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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
I was Premeditatedly Provoked and Assaulted 2023-07-22 09:27:54

I was Premeditatedly Provoked and Assaulted by a Chinese Thug Man in a Park Today

July 21, 2023, Friday; updated by 08/11/23

By Limin Wang

(To be revised further, and to be updated with a lot more of background specifics about how the AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM’S HUMANSCUMS have used workplaces, residences, medical facilities, governmental agencies, and public space to THREATEN, HARASS, ASSAULT, SEDUCE, BRAINWASH, TORTURE, ATTEMPT-MURDER, and MURDER me and my (extended) family members. A plethora of humanscums have intentionally inflicted tremendous injuries or horrible deaths to my family, but they, including the “medical professionals”, not only deny their crimes, not only refuse the RIGHT medical care, but also writtenly in their PERVERSELY-DISTORTED “records” defame their victims like me and my two daughters as “(indigenous) psychopaths” and/or “drug addicts”, and meanwhile neglect and even abet my wife Li Li’s REAL PSYCHOSES, DRUG-&-BRAINWASH-INDUCED by the ACHES HUMANSCUMS to be SELF-&-FAMILY-DESTRUCTIVE, as “free”, “adult”, “woman” behavior! I IDENTIFY IT'S THE AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM AND ITS HUMANSCUMS, ONLY BECAUSE IT IS WHAT IT IS AND THEY ARE WHAT THEY ARE. A long way to go!)


Today, July 21, 2023, at around 18:00 - 18:10 PM, I was premeditatedly provoked and assaulted by a Chinese thug man in his 50s - 60s, of probably 5'8" in height and ~250 lbs in weight, dressed in a white T-shirt, long pants and dark sneakers, in the small park located at the northeast corner of 56 Ave and Main St of Flushing, NY 11355. This small park is at the southwest corner of the giant Kissena Corridor Park slanted in the direction of northwest to southeast, and right opposite to the right-hand side of New York - Presbyterian Queens Hospital.

I was side-stepping to this little park to take a rest from my grocery-shopping back home. During the break, I rolled up a roll of loose tobacco to smoke on the 3rd bench, counted from the east, of the total six long benches lined up next to 56th Ave. My groceries in tote bags and/or cart were laid on the ground next to the east end of the 3rd bench. When I came in and began to smoke, the thug man was NOT in the park and absolutely NOT at anywhere near me. He showed up suddenly from the east side of this little park and stood to my front-right about eight feet away, facing me, immediately, directly and harshly accusing me of smoking in the park. I responded that there is no sign of no smoking anywhere near here, and he should stop harassing me! The thug started to curse me, and asserted that I lost Chinese's face!

In seconds, the thug man claimed he would call 911 for police to give me a $200 fine, and he really dialed 911 and talked on his phone with his garbage English. For the verbal altercation, both I and he used sensational Mandarin. In the beginning, I responded the thug man's 911 call and $200 fine threat by saying: you go on to call your FUCKING AMERICAN DADDY OR MUMMY for my tobacco smoking in the wide-open space park with NO crowding. The thug man answered very early on his phone to the 911 receptionist about his calling cell phone number, which starts with (929). I could NOT remember his whole number, but if the NYPD were a governmental agency of any basic honesty to any victim or any so-called “law” or “rule”, NYPD should have contacted and identified and arrested that Chinese thug man immediately. Strangely, by my loose notice to what the Chinese thug man was saying on his phone, the female 911 respondent never asked for an interpreter for this thug man. The thug man was sometimes walking or even running toward the west end (i.e., Main St.) during his 911 call, seemingly to read the street names and to tell 911 the location, so during those times his 911 call was beyond my overhearing capability. At other times, the thug man arrogantly came inches in front of me, and showed me his 911 calling screen, then I spoke loud in clear English, wanting the 911 respondent to know: I was only smoking my tobacco and this thug man came to harass and threaten me! The thug man lied on his phone and told me to assault him. I didn't assault him. His running at this stage was probably to stage his premeditated lie of being threatened or even assaulted by me the actual victim. The two CLEAR pictures of the thug man were taken by me at the pre-physical-fight stage, which clearly show his face, as well as his sneakers being worn as slippers and without socks. Later, I tried to “google lens” his facial image, but Google, ONCE AGAIN, could NOT provide any useful information, for identification in this instance.

