民主黨赤裸裸歧視:砍天才班,只因亞裔太多 有那麼幾個華人為這屆民主黨全力鼓吹,甚至在上月所有民主黨參議員否決共和黨參議員cruz的支持亞裔入學,工作不受歧視提案後,居然找出民主黨否決是為亞裔好的正確性,而分析出共和黨提案是包藏禍心。 加州民主黨現在這個動作,是在追求社會平等的名義下,精準的,豪不掩飾對着亞裔開炮,請正視這個問題。 華盛頓觀察家報道:California seeks end of advanced math courses in name of social justice。May 05, 2021 民主黨大本營加州以社會公平的幌子尋求終結天才數學班。
The California Department of Education’s 2021 mathematics framework seeks to end accelerated math opportunities for gifted students due to racial disparities in “gifted” math programs. “In California in 2004-2014, 32% of Asian American students were in gifted programs, compared with 8% of White students, 4% of Black students, and 3% of Latino students,” reads the text of the new framework. 只因為亞裔學生中,有三分之一能進這個天才數學班,次之是白人,黑人墨裔墊底。
The framework argues California’s public schools should do away with grouping students by ability, instead “districts and schools must confront the structural inequities of tracking and ability grouping, and to strengthen their efforts to support all students learning along a common pathway.” 加州教育廳說學校不應該以能力給予教育,而是要以面對歷來結構性能力和考試成績不均等的情況,去支持所有學生得到同樣的教學方式。
Mike Malione, Piedmont Advanced Learners Program saying the changes could cause “irreparable harm.” “I predict it will cause irreparable harm to our public’s ongoing preparedness for STEM careers, resulting in unfathomable costs to all when our nation finds itself unable to advance or even properly maintain its highly technological, life-sustaining infrastructure,” Malione wrote in response to the framework. 專家Mike Malione說砍去天才教學班計劃將造成無可挽回的傷害, 導致將來的stem職場高科技人才的缺失而使美國無能力維持在高水平之上。
“My biggest issue with the new framework is that, in its determination to bestow social justice and equity, it denounces existing exclusionary practices as ‘arbitrary or irrelevant,’ without ever honestly examining their necessity in the context of educating a workforce that will be tasked with the technological realities of the mid-21st Century,” Malione continued. 最大的問題在於只決定去賦予社會的公平平等,而拋棄現有的擇優教學實踐,不誠實地檢視21世紀的現實世界是急需教育培養出技術性人才的。
Malione also argued that the framework would do little to provide its stated goal of equitable outcomes, noting that parents with the means to send their children to pricey private schools would begin to have a leg up on some of the traditionally underserved students that attend public schools. 而且砍掉公校的天才培養班對於所謂的平等追求作用微乎其微。有錢的人家會將孩子送入私校而只有能力入公校的孩子儘管具有天賦但得不到應該有的教學手段。如此,更加拉大社會的不平等。
“Furthermore, by removing all the opportunities for our highest achieving students to prepare their way into suitable STEM pre-career pathways, those careers would remain available only to students coming from families wealthy enough to afford private enrichment,” 那些成績顯著的學生因為被取消了所有的機會,能讓他們走向stem職業的路都被封殺,只有有錢人家的孩子有可能得到更好的機會將來占據更好的社會位置。
加州民主黨這是赤裸裸地歧視亞裔。他們一方面宣稱所有種族之間沒有差別,另一方面因為知道黑墨裔學生歷來的能力和成績的低下, 要將超多“gift”的亞裔學生超前教學計劃取消用以拉平到低下成績的黑墨裔水平, 而不是採取切實的措施去鼓勵黑人墨裔家庭重視孩子的教育,家長為孩子做好榜樣遠離毒品遠離暴力,用以提高黑墨裔孩子學習能力。 加州民主黨的這種看似追求的平等將造成所有孩子的平庸,只給有錢人家庭的孩子具有上升通道。相對貧窮而刻苦努力,智商相對高點的亞裔後代可能更加難以得到上升機會。從而導致更多的社會不平等。 操蛋的民主黨。 05/07/2021