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已出版小说《Sun Grass》《Goobie & Dream-walker》和多本双语诗集  
青柳诊所手记45 2024-08-05 19:26:41





为什么不呢?这就像浇水的管道 一样,水流不出来,并不是因为我手中握着的这一截出了毛病,真正堵住的是在远端啊。眼科也一样。如果视力出了什么故障,你觉得真的只是眼睛的问题吗?中医治疗眼疾,往往从肝肾方面来治,岂不也是同样的道理?所谓的肝肾阴虚是不是可以理解为通往眼睛的水管在肝肾这里打了一个结?所以,无论你的身体有什么不适,最好的解决办法不是纠结于那个痛点,也不是吃去痛片,而是立马去寻找那个卡住了的结子。

Sunshine Coast的一个患者几个月前给我们带来了两棵长长的竹子苗。也真亏得他不怕辛苦,那么高的竹子他居然坐着轮船带过来了。我们种下竹子后,没多久就发现其中一棵已经完全枯萎了。大师兄把它从根部剪掉了,在花盆里种上了别的植物。几天前我浇水的时候,突然发现在这个大花盆的最中央,一棵小小的竹子颤巍巍地绽放了出来。我站在这颗小竹子面前,充满敬畏地看着它。





Whispering of Willows 45

It has been hot lately. Most of our flower beds haven't yet been equipped with an automatic watering system, so the first thing we do in the morning is watering the plants in our garden. I've discovered that watering is not an easy task. The garden is large, there are many plants around, and the pipe is heavy, so it takes some effort to drag it from one end of the garden to the other. One day, just halfway through watering, the water suddenly stopped. Bewildered, I looked back, and realized there was a twist in the upper part of the hose, and the water was stuck and could no longer flow. I untied the knot, and the water immediately flowed smoothly again.

This reminds me of the acupuncture we do. When a patient complains of shoulder pain, it's very common for us to do needles or cupping on his/her feet. Some patients were puzzled and asked, "Why don't you treat the painful part directly?"

Why? It's like the water pipe. If the water can't flow, it's not because the part I'm holding has a problem, but the real blockage is usually at the far end. The same is true for any eye disease. If something is wrong with your vision, do you really think it's just a problem with your eyes? Traditional Chinese Medicine’s treatment for eye diseases focuses on the liver and kidneys. Isn't this the same principle? We often say an eye disease has to do with yin deficiency in the liver and kidneys, which can be understood metaphorically as a twist in the water pipe in the liver and kidneys area leading to the eyes. If you feel some pain, instead of looking at the pained area, or reaching for aspirin, begin a search for the twist.

A few months ago, a friend from the Sunshine Coast brought us two tall bamboo seedlings as gifts. It was admirable; he went through so much trouble hauling such tall plants while travelling by ferry. However, not long after, we realized one of the bamboo plants had wilted and was completely dead. Dr. Daniel had to cut it off at the roots and later we planted some other plants in the flowerpot. A few days ago, when I was watering, I suddenly spotted that in the center of this large flowerpot, a small bamboo shoot was peeking out, shyly and humbly. In front of this small bamboo shoot I stood gazing in awe.

Do you sometimes feel that life is much tougher than you would have imagined, and quite often, might we give up hope and our life pursuit too early? Even a withered bamboo can be reborn, so why do you firmly believe that your disease cannot be cured? The power that heals you often does not come from doctors or high-end medical technology, but from the small bud buried deep in your heart, called vitality, that awaits watering and nourishing by you.

A friend told me that he loved his mother dearly, and now that his mother has passed away, he misses her very much. "When I miss her, I don't stare at her photos, but instead, I sit in the garden where we spent happy times together. Many roses have been planted in the corner of my yard. When I close my eyes and a draft gently blows, the fragrance of a certain rose arrives at my nostrils; I smile, because I know that she is close by - trying to comfort me with her favorite flower’s perfume and awaken the seeds of my happiness..."

This friend's words touched me deeply. Now I dare not neglect any plant in my care, because I have a growing impression that their vitality comes not only from the depth of themselves, but may also from a more mysterious and distant world.


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