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"Cult Revealed" to be effective 2014-12-29 18:46:55

Rick Ross Allen recently launched a new book, "Evil  teach Revealed" , the book has been the world's leading online bookstore Amazon online aircraft. And became a hit, causing a number of media recognition and resonance. How did the book, in order to have such a success of it!


First, personally participated in the study, with reality. Famous American cult expert Rick • Mr. Ross, to help people get rid of the evil control of  teaching focus. In more than 30 years of time, involved about 500 cases of evil teaching intervention, providing expert trial testimony, and engaged in a cult-related work in the world. He founded "Rick Ross • A • research institutions" (Rick A. Ross Institute) in 2003, later renamed the "evil ## educational institutions to teach" (Cult Education Institute), the agency's database to collect a lot of controversial court records of individuals and groups, articles and news stories. In addition, Ross has also published numerous articles on China to expose the evil teach France round success with, Kai Feng network has been introduced to. October 2010, Rick • Mr. Ross had warned evil people must be vigilant teaching penetration.


The second is to expose the cult nature, warned prevention experience. "Evil teach Revealed" on the one hand a strong focus on the dangers of cults and how they absorb and control followers. The book details the important contemporary • Charles Manson cult from the era to the present. The book also detailed analysis of the evil example involves teaching interventions, including Scientology. With the help of evil now Anglicans and Catholics under former Ross show numerous methods used to control and manipulate the cult followers, and more importantly, Ross also describes some of the effective ways to get rid of the evil ## teaching control. Therefore, readers will learn more about the nature of evil destroy ## teaching, improve their own lives or the lives of friends and family deal with a similar situation skills. On the other hand focuses on destructive cults and how they recruit followers and handling. The book details the important contemporary religion from evil  • Charles Manson era to the present. The book also analyzed in detail, for example, including Scientology cult intervention process, including. Personal contact is how to start a cult? To get rid of the evil evil teach and heal those who enter teaching "obsessed" People need what steps? These issues will be taught in ## well-known experts in anti-evil • Rick Ross's new book "Evil teach Big Secret" to get a detailed answer.


Third, the media spoke highly resonate effect. "Evil  teach Big Secret," a book once launched, they got the news reporters, the original "accent" Edit • Albany Saratoga Tony (Tony Ortega), "escape: ## and I teach lifelong war evil" (Escape : My Life Long War Against Cults), author Paul Mulan Zi (Paul Morantz), Ph.D. Pigg Monica (Monica Pignotti), and "collapse: US prevalence of sudden personality change" (Snapping: America's Epidemic of Sudden Personality Change) a book two of Freud Hom Wei (Flo Conway) and Jim Siegman (Jim Siegelman) and others praise. US commercial cable network (www.businesswire.com) 12 16 reported the message of the book launch and evaluation, said: "The book never works like this to often called 'lifting program' (deprogramming) were so detailed observations and discussion from the book, the reader can feel a resolve to intervene to include an assessment of the program, including the preparation and in-depth analysis, progressive block analysis method is easy to understand, but also comes with these sub-blocks of the Church of Scientology actual cases of believers, law practitioners and  round power control into abusive relationships young women. "Chinese Xinhua December 27 also on the" the American gentleman see how Falun Gong "This article has been the effectiveness of propaganda.


Four is also the world in truth, the essence distinguish right from wrong. "Evil each Revealed" a real and effective book exposes the hypocrisy of false cult, confusing deception indisputable facts, a lot of facts from the cult of the intervention in the case, a little bit of a cult is not restored people know the truth and expose the real face of the cult. Warnings alert the world away from the cult, cherish life. At the same time how to get rid of the cult, and other related issues in detail lay preaching. Cult to distinguish truth can really play, glance classics.

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