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  王利民Limin Wang《民声》People's Voice 74年生于毛共,偏逢走资,在美廿余年,每况愈下,已家破人残
Systematic Murder onto ME by NYCES on 08/24-25/22 2023-08-31 16:20:14

The Systematic Murder onto Me Attempted by the New York City Evil System on August 24 to 25, 2022

Limin Wang

August 25, 2023; updated on 09/11/23, and the complete draft would be finished ASAP

[This long article or booklet would be a chapter of my historic documentary book: No Man’s Land.]

Today, August 25, 2023, is the first anniversary that I survived ANOTHER SYSTEMATIC MURDER attempted by the New York City Evil System via its uniformed cops from NYPD Precinct 109 (37-05 Union St, Flushing, NY 11354), uniformed EMT (Billed ME by a “collection agency” of New York Presbyterian - Queens Hospital, 56-45 Main St., Flushing, NY 11355), and the "medical professionals" in "psychiatry" at Queens Hospital Center (alternated names according to Google: Queens General Hospital, or NYC Health + Hospitals/Queens, 82-68 164th St, Queens, NY 11432) on August 24 to 25, 2022.

I was at the brink to be MURDERED to DEATH by those SYSTEMATIC HUMANSCUMS. Specifically, outlined in the twelve entries below, I was:

1). Threatened, abused, and attempted instant murder during the long siege, ambush, blocking of my security camera, picking my apartment door’s lock, brutal bodily apprehension, and ELECTRICAL STUNNING from uniformed cops and EMT male, at and near my then rental residence (later evicted on Dec. 19, 2022 via the Queens County “civil court” in case LT-304213/21-QU) at 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355;

2). Cut repeatedly with some blunt object for “suicidal marks” and sprayed some chemicals for redness and swelling onto my left wrist by uniformed cops and/or EMT, AFTER they had moved from using two linked sets of handcuffs to one set and handcuffed me extremely tight to my back and restrained me onto their gurney near the ambulance, which was stopping at the west spike of the intersection of 59th Ave & 136th St and blocking the traffic;

3). Threatened by the EMT Chinese-like thug man, who spelt out his surname as “CAO” to the accompanying cop and said to this cop to “Do it now. The gloves are in the back”, and this uniformed Hispanic-like white male cop, who then took and wore rubber gloves, while on the ambulance before its departure from the intersection of 59th Ave & 136th St;

4). Faked EGREGIOUSLY by the same EMT man on the pulse rate (upper 130s/min) and blood pressure (upper 130s/90s) for their FABRICATED “drug addiction” “medical record”, while the cuff of the “digital” sphygmomanometer with rollers was BOGUSLY/WAY LOOSELY wrapped around my left upper-arm, and while I was definitely CALM and FIRM facing these cops and about ten other “medical staff” and “patients” SO COLD-BLOOD-ANIMAL-STYLED INDIFFERENT TO WHAT I WAS SAYING AND SHOWING RIGHT IN THEIR ADJACENCE; and while I definitely felt my blood pressure and pulse both ABSOLUTELY NORMAL;

5). Threatened by a group of about six uniformed cops, particularly a uniformed short white mid-aged cop SHOWING his handgun and a bullet ON HIS HANDS immediately NEXT and TO ME, while at the entrance hall of QHC;

6). Physically abused by THREE STRONG-BUILD NEGRO MEN for the FORCED searching, attempted undressing for a medical robe, and failed attempt of INJECTION, in the hallway recess of the LOCKED-DOWN QHC “psychiatry department”, and then for the completed INJECTION of UNSPECIFIED SUBSTANCE by a blackish young female while I was forced down onto the shelter-styled low and narrow “bed” in a big room down the hallway past a further locked-down double door;

7). Harmed immediately as well as tremendously for a very long term by this substance;

8). Threatened by the two cops (the one on the ambulance and the one showing me a handgun and a bullet in the QHC entrance hall) accompanying into that room and removing the tightly mounted handcuffs from my wrists at my back AFTER the immediate effect of the injection, because one cop was “NICELY” instructing a Chinese-looking muscular man in plainclothes, “Don’t beat anybody”, while he was looking at me across the grated glass window in the hallway;

9). Threatened and deliberately inflicted psychological harm by a muscular mid-aged “medical staff” negro man during the only two meals on 08/25/22 and the long waiting hours before being freed on 08/25/22, and by a muscular negro mid-aged male “patient” via his persistent farting on the next bed and demonstrative push-ups in front of me while I was de facto jailed in that room;

10). Trampled on my privacy and health by the QHC “medical staff” forcing a blood draw from my left arm while waking me up from my long-hours passing-out after their injection, as well as a urine collection the NEXT-DAY noon after I had their meal SPECIFICALLY, WRITTENLY DESIGNATED TO ME;

