答蘭冠云:黑格爾的“絕對精神”與範例哲學的“思維絕對性質”的異同 在我的小文“再論絕對性”後,蘭冠雲網友問,"思維的絕對性,與“精神的絕對性”是否一樣?"。這是一個非常有意義的問題,我下面試圖回答。 首先,讓我們來看看什麼是黑格爾的“絕對精神”?下面是網上發現的關於這個問題一些總結: "The Absolute is Mind (Spirit) - this is the supreme definition of the Absolute." Philosophy of Mind § 384. (the third part of Hegel's Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences) "The truth is the whole. The whole, however, is merely the essential nature reaching its completeness through the process of its own development. Of the Absolute it must be said that it is essentially a result, that only at the end is it what it is in very truth; and just in that consists its nature, which is to be actual, subject, or self-becoming, self-development." Preface, Phenomenology of Mind 81-82. only at the end of the process of its own teleological self-becoming. It is a result of its own development in which it gives itself its own content - Nature (the presupposition of human consciousness) - and returns from the otherness of this content through human consciousness. In other words, it becomes object to itself and comes to know itself to be this object. It becomes self-consciously, self-thinking thought. [Compare Aristotle's Metaphysics 1072b19: "Thought thinks itself as object in virtue of its participation in what is thought." Hegel's self-thinking thought, however, is not independent of the universe but is the universe's own developed self-consciousness.] The development of the Absolute - which is the object of philosophy - thus has three main phases: The Absolute in itself - the subject matter of Logic The Absolute for itself - the philosophy of Nature The Absolute in and for itself - the philosophy of Spirit The Absolute obtains its self-realization - Absolute Knowledge - in Hegel's philosophy. (http://www.webpages.uidaho.edu/mickelsen/texts/hegel%20glossary.htm) 引語稍微長了些,我的目的是要讀者了解什麼是黑格爾的“絕對精神”的思想。黑格爾的難度是令人望而卻步的,所以多說幾句對理解會有所幫助。 在黑格爾那裡,“絕對精神”是一個定義,是黑格爾的天才猜測,是他的邏輯的出發點。從上面可以看到,黑格爾認為“絕對精神”只有走完了全過程,既從“邏輯-自然-心靈”(邏輯科學的百科全書),才揭示了自己的真理,才可以稱為是絕對精神,既“整體真理”。這就是簡要黑格爾的思想。範例哲學的“思維的絕對性質”,與之區別和同一在什麼地方呢? 首先談區別。範例哲學的思維絕對性質(表現為“思在”範疇),不是一種猜測,而是“邏輯的延伸”。這裡所說的邏輯當然不是黑格爾的邏輯,而是必然或因果的意思。為什麼這麼說?因為思在是來自於範例的本體論的基礎,絕對範疇。所以不是猜不猜到的問題,而是一種必然性。 其次,思在於絕對精神的區別,在於思在的廣泛性,思在包括意志,心裡和思考的功能,既思維。所以思在不是僅僅“精神”就能概括的。黑氏的絕對精神,有叔本華意志是一卻的味道,表現的是一種單獨的心靈/思維方面。 再次,絕對精神,在黑格爾看來,沒有完成整個循環前並不具有真理性,而必須走完整個的循環,才能證明自身的真理。這裡很明顯,人為的因素比較多。範例哲學的思在,是客觀真理,不以人的意志為轉移,也不以發展(時間的規定性)為限制。 最後的區別,絕對精神,在黑格爾是定義,等同上帝。思在,在範例哲學中,是自然本身真理邏輯的一部分,雖然是最高的部分,但顯然不是定義或猜測,而是範例的組成部分。 那麼絕對精神與思在有什麼共同的地方? 黑格爾的絕對精神,是範例哲學的“harbinger”(先遣軍)。沒有猜測在前,不可能有邏輯揭示在後。同樣是心靈的運動,一個猜測是精神或上帝,一個是邏輯的結果,共同解釋了人類認識到的自然界的第二種運動形式:心靈的運動發展過程。 其次,絕對精神運動的三步曲,與範例哲學所揭示的本體論和現象,有必然的聯繫。當然這個聯繫的另一方面是康德的哲學。範例哲學的有單獨的本體系統和現象(又類似康德哲學),而黑格爾的體系是三曲包含了一切,不免有人為杜撰的痕跡。 範例哲學將黑格爾體系的思想包含其中,但又遠不止僅僅是心靈的運動,這是必須注意的。最後我必須祝賀冠雲提出這樣的問題,因為冠雲是自稱是“帶小板凳來聽講”的人。真是“士別三日必刮目相看”啊!我等再不努力,只有瞠乎其後了。 |