Soon, I was done with my roll of tobacco and wanted to leave. The thug man then came over to grab me and tossed over my cart overloaded with groceries; he tried to force me to wait for the cops to arrive and thus harm me! My left hand was holding a tote bag almost full of groceries, and my right hand was holding the 2-wheeled cart’s handle to roll. While I only modestly pushed this thug away and verbally warned him, he VICIOUSLY, certainly PREMEDITATEDLY, used his RIGHT FIST to SWING a PUNCH across my LEFT-OPEN left. My left face (right below my left eye, and my mouth’s left side) and the leftside of my eyeglasses being worn over eyes got his punch. Based on the injuries on my face and damages on my eyeglasses, his right fist punch must have gone DOWNWARD AND HARD. The Chinese thug man might have actually aimed at my HEAD TOP. If I had known earlier his degree of PREMEDITATED MALICE, I would have never got both of my hands occupied with my groceries! Clearly, this thug man had the motivation from the very beginning to SERIOUSLY INJURE me first directly from him, PRIOR TO the once-again harm and even murder expected onto me from the NYPD cops and EMT paramedics and hospital medics.

In the very beginning moment, I only noticed my eyeglasses were twisted and fell to my mouth --- the frame legs were tied with a string around my neck. At this time, the thug man arrogantly stared at my face, while I was removing my eyeglasses, which seemed to have SOMEHOW STUCK ONTO MY FACE, and starting to look at the ground for the leftside lens missing from the frame! The thug man took a glimpse at the ground and moved a little in front of me to my left, and I heard a sound of hard-plastic cracking. I thought he might have intentionally stepped on and broken my dropped leftside lens on the ground. However, without my nearsighting eyeglasses, I could NOT spot my fallen lens!

Seconds later, I felt my left face was wet, so I touched my face, and my hands showed blood. Then I knew my face had been cut, probably by the knocked-loose leftside lens, and/or eyeglasses frame, and/or some hidden object in the Chinese thug man’s hand. He was then arrogantly sitting on the SAME bench I had been sitting on, and he was still claiming to wait for police! I then came over to make revenge. The thug man first continued his fight, but then started to flee, lost his left sneaker which he actually wore like SLIPPERS and WITHOUT socks, and somehow fell to the ground. I came over but didn't do any serious punishment other than symbolic humiliation – mildly trampling his upper chest only once. The two clear pictures of his left-behind leftside sneaker were taken by me probably fifteen minutes later, right outside of this little park, at the northeast streetcorner of Main St and 56th Ave.

At the moment of me trampling once the Chinese thug man, a Chinese-speaking and Chinese-looking mid-aged man, still sitting with a stroller near the fountain at the east end of this little park, immediately outside of the slide playground, about SIXTY feet away (measured by map), spoke toward me, as if to tell me NOT to do extreme. This stroller man was sitting there when I just came to the park, and he was NOT observed at all tending a possible baby sleeping inside the stroller or a toddler nearby him! The seconds before the thug man started to PHYSICALLY grab me and toss my cart of groceries, the stroller man was closely watching the event and saying something toward the scene which was about FIFTY feet away from him. The stroller man seemed to have said in Mandarin, “算了吧” (meaning: let it go). My vigilance got distracted by such words heard and interpreted from such a “bystander”. However, the Chinese thug man responded immediately with GOING SUDDENLY AND FEROCIOUSLY at ME!

