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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Ideas Input to Russia about Black Sea 2023-07-24 14:44:36

Ideas Input to Russia about Black Sea

by Limin Wang

July 21, 2023, updated on 07/24 & 26/2023


1) Stop and Search every vessel coming off or going for former Ukraine's ports;

2) Seize and dispose whatever vessel and its carry-on in Black Sea at your discretion;

3) Inspect any suspicious vessels coming off or going for Romanian ports, by the same reason: weaponry and militants smuggling to harm Russia; and by the same action the US has done to so many countries;

4) Destroy any major land and air transportations between former Ukraine and Romania or other neighbors by hitting the trains/vehicles/airplanes at critical points such as near or on runways, bridges, cliffsides, mountain tunnels, crowded parking stations, etc;

5) Deploy maritime mines, AUV, and seaborne loitering weapons;

6) Inflict damage or destroy whenever necessary to enemy surface or air vessels, and you keep silent as the enemies of yours and your allies’ often do, or you disclaim any role and offer condolence;

7) Turn the whole Black Sea into a SERIOUS WAR THEATER, with a worst-case scenario and your subsequent means in your mind;

8) Go ahead to destroy the military bases neighboring former Ukraine's western border which flush the weaponry and militants to former Ukraine to harm Russia for Russia's DEMISE. If Russia thinks that's escalation and it's your fault, then Russia will lose! Look at how arrogant the USUK thugs are ALONG THE HISTORY AND AROUND THE WORLD. If there is too much, then just look at the so-called “September 11th terrorism attack” which the online circulates the conspiracy of AMERICAN OWN STATE TERRORISM about but the STATES of Afghanistan and Iraq were subsequently blamed for;

9) Never worry any other country pop up for a direct war with you Russia. Russia should encourage some of those humanscums states to come forward instead of hiding in the back and stabbing you in the back. Recent days, the former-Ukraine lapdog government comes out to acknowledge some attacks on Russia. But, Russia, you should ask yourself and the rest of the world: What the fuck a former-Ukraine lapdog government has ON ITS OWN? So, Russia’s targets should include ENEMY EMBASSIES AND CONSULATES AND ESTATES AND BUSINESSES in former Ukraine, enemies’ military bases in countries to the west of former Ukraine.

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-07-26 13:50:28

updated on 07/26/23

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