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佩雷尔曼的死穴命门 2022-07-07 17:39:06







这里简单说说整个争端的来龙去脉。2002年,佩氏贴出两篇论文,其中第二篇有个定理7.4,从三个条件推导出一个结论。但佩氏随后说:“第三个条件可以去掉,具体证明将在下一篇文章中给出”。他随后到美国讲学,说这些方法证明了瑟斯顿猜想(比庞加莱猜想更大的猜想)。回到俄国后,他贴出第三篇论文,并没有前述定理7.4的证明,只有针对庞加莱猜想的几个定理。从2002年到2006年,有三个团队在解读佩氏的论文:曹-朱、克-洛、摩-田。其中,克-洛在其论文写道:佩氏的定理7.4,如果用三个条件,证明就简单得多,但却因条件太强而实用性不大(“it is NOT clear this STRONG condition” can be applied,原文是小写字母)。最后,丘成桐在2006年4月26日宣布,曹-朱的论文将在6月发表,给出完整证明。另外两组相继于5月贴出了他们匆忙赶制的论文。有兴趣者可以对比他们在2006年5月贴的论文与最后定稿版的区别。《科学》杂志年终文章说道:庞加莱猜想在2006年得到解决,三组数学家填补了佩雷尔曼文章的漏缺(gap)。






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2,最后给出佩氏的“定理7.4”和Shioya/Yamaguchi给出并证明了的“弱版”定理(发表在1868年创刊的 Mathematische Annalen)。曹-朱利用“弱版定理”完成了瑟斯顿猜想的证明——如果说有人“抢功”,那就是Shioya/Yamaguchi抢功,把关键的“定理7.4”抢到手,而且合法合理。

- - - - -






Letters to Ms. Nasar and Dr. Perelman
Dear Ms. Nasar:

I would like to report two obvious mistakes you made in your article entitled "Manifold Destiny".

1. Your article reads:"Yau added, 'Given the significance of the Poincare, that Chinese mathematicians played a 30% role is by no means easy.'" However, the Chinese official news website attributed the quoted words to Yang. [To verify, you can use google to search "content_4644722" +"2006-06", then click translation]. So, you made an undeniable mistake. By the way, on June 9, Yang publicly denied he said that.

2. Cao-Zhu indeed said that they "substitute several key arguments" for "the completion of the geometrization program." It does not contradict with Morgan's comments about "the Poincare". Note that the geometrization conjecture is not "the Poincare" and your words about "the idea that Zhu and Cao had contributed significant new approaches to the Poincaré" are wrong.

For your info: Prof. Milnor wrote:"Perelman has announced a resolution of these difficulties and promised a proof of the Thurston (geometrization) conjecture based on Hamilton's ideas, with further details to be provided in a fourth preprint." (AMS Notices, Nov. 2003, Page 1231). The "fouth preprint" has not been posted yet. You and Morgan should see the difference now: Perelman "announced" and "promised a proof", but Cao and Zhu provided a proof, although their proof was described by Prof. Milnor as "throwing 'a monkey wrench' into the question of who gets credit" (see Wall Street Journal).

"Politics, power, and control have no legitimate role in our community, and they threaten the integrity of our field,"Phillip Griffiths said and we all should remember these.

3. I would appreciate if you would do me a favor to pass the following message to Dr. Perelman, since you are a friend of this "risk" taker and he refuses to receive mails.
Thank you.


cc: Ms. Rosenberg, Mr. Gruber, Mr. Cooper and Dr. Yau


Open letter to Dr. Perelman.

Dear Dr. Perelman:

From the story “Manifold Destiny” written by your friend Ms. Nasar, I found that you took “a considerable risk” in your math research for some untold purpose. Although I strongly disapprove this kind of action, I think that you and Hamilton contributed at least 90% in the Poincare and admire your contribution.

Prof. Milnor wrote: "Perelman has announced a resolution of these difficulties and promised a proof of the Thurston conjecture (TC) based on Hamilton's ideas, with further details to be provided in a fourth preprint." (AMS Notices, Nov. 2003, Page 1231) . Three years have passed and your “fourth preprint” has not been posted yet. Now, two teams have provided those “further details”, but one of them was blamed as “not honest” by you and “stealing credit from Perelman” by your backers. Do you think that one can claim full credit by “announced” and “promised a proof”? I believe people will know who is the one that is “not honest” when they know the truth.

Many people believe that you can prove TC. Now, since two teams provided proofs that circumvented your Thm. 7.4, you still have two ways to prove that you are able to realize your promise:
(i) prove Thm 7.4 with only the first two conditions; or
(ii) prove Thm 7.4 with all three conditions and use it to complete the proof of TC. Note that Kleiner & Lott said that “it is not clear this strong condition” can be applied. You may give them a lesson.

So, finish your job and don’t let your backers down.