After the thug man fled out of the little park, I continued to look around the ground for my leftside lens, to no avail. Then, I used my phone to take a CLEAR picture of my face, which shows my face had got TWO bloody lacerations: one of ~ 1” long, slanted at ~45°, at ~ 1.5” inferior lateral to my left pupil, and the other of horizontally-flipped “7” shape of ~ 1” in size immediately above my leftside upper lip and immediately left to my leftside nostril. The blood shown on my leftside teeth appeared to, at least partially, have flown from the laceration near my upper lip. After I arrived at home, about half an hour after being assaulted, my own detailed examination of my wounds found the inside of my leftside lower lip had sustained a ~1cm horizontal laceration. The leftside of my mouth got mildly swollen, numb, and painful for the next 24 hours or so, and meanwhile the general leftside of my head felt the modest, ACUTE, pain, IN ADDITION TO the CONSTANT, WHOLE-HEADED, SWINGING FROM MODERATE TO EXTREMELY EXTREME, headache, dizziness, numbness, etc, and the INTERMINTENT EPISODES of DROWSINESS FROM MODERATE TO EXTREME. I am only talking generally about my HEAD of the OLD INJURIES here, whereas the OLD INJURIES AND THEIR SEQUELAE are ALL OVER MY BODY.

The OLD symptoms are from the OLD, SERIOUS INJURES ON MY CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM sustained from the PREMEDITATED AND COORDINATED MURDER-ATTEMPTS first from the slavery workplace at B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply Inc. (109-35 178th St., Jamaica, NY 11433. Tel: (718) 523-5555. The Headquarters company KSI Auto Parts opened a NEW store at BRONX but by the SAME business name B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts in year 2017, and CHANGED the original B.Q. Wide store’s name to KSI Auto Parts at sometime in years 2019-2020) on January 28, 2027 and January 16, 2018 and then from the SHAM “diagnoses” and “treatments” but REAL PROFESSIONAL injuries and murders from NYS Workers’ Compensation Board authorized so-called “treating physicians” at New York Medical & Diagnostic Center (80-46 Kew Gardens Rd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415. Tel: (718) 261-1000) as well as New York City Medical & Neurological Offices (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suites 601 & 611, Elmhurst NY 11373. Tel: (718) 454-2222). The JEWS-run “workers’ compensation” SPECIALTY law firm, Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLP (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Elmhurst, NY 11373. (718) 446-4400) was “representing” me and referring me to these two “medic clinics” on their web of SYSTEMIC FRAUD, CORRUPTION, EVIL, AND PROFESSIONAL VICIOUS MURDER! THE IMPOSSIBILITY FOR ME TO FIND ANY INTERGRAL AND BRAVE AND COMPETENT PHYSICIAN (NEUROSURGEON) IN THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM OR FROM THE AES-CONTROLLED PUPPET CHINESE “COMMUNIST” PHONY SUB-SYSTEM, PARTICULARLY IN THE SO-CALLED LIBERTY STATE OF NEW YORK AND LIBERTY-STATUE-SEATED NEW YORK CITY, TO SERIOUSLY HONESTLY AND RESPONSIBLY DIAGNOSE THE SEVERE INJURIES TO MY CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM (BRAIN AND SPINE) IS A CLEAR TELLTALE OF THE AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM. Think about this, if an NYPD cop gets this seriously injured by the perpetrators’ repetitively attempted murders, how he/she would do if the American Evil System would NOT do its ROUTINE of RELENTLESS REVENGE on the possible suspects!

After the scabs fell off in the next days, the scars on both spots were still quite obvious by the fifteenth day, i.e., by this revision. IF THESE FACIAL SCARS ARE NOT PERMANENT DISFIGURATIONS, IT STILL PROBABLY TAKES MANY MONTHS OR YEARS FOR THESE DISFIGURING FACIAL SCARS TO DIMINISH! Why I do NOT have the rights to seek justice? I have done my best to PROFESSIONALLY take care of these open wounds. Upon the Chinese thug man’s swing punch, the eyeglasses frame got deformed and then the opened and twisted leftside hinge of the metallic frame seemed to have made this wedge-shaped laceration. The LINEAR and SHARP laceration right below my left eye was most likely made by the leftside metallic hinge too, UNOPENED there and then yet, or by the metallic arm of the lens-holder pointing downward halfway around the lens. The bottom edge of the ORGANIC POLYMERIC lens was grooved and held by a plastic line over the groove onto the frame, so the leftside lens most probably did not cause either of the two facial lacerations.

