金鸿善卖掉公司,房子,车子及所有值钱的东西,带着老婆和两个孩子,经欧洲土尔其转厄瓜多尔,从哥伦比亚走线,途径巴拿马,宏都拉斯墨西哥进入德州,后来被送到纽约。在法拉盛的劳工家庭协会会长万延海的帮助下联系上他大哥金鸿尉。因为事先没有告知,宏尉也很为难,帮他一家在纽瓦克租了个间房,是跟四户无证客合租的,19个人共用一个卫生间,十分拥挤。同屋的委内瑞拉人麦克在街上瞎逛时,碰上一群人酒后打群架,他也参与其中,打得不亦乐乎,被警察抓住。两月前麦克因为性骚扰和盗窃被逮过两次,这是第三次。警察把麦克送到移民和海关执法局(ICE)。第二天ICE 过来把一屋子的人都带走。金鸿善一家被直接带到纽瓦克自由国际机场,送上联合航空到上海的飞机。机上全是被遣返的中国人。登机前每人得发了三包康师傅方便面和两个苹果几点小吃。鸿善吃不下那方便面,汤都吞不进。当空姐要他系好安全带,准备起飞时,他完全崩溃了。想到自己身上一分钱都没有,带着老婆孩子,千辛万苦,这么冷的天,回到上海哪里可以落脚啊!他顿时大哭起来,他的老婆孩子也狂哭。整个机舱的人都嚎啕大哭。飞机此时进入跑道,迅速起飞。乘客都后仰,不能出声。当飞机平稳后,有人打开窗帘,看到纽约哈德逊河在皑皑的白雪中蜿蜒向南,与他们追求的梦想背道而驰,人们彻底疯了。他们哭嚎着,涌向紧急出口,要打开那出口舱门。这把空姐吓坏了。乘警也一点办法都没有。机长立即喊话:“请不要打开紧急出口门,打开了,大家都得死。我把你们安全送回纽约。”飞机立即调头,在拉瓜迪亚机场降落。乘客全部被送到法拉盛。 金鸿善联系了他的室友和走线的线友。黑人朋友找到了纽约的民权领袖,大家都意识到这不仅是华人的事情。于是联系民主党纽约联邦众议员孟昭文,科尔特斯(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)等要员,还有LGBTQ等组织。众领袖一致决定明天就举行抗议游行。从曼哈顿的125街,法拉盛面街或任何可以集聚20 人的地方出发,向着市政府,时代广场,布鲁克林大桥前进!起义的口号是: 我是人,我们是人民! I am a Human Being. We are The People!
Uprising Tomorrow Jin Hongshan sold his company, house, car and all valuables, took his wife and two children, by Turkey in Europe to Ecuador, went through Colombia, Panama, Honduras and Mexico to Texas, and was later sent to New York. With the help of Wan Yanhai, the president of the Labor Family Association in Flushing, he contacted his elder brother Jin Hongwei. Because he was not informed in advance, Hongwei was also in a difficult situation. He helped Hongshan’s family rent a room in Newark, which was shared with four undocumented families. 19 people shared a bathroom, which was very crowded. Mike, a Venezuelan who lived with him, was wandering around the street when he ran into a group of people fighting after drinking. He also joined in the fight and was caught by the police. Mike was arrested twice for sexual harassment and theft two months ago, and this was the third time. The police sent Mike to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The next day, ICE came and took away everyone in the room. Jin Hongshan's family was taken directly to Newark Liberty International Airport and sent to a United Airlines flight to Shanghai. The plane was full of deported Chinese. Before boarding, each person was given three packs of Master Kong instant noodles and two apples as snacks. Hongshan could not eat the instant noodles, and couldn't even swallow the soup. When the stewardess asked him to fasten his seat belt and prepare for takeoff, he completely collapsed. He was wondering where his family could stay when they returned to Shanghai in such a cold weather as he did not have even a penny after he had gone through so much hardship with his wife and children! He burst into tears, and his wife and children also cried wildly. Everyone in the cabin was crying. The plane entered the runway at this time and took off quickly. The passengers leaned back and couldn't make a sound. When the plane stabilized, someone opened the curtains and saw the Hudson River in New York winding southward in the snow, which was contrary to the dream they pursued. People were completely crazy. They cried and rushed to the emergency exit to open the exit door. This scared the stewardess. The flight attendant was helpless. The captain immediately shouted: "Please don't open the emergency exit door. If you open it, everyone will die. I will take you back to New York safely." The plane immediately turned around and landed at LaGuardia Airport. All passengers were sent to Flushing. Jin Hongshan contacted his roommate and his linemate. Black friends found civil rights leaders in New York, and everyone realized that this was not just a Chinese issue. So they contacted Democratic New York Congresswoman Grace Meng, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other important figures, as well as LGBTQ organizations. The leaders unanimously decided to hold a protest march tomorrow. Starting from 125th Street in Manhattan, the Main streets of Flushing or any place where 20 people can gather, march towards City Hall, Times Square, and the Brooklyn Bridge! The slogan of the uprising is: I am a Human Being! We are The People!