Sincerely yours,

- - - - -

附2:佩氏的定理7.4和Shioya/Yamaguchi随后发表在学刊上的定理。Shioya/Yamaguchi证明的结果是佩氏定理的一个特例(closed manifolds)。








浏览(6552) (6) 评论(2)
作者:赛昆 留言时间:2022-07-16 07:33:57




1。是克洛曹朱摩田完成了庞猜的证明(are the ones who really completed the proof)。



Jeremy Says:August 7th, 2006 at 10:49 pmPeter,What happens if Hamilton had claimed that he had given outline of a proof to the Poincaré and the geometrization conjectures in 1982, when he first introduced the Ricci flow approach, then he would leave it to the others to fill in the details (gaps)? Of course, he didn't. He went on to fill in the details and faced some serious difficulties. But if he did, would Perelman's work also be considered as filling the details?Hamilton started the program. He did not finish it, probably because he didn't know how to fill in some the details. Is it possible that Perelman also didn't know how to fill in some of the details of his outline?Perelman is a great mathematician. So is Hamilton. Their work has shown that. But it does not mean that they know how to complete the proof of the conjectures.Kleiner-Lott devoted much of their almost 200 pages paper to fill in Perelman's gaps; Morgan-Tian devoted a large part of their more than 400 pages paper to fill in some of Perelman's gaps (not including geometrization); Cao-Zhu devoted a large part of their more than 300 pages paper to fill in some Perelman's gaps and some Hamilton's gaps (Cao-Zhu do have some of their own ideas to fill in Hamilton's gaps). Obviously, these are not small gaps. Are they?Cao-Zhu, Kleiner-Lott and Morgan-Tian must have faced and solved many serious difficulties too. Kleiner-Lott did not write up a complete proof,but Cao-Zhu (for Poincaré and geometrization) and Morgan-Tian (for Poincaré) did. I believe that they all should share the credit with Hamilton and Perelman for completing the proof of the Poincaré conjecture. In fact,if there is nothing wrong in their papers. They are the ones who really completed the proof. Right?As for the prize money. None of the U.S. based professors really need it. Do they?=============August 18th, 2006 at 2:40 amAfter collecting information from the Hamilton's paper (1982), Perelman's three papers (2002, 2003), Cao-Zhu paper (2006), Kleiner-Lott paper (2006), Morgan-Tian paper (2006), as well as the articles by Sharon Begley (The Wall Street Journal), Allyn Jackson (AMS) and Dennis Overbye (The New York Times), a theory of the winners and losers in the proof of Poincare conjecture and the geometrization conjecture has been formed. The theory is described as follows:

Theorem (Winners-Losers): There are winners and losers in the proof of Poincare conjecture and geometrization conjecture.

The winners are: Hamilton, Perelman, Cao-Zhu, NSF, JSG Memorial Foundation, NSF of China, Harvard University and Tsinghua University in Beijing.

The losers are: Kleiner-Lott, Morgan-Tian and Clay Mathematics Institute.

The biggest loser: Clay Mathematics Institute. ||

A complete proof of the Winners-Losers Theorem is given in the Appendix.

Corollary: Losers speak first. Winners speak last. ||

This corollary arrives naturally and it is even true in sports and politics.


For later reference, we start by introducing the well-known Theorem of Publication.

Theorem: Publish after the publication of others on solving the same problem equals publishes nothing, i.e.

P(t) = 0 for t > t_(P of others).

Here P stands for publication and t is time. ||

Now we proceed to the details of the winner-loser theory.

Hypothesis: All statements and claims made in the Cao-Zhu paper, Kleiner-Lott paper and Morgan-Tian paper are accurate and correct. ||

The following is the proof of the Winners-Losers Theorem.


We first give proof of the winners.Hamilton had the vision to first introduce the equation of Ricci flow to the proof of the geometrization conjecture and laid the foundation for the Hamilton program. He has many mathematicians believed in and participated in the program. Perelman agreed that his own work was to carry out the Hamilton program. Cao-Zhu also acknowledged that their work is part of the Hamilton program. The final proof of the conjectures has vindicated Hamilton's vision. Therefore, a winner. (Very likely, the Ricci flow equation will be renamed as the Hamilton Equation.)

Perelman shared Hamilton's vision and made the most critical contribution to push through the Hamilton program by bring in new ideas and new techniques, which made others realize that his claim to the proof of the geometrization conjecture, therefore the Poincare conjecture, could very well be true. Probably more importantly, the new techniques he developed will help the future development of mathematics. Although he left many less critical issues unsolved, some of those can be considered as details, the final proof of the conjectures has proved that his statement was accurate. Therefore, a winner. (The Poincare Conjecture will almost definitely be renamed as Perelman Theorem.)

Cao-Zhu worked on the conjectures in secrecy, except to the Harvard mathematicians. They used much of the Perelman's work, but did not limit themselves only on filling Perelman's details, which enable them to keep a broader vision in pushing through the Hamilton program. After combining other people's work with their new ideas, they could first publish a complete proof for the Poincare and geometrization conjuctures. Therefore, winners. (The geometrization conjecture may very well become Perelman-Cao-Zhu Theorem.)

Cao-Zhu has certainly pulled off a coup when the publication of their paper was first announced in April 2006.