After I knew from the selfie picture that I had been seriously hurt and disfigured, I called 911 about being assaulted. Then the stroller man started to leave by coming first closer to me and then bearing away onto the ~2’-wide walkway across the middle of this little park. While I asked him to stay as a witness to the possibly-arriving police, he refused by claiming he doesn't speak English and he insisted to leave, although he helped me to easily locate the missing leftside lens: broken, and two major pieces, ONLY ~ 1” FROM EACH OTHER, were picked up by me as evidence. Between the two major pieces were some grainy pieces. The lens is made of ORGANIC POLYMER, NOT FRAGILE OR HEAVY AS GLASS. The Chinese thug assailant must have easily found my missing lens and INTENTIONALLY STEPPED ON IT TO BREAK IT, because there is only ONE facial laceration where the lens was; and if the lens had been broken at the punch, the broken pieces would NOT be closely next to each other on the ground; and the dislodged ORGANIC POLYMER lens would NOT likely crack by its own fall of ~5.5‘. The stroller man claimed the shoe on the ground was lost by me, while I was wearing SHORTS and my BOTH shoes were absolutely visible and neatly on my feet. At this time, his stroller was pushed along with him, sideway only ~2 or 3 feet away from me, and SO WEIRD that I still did NOT see a baby in his stroller or a toddler walking anywhere near him. In this seemingly bystander's presence, I bagged the Chinese thug man's left-side sneaker shoe.

During the physical struggle, another mid-aged Chinese-looking man was silently watching the event by standing about six feet away over the fence on 56th Ave. When the thug man got up from ground and ran away westward to Main St., and when I was slowly but unsuccessfully looking LONG MINUTES for my missing leftside lens, this standby mid-aged man was gone. A Chinese-looking couple were using a baby swing in the far northwest corner of this little park, about ONE HUNDRED FEET away (based on the measurement of Google map), and they continued as if they had not seen or heard anything. The Chinese thug man was NOT in the little park, when I came in, sat on the 3rd bench from the east for the beginning minutes, and noticed a mid-aged short WHITISH man was leaving the little park from its southeast exit, and two or three people seemingly of a family probably were sitting around a cement table probably seventy feet away across the woods. Although this little park is named as NYMHC Playground, it has ONLY TWO TINY PATCHES designated for children: the two BABY seats of swing at the northwest corner, and a slide on the east end; the MAJORITY of space and facilities like wood benches and cement tables and benches are more for adults.

When the Chinese thug man suddenly popped up near me, he was carrying an originally-folded page of World Journal classified ads, not the whole newspaper on his hands. I didn't see what might actually be hidden and carried by this HUMANSCUM behind his newspaper! There are six long benches along the fence along 56th Ave. NOBODY ELSE was sitting on these benches, other than a homeless mid-aged black man sitting upper-body naked on an end bench next to Main St, and he behaved as if nothing were happening right near him. Previously, I had seen this blackman sleeping half-naked with cardboard on a bench here. The Chinese thug man had the guts to immediately and harshly criticize me of smoking loose tobacco, but I saw this thug had NO GUTS to order the homeless blackman to dress up!

Shortly after the physical struggle, I called 911, and the FEMALE BLACK WOMAN-voiced respondent claimed very early on that she did NOT understand my CLEARLY SPOKEN ENGLISH. BUT, THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM MUST HAVE KNOWN SOMEHOW AT THAT TIME I WAS NOT RECORDING MY 911 PHONE CALL AT THAT TIME. I clearly said to her, this was another political persecution by the system through plainclothes thugs on public space. She got my cell phone number though, and said to send police.

I waited at the original spot for probably ten to fifteen minutes, but NO police came. But the thug man came back to the park entrance; when he saw me still there, he backed away to Main St’s sidewalk, seemingly with phone to his ear sometimes. During my waiting in the little park for the possibly-arriving UNIFORMED cops, I noticed another Chinese man in his 50s like, in white T-shirt and slippers, was walking on 56th Ave over the fence from Main St. end and then turned around back to Main St. end. Minutes later, I also went westward out of this little park, onto Main St’s sidewalk.

