答兰冠云:黑格尔的“绝对精神”与范例哲学的“思维绝对性质”的异同 在我的小文“再论绝对性”后,兰冠云网友问,"思维的绝对性,与“精神的绝对性”是否一样?"。这是一个非常有意义的问题,我下面试图回答。 首先,让我们来看看什么是黑格尔的“绝对精神”?下面是网上发现的关于这个问题一些总结: "The Absolute is Mind (Spirit) - this is the supreme definition of the Absolute." Philosophy of Mind § 384. (the third part of Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences) "The truth is the whole. The whole, however, is merely the essential nature reaching its completeness through the process of its own development. Of the Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result, that only at the end is it what it is in very truth; and just in that consists its nature, which is to be actual, subject, or self-becoming, self-development." Preface, Phenomenology of Mind 81-82. only at the end of the process of its own teleological self-becoming. It is a result of its own development in which it gives itself its own content - Nature (the presupposition of human consciousness) - and returns from the otherness of this content through human consciousness. In other words, it becomes object to itself and comes to know itself to be this object. It becomes self-consciously, self-thinking thought. [Compare Aristotle's Metaphysics 1072b19: "Thought thinks itself as object in virtue of its participation in what is thought." Hegel's self-thinking thought, however, is not independent of the universe but is the universe's own developed self-consciousness.] The development of the Absolute - which is the object of philosophy - thus has three main phases: The Absolute in itself - the subject matter of Logic The Absolute for itself - the philosophy of Nature The Absolute in and for itself - the philosophy of Spirit The Absolute obtains its self-realization - Absolute Knowledge - in Hegel's philosophy. (http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/hegel%20glossary.htm) 引语稍微长了些,我的目的是要读者了解什么是黑格尔的“绝对精神”的思想。黑格尔的难度是令人望而却步的,所以多说几句对理解会有所帮助。 在黑格尔那里,“绝对精神”是一个定义,是黑格尔的天才猜测,是他的逻辑的出发点。从上面可以看到,黑格尔认为“绝对精神”只有走完了全过程,既从“逻辑-自然-心灵”(逻辑科学的百科全书),才揭示了自己的真理,才可以称为是绝对精神,既“整体真理”。这就是简要黑格尔的思想。范例哲学的“思维的绝对性质”,与之区别和同一在什么地方呢? 首先谈区别。范例哲学的思维绝对性质(表现为“思在”范畴),不是一种猜测,而是“逻辑的延伸”。这里所说的逻辑当然不是黑格尔的逻辑,而是必然或因果的意思。为什么这么说?因为思在是来自于范例的本体论的基础,绝对范畴。所以不是猜不猜到的问题,而是一种必然性。 其次,思在于绝对精神的区别,在于思在的广泛性,思在包括意志,心里和思考的功能,既思维。所以思在不是仅仅“精神”就能概括的。黑氏的绝对精神,有叔本华意志是一却的味道,表现的是一种单独的心灵/思维方面。 再次,绝对精神,在黑格尔看来,没有完成整个循环前并不具有真理性,而必须走完整个的循环,才能证明自身的真理。这里很明显,人为的因素比较多。范例哲学的思在,是客观真理,不以人的意志为转移,也不以发展(时间的规定性)为限制。 最后的区别,绝对精神,在黑格尔是定义,等同上帝。思在,在范例哲学中,是自然本身真理逻辑的一部分,虽然是最高的部分,但显然不是定义或猜测,而是范例的组成部分。 那么绝对精神与思在有什么共同的地方? 黑格尔的绝对精神,是范例哲学的“harbinger”(先遣军)。没有猜测在前,不可能有逻辑揭示在后。同样是心灵的运动,一个猜测是精神或上帝,一个是逻辑的结果,共同解释了人类认识到的自然界的第二种运动形式:心灵的运动发展过程。 其次,绝对精神运动的三步曲,与范例哲学所揭示的本体论和现象,有必然的联系。当然这个联系的另一方面是康德的哲学。范例哲学的有单独的本体系统和现象(又类似康德哲学),而黑格尔的体系是三曲包含了一切,不免有人为杜撰的痕迹。 范例哲学将黑格尔体系的思想包含其中,但又远不止仅仅是心灵的运动,这是必须注意的。最后我必须祝贺冠云提出这样的问题,因为冠云是自称是“带小板凳来听讲”的人。真是“士别三日必刮目相看”啊!我等再不努力,只有瞠乎其后了。 |