NSF and JSG Memorial Foundation have been funding the work of Cao; NSF of China has been funding the work of Zhu. Obviously, funding winners makes them winners.

Harvard University supported Zhu's work; Tsinghua University in Beijing supported Cao's work. Winner's supporters are clearly winners.

Now we give proof of the losers.

Kleiner-Lott have been narrowly following Perelman's work, but posted their findings for everyone to use. Unfortunately, they lost their concentration on the larger picture, the relationship of Perelman's work with other people's work. Filling in Perelman details has been proved not to be easy. The announcement of the forthcoming Cao-Zhu paper in April 2006 has been a surprise and total shock. Unable to complete their paper in time and were very much aware of the implication of the Theorem of Publication, Kleiner-Lott posted their unfinished paper on the non-refereed arXiv at the end of May, a few days before the appearance of the Cao-Zhu paper. Kleiner-Lott still plan to publish their paper, but after the publication of the Cao-Zhu paper and the Morgan-Tian paper, (Morgan-Tian paper uses many Kleiner-Lott's results), the publication of their paper becomes much less meaningful considering the Theorem of Publication. Therefore, losers.

Morgan-Tian have also been narrowly following Perelman's work and busying on filling Perelman's details. At the April 2006 announcement of Cao-Zhu paper's publication, they haven't even filled the details for a part of the Perelman's work. Fully understood the implication of the Theorem of Publication, they sent a preliminary version (i.e. unfinished version) of their paper for refereeing in May, just before the Cao-Zhu paper's June appearance, to show that their work was independent. The final version of their finished paper was posted on the non-refereed arXiv more than a month after the publication of the Cao-Zhu paper. By the implication of the Theorem of Publication, there will always be suspicion that the final version of the Morgan-Tian paper has been inspired and has benefited from the Cao-Zhu paper. Therefore, losers.

The final version of the Morgan-Tian paper is more than 400 pages and only filled the details of a part of the Perelman's work. Among other things, it certainly has proved that “the details for a genius could be major problems for common men”.

As the supporter of the losers, Clay Mathematics Institute is obviously a loser.

Finally, we give proof of the biggest loser.

Clay Mathematics Institute has a big treasure chest to back up its list of millennium prize problems. However, whenever the millennium problems are concerned, Clay Institute should support the mathematics community as a whole (support its conferences, workshops etc.), rather than support individual mathematician(s). Its role should be of a referee rather than a player. Once it starts to support individual mathematician(s), it may be viewed as playing favoritism. Perelman might very well consider that Kleiner-Lott and Morgan-Tian are taking advantages of his work, under the support of Clay Institute. Other mathematician may think that Clay Institute intended to give the prize to mathematician(s) of their choice even before the problem is solved. The prize money may then be considered as “tainted”. The honor of the prize is therefore completely lost. The only thing that left is money. Giving out money that does not have widely recognized honor is truly meaningless. (There are people who really do not care about money!) Therefore, Clay Mathematics Institute is the biggest loser.

End of proof.===If you ask Atiyah the same question now, he, as any other responsible mathematicians, will probably give you the same answer.

The world, as far as Poincare conjecture is concerned, has not changed at all, even with the recent media storm. After all the dust settled, the mathematics community will have to do exactly what Atiyah said in his interview. Otherwise, mathematics as we know it will no longer exist. I personally have faith that the final conclusion of a mathematical problem will only be given by the mathematics community, not by the media.

However, from what has happened in the last two months, we have learnt a great deal about mathematicians. These guys can behave exactly like politicians. Their skill of personal attacking and backstabbing is certainly no worse than the ordinary politicians. They probably played politics and media better than the politicians from their own district. I have to congratulate them for that.

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作者:赛昆 留言时间:2022-07-08 04:32:28





I believe that Nasar likes to praise those "ill people" like Nash;
and this time she was cheated by a clever person. Unfortunately, some
Chinese mathematicians got involved. Actually, from Nasar's article, one
can reveal Perelman's real intention.

Writing sketchy drafts is not how
centuries of math/theoretical physics research has been done, and
Perelman himself had not acted that way before 2002.Nasar's article
describes this as taking a "risk". Clever people take risk for
something, so did Perelman.I think that the person who "grab credit" is
not Yau but this clever person. (some sentences were borrowed from
another post)

* Somebody's reply:

Perelman's "cleverness" asyou call it,
is irrelevant to Yau. Either Perelman gets 100 percent credit for
solving the Poincare conjecture, or Kleiner, Lott, Morgan,Tian, Cao and
Zhu all share credit for producing completed proofs of the conjecture.
The problem that Yau will have trouble explaining is that in either case
he ignores or minimizes the contributions from people whoare not
connected to Yau or China.

* My rebuttal:

Perelman's cleverness is
relevant to Nasar's story. Nasar said:"only true mathematical
gaps--missing or mistaken arguments--can be the basis for a claim of
originality". I wonder if she consider the proof of Perelman's "Theorem
7.4" (page 19-20 in Perelman's second preprint) as missing.Three and
half years have passed since he announced that another paper would be
given. If it is not "MISSING", then what is the definition of "MISSING"?

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