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十岁女儿眼中的假期 Outbanks,NC(Aug13-20,2011): Day2 2011-09-05 09:57:57

Day #2: Beach


It’s a perfect Sunday to go to the beach. When we got there the parents picked a good spot to setup our home base, like beach umbrellas, chairs, food, etc... and all of us kids ran down to the water right away. It’s a pretty hot day but there was a nice breeze. The water was cool and relaxing. Our friends brought the Frisbee and the football to play with. The breeze was just enough to throw the Frisbee.



I saw my dad looking in the sand for something. I ran to him and asked “Playing in the sand?”

“Looking for sand fleas” my dad said

“What do sand fleas look like?”

“They look like little bugs that live in the sand.”

Because my dad is such a big fan of fishing he will use them for fishing. I just kept on digging and digging but all I found were these really tiny ones. My dad said that they could be ten times bigger. As I looked around, surely I saw my friends dad,my dad's fishing buddy, had already been fishing on the shore!


My brothers, Andrew and I played a game I made up which was who could stand there the longest without getting knocked over by waves. I think my brothers won. Just to tell you, you would not want to be knocked over, you would be turned over and scrape your stomach against the sand. Ouch! Anyway after a few more minutes of playing we all went boogie boarding! The waves there were amazing! After that we all got nice refreshing popsicles to eat for a break. Yummy!


 All of a sudden my parents came rushing over from a walk and said that there were millions of sand fleas near the pier. Remember those. So we all took a shower and drove over there to the pier. We were scooping them up by the dozen! Here there everywhere. We had to use my brother’s water bottle and a bucket to fill them up with. All of us kids had so much fun digging for the sand fleas. Wow what a day at the beach!


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