While I waited momentarily at the northeastern corner of Main St and 56th Ave, I didn't see the thug man around, and I still didn't see any UNIFORMED police or MARKED police vehicle of EMT vehicle anywhere, although an EMT vehicle of New York Presbyterian – Queens Hospital is OFTEN seen idling only ~200’ away, at the Queens Botanical Garden corner of Main St and Peck Ave. I then took pictures of the leftside shoe the thug man left behind. I called 911 for a second time at this corner, but 911 could NOT go through to a respondent! I then deepened my belief that the NYPD thugs as cops would NOT come to help me, and if they came, they would well probably harm or murder me instead. I then rolled my grocery cart home along Main St and Horace Harding Expressway, NOT cleaning the conspicuous blood stains and cuts on my face.

When I was almost arriving at the current rent place at 153-51 Horace Harding Expressway, 2nd Fl., Rear Room, Flushing, NY 11367, my “wife” Li Li called back and asked where I am. I had called Li Li right after I made my first 911 call this afternoon and told Li Li about me being physically assaulted in this little park by a seemingly stranger but actually a premeditated thug man. Regretfully and maddeningly, I couldn't get any help from Li Li on the right time at the right place about the right thing, because the PSYCHOPATH HUMANSCUM Li Li refused to come to me and claimed she would NOT know anything and would NOT be able to help anything. I asked Li Li to come over because I was worried that the THUGS in NYPD uniform may come and actually harm me further and even murder me. I was also trying to call my two daughters, Rosila Wang (22-yr-old), and Alexandria Wang (19-yr-old), but Rosila didn't pick up my call, and even her voicemail box was claiming “full”! Alexandria's phone number sounded like my number was STILL BLOCKED by Alexandria. These kinds of "connection" and "communication" between the parents and the daughters are ALL DUE TO THE AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM HUMANSCUMS’ LONGTERM DELIBERATE MANIPULATIONS.

After I arrived home at about 18:45 PM, the sublease landlord Mr. Joseph Pan was out of his routine, not napping behind his closed door, but doing something in the kitchen. When I called 911 a 3rd time, from home, starting from ~18:52 PM, and recording it, the same or similar sound of female respondent sounded NO PROBLEM understanding my SAME SPOKEN ENGLISH, and asked whether she should send police to my HOME. I said I would later go to hospital for a medical record about this and I would call 911 there for another time, and I clearly said to her again this was another SYSTEMATIC POLITICAL PERSECUTION carried out by an apparent street thug, and I wish the uniformed police do not come for ANOTHER ROUND OF MURDER ONTO ME. THE NYPD THUGS IN POLICE UNIFORM HAD CARRIED OUT MANY ATTEMPTED MURDER ON MY LIFE, SOMETIMES WITH THUGS DRESSED AS "MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS". I CAN REVEAL AGAIN THE LIST OF THEIR MURDER-ATTEMPTS KNOWN BY ME.

For the ACHES and general audience to know the truth, my smoking of loose tobacco started only as late as Fall of 2022, less than a year ago. Somebody, while selling used goods on street next to each other, first gave me some for free, and then later I buy. I have been almost constantly crushed from all aspects by the ACHES HUMANSCUMS, and smoking loose tobacco is affordable to me and providing me some relaxation. What the HUMANSCUMS, inside or outside of the ACHES, have provided me??? Absolutely nothing but neglection, shame, defaming, and this kind of physical assault at public place. I have long revealed, the ACHES IS A STATE TERRORISM carried out by all kinds of thugs and HUMANSCUMS.

