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已出版小说《Sun Grass》《Goobie & Dream-walker》和多本双语诗集  
青柳诊所手记46 2024-09-26 17:54:03














另外一个是E, 她来自于东欧。她说,“我五十多岁才移民来加拿大, 我这辈子的生活过得一点儿也不容易,但我从不把这些困难放在心上。只要一有空,我就去做义工。现在我的朋友比谁都多。别看我八十好几了,到哪里都是我自己开车,我还常常去接送别人。我八十五岁那天,我的教会为我开了一个大型的party, 我跟那些年轻人一样又唱又跳,尽情欢乐,谁都不相信我竟然有这么老了!”

还有一个是D 她今年92岁了。我初次见到她,就有种似曾相识的感觉。年龄大了她的体力明显不济了,但头脑却依然非常清晰,问话时对答如流,深陷的眼睛宁静而优雅,似乎在默默诉说着旧日的沧桑。









于是大家纷纷行动起来,有的去找鲜花,有的去找乐器,有的去找食物,有的去找水晶,有的去找喜剧演员…. 只有一个小男孩,他不慌不忙地找来一根蜡烛,拿一根火柴点燃它。忽然间昏暗的房间变得明亮了,小孩带着大家在烛光下载歌载舞,欢乐无比……

我治疗过的这三个老人,岂不也跟这个男孩一样参透了生命的秘密 - 真正制造欢乐的人其实就是我们自己?


Whispering of Willows 46

The clinic's garden was very busy this year. A few months ago, only green leaves were seen, but in the blink of an eye, it turned golden or red. The protagonists were certainly the tomatoes and roses, who brought wonderful surprises to many patients.

One patient said: "I believe there is only one clinic like yours in the whole world; where else can you see a doctor and pick a few tomatoes or roses at the same time?"

Why can't there be more clinics like this? In addition to treating patients with conventional tools, we also can give them a chance to touch life?

Autumn is here, and the fruits in the garden have already been picked. Withered leaves and decadent branches are scattered here and there, quietly waiting for us to give them new life next year.

Quite a while ago I realized it: life is just a transformation of energy, from one form to another. Plants and animals do not have the ability to actively realize this transformation, but we humans can. If you look carefully, you will find that many people have been using this transformational ability intentionally or unintentionally.

Dr. Daniel’s father was ill, lying in the hospital. For various reasons, Dr. Daniel could not go back to visit him. Dr. Daniel does not use a mobile phone either. One day he borrowed my phone, trying to do a video chat with his father. By this time, his father was unable to talk, so he sang a song for his father, the title of which is "I Heard You Are in the Distance". Attentively, his father listened, a smile on his lips and tears in his eyes.

A few days later, his father passed away. Dr. Daniel said to me, "I am so glad that I said goodbye to my father with a song". I nodded. I knew that he had transformed the energy of sadness into love with the help of a beautiful song.

I gradually discovered that the more people are adept at transforming energy, the freer and happier they seem to be.

A considerable number of people who come to our clinic for treatment are elderly people.

When people enter old age, through years of wear and tear, their organs enter a state of fatigue and sluggishness; their energy, blood and body fluids become relatively insufficient. It is common that seniors often suffer from physical pain and various ailments.

Some people may become depressed because of the chronic discomfort, but some people choose not to dwell on it. They deliberately turn themselves into energy transformers.

The three elderly people I have met recently have left a deep impression on me.

One of them is J. She lives on an island with only 1,000 residents. She has to take the ferry to visit us. She said, "I take care of my husband and two dogs every day, and I have a five-acre garden to look after. This year, never mind everything else, just in apples, we harvested 1,800 pounds! I am busy like a bee all the time. When I finally have some free time, I lie on the grass, barefoot, listening and talking to the flowers, plants and trees. This is the most relaxing and happiest time for me..."


Another patient is E, who is from Eastern Europe. She said, "I did not emigrate to Canada until I was in my fifties. My life has not been easy at all, but I never took those difficulties to heart. Whenever possible, I do volunteer work. Now I have more friends than anyone else. Even though I am over eighty years old, I drive myself everywhere, and I often pick up and drop off others. On my eighty-fifth birthday, my church held a large party for me. I sang and danced like those young people and had tons of fun. No one believes that I am this old!"

Another patient is D, she is 92 years old. When I first met her, I felt like I had seen her before. Her physical strength obviously is declining, but her mind is still sharp and lucid. Her deep-set eyes are calm and elegant, as if silently telling the vicissitudes of the past.

When D was sick and it was inconvenient for her to go out, I went to her house to see her in person.

She said: "I do have a lot of pain in my body. Sometimes I can't sleep because of the pain, but I always tell myself not to focus on the pain. I will try my best to do things I like, such as chatting with my children and grandchildren, reading interesting things online, sometimes gazing at the flowers on my table, marvelling at their colors and fragrance, and sometimes relishing every drop of my hot tea..."

Her daughter interrupted: "Ah, Dr. Anna, should my mother drink such hot tea? Is it bad for her health?"

I smiled and replied: "What does it matter? Whatever she enjoys with her whole heart is good for her!"

D chuckled at her daughter: "See, my dear, just like I always told you, in order to enjoy life, you must learn to find some fun wherever you are, even if it is just in a simple thing like a cup of tea."

When I came out of D's house, a short story I had read came to my mind:

Once upon a time, a sage sat in his dim cave, a large group of his followers crowded to listen to his teachings about happiness.

The wise man said: "I will give you a chance to experience happiness right now. Each of you, please go and fill this space with joy in the simplest, cheapest and fastest way you can think of."

Everyone took action, some went to gather flowers, some to find musical instruments, some to find food, some to find crystals, and some went to find comedians...  One little boy calmly stood up, and lit a candle with a match. Suddenly the gloomy cave became bright, and the child led everyone to sing and dance in the candlelight, full of joy...

Are not the three elderly people I treated kind of like the boy in the story? They have already understood that the secret to a happy and pain free life is ourselves, for we are the true energy transformers.

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