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拒用简体字的傲慢与偏见 2007-02-10 20:46:33








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作者:溪中石 留言时间:2007-02-20 05:04:36
To shx:

“a 胡锦涛 would have more respect for his culture than a 王大”:
It depends. If 胡锦涛 somehow realizes the difficulty of 王大 who does not read and write, he may even want to help. The idea of simplifying Chinese characters came from many knowledgeable scholars, like 钱玄同、林语堂. These scholars well understood the culture of China, which had been under invasion from western powers in all aspects. They were not satisfied with their own academic achievements, and felt it their responsibility to help the nation, and the people. In their opinion, education could help save China. At the end of my article, I listed a reference which mentioned a version of simplified characters had been adopted by the Republic of China before. I don’t think the purpose of simplified characters was to cut the link from the past history. It was for improving the literacy in China. Many decades ago, fewer Chinese people knew how to read and write. That was a big social problem.

I am glad you have come to share your opinions. Happy Chinese New Year!
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作者:shx 留言时间:2007-02-18 10:47:04
Come to think of it, we can't blame Simplified Chinese on how "heart" and "courage" looked in calligraphy :-) (Also those art students clearly has not managed to master this ancient art ...)

In my view, the primary function of written words is for the transmisson of people's collective memory. Whether it takes a few more strokes here and there to write the words, is of secondary consideration. Someone whose name is 胡锦涛 woould have more respect for his culture than someone whose name is 王大. We have already deleveoped other means, writing in running style, cursive style, etc, as a solution to the "convenience" problem.

We all know how important the preservation of the "collective threads of memory" is for the future of a culture and for the wellbeing of the people in it.

The Chinese developed Simplified Chinese in order to make a clean break from the past. Becuase of this motivation, it is having a devastating effect.
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作者:溪中石 留言时间:2007-02-18 06:57:30
Thanks to shx. I fully agree with you that people prefer calligraphy of traditional characters, probably because we all learn to appreciate the calligraphy works from ancient China. We were taught to mimic those great works, and we feel much more comfortable when looking at similar things. I have nothing against traditional characters in art works.

BTW, some simplified characters come from 草书. This is quite funny.
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作者:shx 留言时间:2007-02-17 22:25:50
For some reason, simplified Chinese character is inferior esthetically. It's not suitable for use in the regular (Kai) style calligraphy.

In NYC's Time Square, you can see Chinese art students trying to make a living by drawing life skeches for the tourists. Some of them also write calligraphy. They often write a single Chinese character, e.g., love, faith, courage, etc., or they translate English names into Chinese on demand ...

... Their calligraphy does not attract many buyers .. the simplified Chinese characters simply do not look good. They give an impression of seomething that's simplistic, lack of depth, often out of balance, even ridiculous ...
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作者:溪中石 留言时间:2007-02-12 18:34:37


To Wenxue: Thanks for your serious comments. Forgive me to reply you
in English since I am not very certain about where you originally
come from. I will reply to your comments point to point.

1. Unlike Korea, the mainland China does not ban Chinese characters.
It only requires using a simplified version of characters. Sample
articles of ancient China are taught starting from Grade 3 or 4 in
the elementary schools. Chinese classic literature works are also
printed in the simplified characters. Some unlucky people do not
receive enough education to understand the grammar of ancient
Chinese, and cannot enjoy classic literature. Simplifying characters
is not the major cause for not being able to read classics. These
people are much more proficient in reading contemporary written
materials, which indeed emphasizes the importance of simplifying the
characters for literacy.
You may know that well-educated people from the mainland have no
problem in reading the classic literature. I mention this because my
friends from Hongkong and Taiwan were surprised at my knowledge about
Chinese history and literature. They had thought we did not learn
these things in school at all.
So simplifying characters does not cut the cultural chain.

2. Difficulty level is not easy to assess without a thorough study.
But for the example I gave in the article, it is difinitely much more
difficult to write 飛機 than 飞机. Of course, many simplified
characters look similar with their traditional forms, reflecting an
effort to maintain the original structure when it was possible. The
last paragraph of my article also mentioned the failure of the 1978
version which went to the extreme in simplifying.

3. This assumption is not very friendly and not a fact, I should say.
Can I say this is another kind of pride and prejudice from some
Hongkong/Taiwan people?

4. Like you, I know how to write only some of the traditional
characters. But I do not regret about this. I can read ancient works
in traditional characters, even when I have to read characters from
top to bottom and sentences from right to left.

回“简体字”: 你帮我回答了不少。谢谢。
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作者:简体字 留言时间:2007-02-12 15:35:37
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作者:wenxue 留言时间:2007-02-12 14:23:38
I can read Fan Ti Zi, but I regret that I cannot write Fan Ti Zi.
Jian Ti Zi is NOT Chinese characters in the strict sense.
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作者:wenxue 留言时间:2007-02-12 14:20:54
It is very stupid to invent Jian Ti Zi. Reasons:
1.Jian Ti Zi cut the cultural chain.
Many people who learned Jian Ti Zi cannot read classic literature which was written in Fan Ti Zi, just like Korean people cannot read their own history, because it was written in Chinese.
2. It was not much more difficult to learn Fan Ti Zi than Jian Ti Zi.
Actually, there was a even simpler version of Jian Ti Zi, the 1978 version, which was abandoned later.
3. Just because Hong Kong/Taiwan are richer than China does not mean everything they did is wrong.
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作者:test1 留言时间:2007-02-12 14:10:54
This is a test
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作者:何必呢 留言时间:2007-02-12 12:24:57
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