I had just bought a lot of groceries for myself and for the sublease landlord Joseph Pan. His groceries are paid by his Benefits card. I don't get any benefits for me on my Benefits card, practically, NO FOOD STAMP, and even the Medicaid brings me murder attempts by some “health insurance” (EmblemHealth Insurance) and "medical professional" (Dr. Alan E. Beyda’s clinic) THUGS in NYC!!! THE NUMEROUS "MEDICAL" HUMANSCUMS WOULD DENY AND DISTORT EVERYTHING, ACTING AS IF ALL THEIR VICTIMS AND EVERYBODY ELSE DO NOT KNOW ANY BIT OF MEDICAL FACTS AND TRUTH! The HUMANSCUMS in the NYC Social Services had acted to take in my application in year 2019 while the NEGRO THUG as the apparent front HUMANSCUM denied my Worker's Compensation benefits by THEIR SYSTEMATIC SHEER EVIL WEB OF CORRUPTION, AND OF EVEN MURDER. And NEGRO HUMANSCUMS had come, almost all the few times UNEXPECTEDLY, for their so-called "Adult Protective Services", actually only for their perversely distorted story of "domestic violence", "Li Li healthy", and me Limin Wang "psychotic"!!! The VICIOUS NEGRO MEN AND WOMEN EVEN INFLICTED RUTHLESS HARM WHILE I AND THE PSYCHOPATH LI LI WERE EVENTUALLY RUTHLESSLY EVICTED from 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355.

Although I dislike to hold Joseph Pan's Benefits card for HELPING SHOPPING his groceries, because HUMANSCUMS may CLAIM I get the FOOD stamp benefits, JP has been an old and nice man now and then giving me something free, thus I have done many grocery shoppings for him along my own. Since Li Li would NOT help pulling the cart or carrying the bags, and she would sometimes have PSYCHOTIC EPISODES, in public, while going grocery shopping together, I then did the groceries ALONE today.

Two tote bags filled up the two-wheeled silver-colored cart; a third full tote bag was tied to the cart's handle at some timepoints and carried on my left hand at other timepoints, probably including the time I came to this little park; and a fourth tote bag with two dozens of eggs was tied to the cart's front. The thug man flipped my grocery cart to its side. When I arrived home, I found about half of the two dozens of eggs, from both cartons, were badly cracked leaking.

FOR ALL MY THREE 911 PHONE CALLS this late afternoon and early evening, NONE of these 911 calls showed up on my physical phone's record! However, the calls to my wife and daughters during this period of time are all correctly registered on my phone. The AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S 911 did the same PHONE-RECORD-ELIMINATION while I was calling many 911s on December 23 and 24, 2022, because THE PSYCHOPATH LI LI KEPT CLAIMING SHE WOULD BE MURDERED AT NYC'S SHELTER SYSTEM! LI LI ALSO INSINUATED I WOULD MURDER HER AT NYC SHELTER, so Li Li hysterically and repetitively refused to go together with me for an Adult Family Shelter, but the weather had become lethally cold outside! The NYPD THUGS were either claiming the APPARENTLY SEVERELY PSYCHOPATHIC LI LI as a "normal" " free" adult woman so she could go wherever she wants to go! The 911 "medical" thugs never showed up for Li Li. During some of these 911 calls deleted too by the AES, the cops either did not show up, or SOME cops from precinct 109, a WHITE and a Latino, were SO OBVIOUSLY VICIOUS, AND THE LATINO CONSTANTLY ACTED AS IF HE WAS GOING TO THROW ME DOWN. AMERICA, YOU EVER DARED TO CHECK THE SECURITY CAMERAS OF NYC MTA SUBWAY 7'S MAIN ST STATION OF FROM DECEMBER 23 NIGHT TO DECEMBER 24 NIGHT OF 2022? There were only a VERY FEW NYPD COPS up to their HIGHLY-PAID RESPONSIBILITIES. When I was then told it's NOT a 911 situation about Li Li, the referred 311 didn't provide ANYTHING.