11). EGREGIOUSLY NEGLECTED by such “medical professionals” on my REAL PHYSICAL INJURIES, particularly on my brain and spine, and the physiological and psychological sequelae from the American-Chinese Hybrid Evil System’s HUMANSCUMS’ premeditated and coordinated and numerous MURDER-ATTEMPTS first at the slavery workplace at B.Q. Wide Auto Body Parts Supply Inc (109-35 178th St., Jamaica, NY 11433) and then at “medical clinics” New York Medical & Diagnostic Center (80-46 Kew Gardens Rd, Kew Gardens, NY 11415) and New York City Medical & Neurological Offices (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suites 601 & 611, Elmhurst, NY 11373), which are both authorized by NYS Worker’s Compensation Board and referred to by “my” then “attorney” Jews from the “WC-specialized” law firm Bangel, Cohen & Falconetti, LLP (91-31 Queens Blvd, Suite 400, Elmhurst, NY 11373). NO “psychiatrist” or even “nurse” at QHC even TALKED ANY BIT about “PSYCHIATRY” with me while I was de-facto jailed there for ~THIRTY HOURS until released at ~16:00, 08/25/22;

12) Further haunted by the NEW YORK CITY’S SYSTEMATIC HUMANSCUMS who later repetitively mailed ME bills of $2,233.33 for the EMT “service”; distorted their “attempted murder” INSIDE Queens Hospital Center as a cheap “OUTPATIENT” “service”; got paid with THOUSANDS of U.S. dollars by the PERSISTENTLY MALICIOUS AND MURDEROUS EmblemHealth Insurance despite my EXPLICIT account to EmblemHealth about such an 08/24-25/22 “service”.

WHY THE AMREICAN EVIL SYSTEM HAS SUCH VICIOUS BUT PREVALENT HUMANSCUMS IN THE SYSTEMATIC POSTS TO RUIN AND MURDER THEIR VICTIMS UNDER THE NAME OF “SERVICES”? I was NOT coming out of the SPECIAL-COLORED FAKE “SOCIALIST” China to the freedom-touting U.S.A. to hate the rampant HUMANSCUMS of the AMERICAN-CHINESE HYBRID EVIL SYSTEM (ACHES) in 1999. However, over the decades, my whole family, including my parents, have sustained tremendous and permanent injuries and even terrible deaths from the ACHES. What’s the FUCKING-ACHES need to be UNUSELESSLY “polite” anymore about the TRUE SYSTEMATIC EVIL?

Draft details below only started yet. I will try my best to finish the complete draft ASAP, supplemented with ORIGINAL videos, photos, and audios.

On Aug. 24, 2022, morning like 10 AM, I was "American dreaming" that the 911 system would dispense ONLY "medical" to my then rental but now evicted place, 136-09 59th Ave, Ground Floor Rear Apartment, Flushing, NY 11355, for the PSYCHOTICALLY HYSTERICAL LI LI, my "wife". However, the 911 evil system send a swarm of cops and an EMT for me inside my apartment while they acted as if they had not seen the PSYCHOTIC LI LI HYSTERICALLY RANTING IN THE FRONT YARD! The uniformed NYPD ambushed me from ALL POSSIBLE DIRECTIONS (from UPSTAIRS, OUTSIDE THE BACKYARD, NEIGHBORING 136-11'S BACKYARD, and of course, the hallway to my apartment door), and for some time, the cop thugs covered up my security camera in front of my apartment door, and a Chinese-looking EMT tall man picked my apartment door's lock, and all of them threatened to break in to get me. After I found out two cops suddenly popped up and were approaching me from the 136-11 59th Ave backyard by scaling the fence, I locked my apartment’s back door and windows. I tried to call 911 again and my daughters’ phone numbers during that crisis, but my cell phone was disabled by the American Evil System so NO phone could be made out. I then talked to the cops waiting in front of my apartment's front door: I am afraid of the NYPD'S MURDER ONTO ME, so I asked them to back out to the front yard and then I would go to the front yard to talk with them, as those AES THUGS were claiming of only a talk, about my welfare. However, as soon as I walked out of my apartment door, a bunch of uniformed cops dashed down from the staircase and immediately apprehended me, handcuffed me, and ELECTRICALLY SHOCKED MY WRISTS, in the apartment ground floor hallway. ....

and I sustained immediate extreme pain at my left buttock, where they forced an injection of WHATEVER AGENT, and adjacent area, fell into long hours of coma, and months-long extra heart pain and sporadic muscle spasms in the range of modest to extremely extreme

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作者:王利民 留言时间:2023-09-01 14:40:41

Is this post (shadow) banned too? What a fucking joke that so many phonies keep talking about the fucking American "democracy" or Special-Colored CCP "openness", but they will always AVOID REALITIES.

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