UNABLE TO FIT AND SUIVIVE BY HERSELF IN THE CANNIBALISTIC ACHES SYSTEM as well as Li Li’s “VALUE” to CONTROL AND DESTROY ME, Limin Wang, WHO DARES TO FIGHT BACK AGAINST THE ACHES AND TO FIGHT FOR A MUCH BETTER SYSTEM! I allowed Li Li to live back with me at my miserable rental room while Li Li told me she was thrown out from her rental BED at 42-60 Main St., Apartment 2D, Flushing, NY 11355, on April 11, 2023, MAINLY BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT THE AES TO FURTHER BRAINWASH AND DRUG AND EVEN MURDER LI LI WHILE SHE LIVES AWAY FROM ME, AND THEN TO USE ITS SHAM AND SHAME “RULE OF LAW” TO FRAME THE “DOMESTIC VIOLENCE” AND “MURDER” ONTO ME, WHICH WOULD LEAD TO MY QUICK BUT MEANINGLESS DEMISE AT THE HANDS OF TRUE THUGS DRESSED AS COPS OR INMATES! ABSOLUTELY BECAUSE OF THE ACHES, LI LI HAS DETERIORATED, FROM A “WIFE” NOT ENTERING THE “MARRIAGE” BECAUSE OF LOVE, TO A SEVERE PSYCHOPATH JOBLESS AND INCOMELESS BUT CONSTANTLY DISRUPTIVE AND DESTRUCTIVE TO ME AND THE CHILDREN since her twice desertions in year 2014 and return in year 2015. The NYPD HUMANSCUMS as cops claimed they could NOT find her, and would NOT list her as a MISSING PERSON, while they had actually aided and abetted Li Li’s desertions with THE MONEY FROM MY FAMILY’S JOINT BANK-ACCOUNTS! Li Li later revealed some amount of her desertion experiences to me, including that SOME SYSTEMIC HUMANSCUMS tried to RAPE her during her desertions. The ACHES HUMANSCUMS have also long years and directly harmed my parents (both MISERABLY died in China) and my daughters to inflict further injuries to me, while the ACHES U.S. and China always have the cheeks to shamelessly propaganda how well or better people live in their system and how the ACHES “cares” about its “people” and how COMMUNISM “destroys” people!

Russia and Russians, you get the point? There are MILLIONS OR EVEN BILLIONS of individuals who may dislike, or even hate the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM, its like, and its puppet systems. As long as Russia has the right system, Russia will absolutely have the supports of many many many people from all around the world, and Russia will absolutely rout the AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM and its puppet ones. I WANT THE FOLLOWERS OF THE AES AND ITS LIKE AND ITS PUPPETS TO BE ELIMINATED, BECAUSE THEY ARE REALLY NOBODY AND NOTHING BUT SHEER EVIL! I WANT TO GO TO RUSSIA AND HELP DESTROY THE ACHES. RUSSIA, PLEASE HELP RESCUE ME AND MY DAUGHTERS! I am so afraid the ACHES HUMANSCUMS would have brainwashed, drugged, and de facto abducted my two young daughters into REAL PSYCHOPATHS or even DEAD BODIES, because the AES HUMANSCUMS as NYC “ACS”, NYPD, “medical professionals”, and “Family Court” have already IMPOSED AND ENFORCED their labels of “suicidal thoughts” or “depression” onto my daughters Alexandria Wang AND Rosila Wang. The ACHES HUMANSCUMS can easily MURDER my daughters because both have little or no connection or even communication with me the father or Li Li the mother SINCE Alexandria Wang was de facto abducted by NYPD and the “medical system” on the late night of September 24 -25, 2021!

Russia, PLEASE lower the requirement for a Russian e-visa; Provide the e-visa application possibility not only in Russia but outside of Russia; and offer help directly to individuals, even as little as NEWS COVERAGE. I have for long years asked at least for news coverage by the puppet Special-Colored Chinese "Communist" Party system, but those HUMANSCUMS always REJECT me, even rejected my own postings on SCCCP's websites!

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-07-20 14:08:27

significantly updated with many specifics

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-07-19 14:17:08

Russia, please also simplify the requirement for a Russian visa; and please offer help directly to individuals even by NEWS COVERAGE. I have for long years asked at least for news coverage by the puppet Special-Colored Chinese "Communist" Party system, but those HUMANSCUMS always REJECT me, even rejected my own postings on SCCCP's websites!

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