What can be trusted on these kinds of Systematic Humanscums claimed as "public servants" or "elected officials" in the AES? When justice can not be provided by the AES, it in states like New York would strictly prohibit people, especially severely persecuted and injured people like me, to legally have and carry firearms, as if the Constitution's Second Amendment is a big fart of different flavors, legitimizing some SELECTED people, including SYSTEMATIC THUGS such as some cops, to have firearms and "licenses" to "legally" MURDER, while others like me may be prohibited, would get injured or even murdered, and would not even get the First Amendment, actually NATURAL rights, of publicizing the facts and truth! My such posts are often blocked or shadow-banned or even deleted, and some of my posts/blogs accounts on oversea or China’s Chinese-languaged websites have been either destroyed or sealed from MY OWN ACCESS. What the AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM has? Absolutely nothing but sheer evil!

I would challenge the AES HUMANSCUM COWARDS. When I was healthy, you shouldn't have set up treacheries to severely injured me, particularly my CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM; When I am disabled, you shouldn't have send your thugs like this or that to harass and assault me. I had been FOOLISHLY KIND to the STRONGER-LOOKING THUG MAN TODAY ON JULY 21, 2023. IF I HAD KNOWN HE WOULD VICIOUSLY PUNCH MY HEAD AT MY EYEGLASSES, I WOULDN'T BE THAT MODEST IN THE BEGINNING; IF I HAD NOT BEEN FURTHER FOOLISHLY KIND, THE THUG MAN ON THE GROUND COULD HAVE BEEN SEVERELY INJURED BY ME ON HIS HEAD AND HE COULD HAVE EVEN DIED. IT'S REAL. ACHES COWARDOUS  HUMANSCUMS, I DARE YOU TO CHALLENGE ME FAIRLY! You SHOULDN'T prohibit other nations from developing their own strengths. Don't be a historical humanscum coward on the human history!

In my interpretation from my three decades of interaction with Li Li, Li Li's apparently EXTREME FEAR and HYSTERICAL OBJECTION to going to an NYC shelter, claiming of would be murdered at NYC shelter, means, DURING LI LI'S SECOND DESERTION ON NOVEMBER 18, 2014, SEDUCED AND FORCED BY HER BIOLOGICAL ELDER SISTER CHUNLING LI AND HER ACCOMPLICE HUMANSCUMS SUCH AS "SENIOR ZHANG" OLD MAN, LI LI COULD HAVE REALLY FACED MURDER ATTEMPTS WHILE THE ACHES HUMANSCUMS LED LI LI TO NYC SHELTERS AND ATTEMPTED TO MURDER LI LI THERE. THAT'S WHY THE HUMANSCUMS THUGS AS COPS IN NYC PRECINCT 109 CLAIMED THEY COULDN'T FIND LI LI BUT THEY VICIOUSLY INTERROGATED ME AS A MURDER SUSPECT ON A NIGHT, ACCORDING TO MY OFF-THE-HEADTOP BLURRY RECALL, ON THE NIGHT OF NOVEMBER 19 OR 20TH OF YEAR 2014. THE ACHES HUMANSCUMS ACTUALLY HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MURDER LI LI ON THEIR HANDS BUT HAVE THE EVIL POWER TO FRAME ONTO ME, THE MISERABLE VICTIM OF THE ACHES. The actual 2nd-floor tenants family of Chu, immigrants said to come from the SO-CALLED "democratic" TAIWAN region, actually have TWO security cameras on their front wall, but the OLD THUG MAN, PROBABLY NAMED CHIAHUEI CHU, answered me his security cameras were NOT recording during Li Li 's second desertion from family on Nov. 18, 2014. I had just found a hard-labor job at 88 Trading Corp in Maspeth, NYC on 11/11/2014 and started my 6-days a week overtime hard-labor job there to support the young immigrant family! I hate SO MUCH the REAL PROSTITUTE ChunLing Li, because she is the HUMANSCUM who had used and ruined her younger sister Li Li as free babysitter, anger releasor, and money maker and money thief for HER, and then fooled and drugged Li Li to be used by a broad spectrum of ACHES HUMANSCUMS to destroy me and my two dear daughters.

I had mailed, emailed, and online posted my request to the Chinese General Consulate in New York for their "help" to intervene with the American Evil System to find the deserting Li Li, those Special-Colored Chinese "Communist" Party HUMANSCUMS NEVER responded other than their Consulate licensed SUV, a mid-aged Chinese woman, and a young Chinese man, came to 88 Trading Corp for meal utensils, and smirked against while I picked their order and pulled the goods to their vehicle. WHAT THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM'S PUPPET HUMANSCUM SPECIAL-COLORED CHINESE "COMMUNIST" PARTY SYSTEM is good for? Absolutely nothing but sheer puppet evil!!! This has been again and again proved OVRR THE YEARS since 2014, for I have the foolish "dream" that the SCCCP would ever care about anybody of anything. The SCCCP and AES'S OTHER PUPPET THUGS SUCH AS THE FALUNGONG WOULD ONLY INFLICT HARM OR EVEN DEATH TO ANY CHINESE WHO WANTS REAL DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM, AND LIBERTY OF LIVING WELL!

Russia and Russians, I hope you can read my revealing posts of WHAT THE AES AND ACHES BRING TO GENERAL PEOPLE LIKE ME AND MY FAMILY AND MY PARENTS. You should not underestimate the PREVALENCE OF AES AND ACHES HUMANSCUMS. Don't make the same mistakes I made today on July 21, 2023; PLEASE RESOLUTELY DESTROY THE HUMANSCUMS WHENEVER YOU ENCOUNTER THEM.

At home, I was able to text my elder daughter Rosila Wang, "My daughters, I as your father have experienced and suffered so many atrocities from the AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM and its HUMANSCUMS. Your isolation from me and your mother would NOT make you two better; in contrast, you and Alexandria have been in serious danger from the ACHES HUMANSCUMS." Rosila only consoled me by text-messages but would not pick up my phone calls; Alexandria seemed to have blocked both parents' cell phone numbers and thus never responded with anything. ALL IN ALL, ALL PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD, INCLUDING IN RUSSIA, CHINA, USA, UKRAINE, SHOULD HAVE A SOLID UNDERSTANDING WHAT THE AMERICAN EVIL SYSTEM WILL BRING TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, IF YOU DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CARE ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY!

Meanwhile, if anyone recognizes this THUG MAN and his residence, please tell me. I am showing my real name and my current rental address too. That thug man must have been sent by the ACHES to do this kind of assault onto me. Based on my past experiences in the public space, with the NYPD, with NYC medical system, NYC and NYS governments, I don't think I will get any justice from this incident of being Premeditately Provoked and Assaulted. I will try to do my better dealing whenever I see that thug man or its like anytime anywhere later.

What NYPD Precinct 109 can do right? Even a police arrival would be an AMBUSH, and even a "promised" "police report" would only be "promised" with a   "police report number", and when I called five or six times to (718) 321- 2250 for prompt 1 for the "police report number" since yesterday 08/03/23, NOBODY would pick up my calls. I was premeditatedly provoked and assaulted on 07/21/2023 at the little park at the corner of Main St and 56th Ave. I called 911 three times right after that being-assaulted, but the 2nd time 911 did NOT even go through, and NO cops came or even called me back on 07/21/23. However, the NEXT day, on 07/22/23, about twenty-three hours later, two female uniformed cops waited, WITHOUT ANY PRIOR CONTACT WITH ME inside the building where my current rental place is, claiming they were responding to one of my daughters' contact to them about my 07/21/23 being ASSAULTED. NYPD may have the electronic technology to recognize my cell phone number and ignore about the "promise" on "police report number." I then called 911 a couple of times today about the NYPD "functionality", 911 female respondents claim I have to go in person to Precinct 109 for the "police report". However, that's AGAINST THE PROPAGANDAED routine of how a "police report" and a "police report number" should be served to the complaint!!!! My GENUINE FEAR is if I go to Precinct 109 in person for this, the THUGS IN NYPD UNIFORM OR PLAINCLOTHES may well murder me at Precinct 109, well beyond their previous snubbing, shaming, threatening!

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-07-22 13:50:44

slightly revised on 07/22/23

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