同性恋更聪明也更无私 作者: 本人假正经 (Benren2) 发表于:2021-01-25 同性恋在人口中的比例稳定保持在4%左右(remaining at a constant level around 4%)。在这个小众群体中,名人辈出,比如苏格拉底,柏拉图,亚里士多德,达芬奇,培根,莎士比亚,柴科夫斯基,...等等历史名人,还有现代计算机科学奠基人图灵,苹果公司现任总裁蒂姆·库克,冰岛女总理西于尔扎多蒂,著名电视节目主持人安德森·库珀、瑞秋•麦朵、艾伦·德詹尼斯,拜登提名的运输部长皮特·布蒂吉格,... 等等。由于历史上长期歧视的原因,很多名人不敢暴露自己的性取向,同性恋名人肯定要比公开的还要多。显而易见,同性恋名人众多,与其人口份量不成比例。 人类历史上如果没有这些同性恋名人,人类文明史得改写。我们异性恋者可以对同性恋不感兴趣,但是必须承认同性恋这个小众群体中涌现的名人对人类进步的重大贡献。 在美国工作的华人,大概也发现在公司高层中经常有同性恋者的身影。凭印象可能也有同性恋是不是比异性恋更聪明的疑问。今天在同学群有人提起这个话题,我忍不住上网搜索答案,果然发现有不少这方面的研究文章。同性恋性状与智商确实存在着一定程度的连锁关系。人口调查也证实了同性恋与智商的正相关。比如,进化心理学家中泽智敏(Satoshi Kanazawa)根据对三项大型人口调查(美国的AddHealth和GSS,英国的NCDS)的研究证明,同性恋者平均来说更聪明。 上帝是公正的,他关闭了同性恋享受异性爱情这扇窗,又开启了同性恋智商爆棚这一扇窗口。 同性恋者基本上断子绝孙,他们的聪明才智所创造的不可或缺的人类文明,得益者是异性恋的后代。从这一点上说,同性恋是人类中最无私的群体,值得全人类高度尊敬。 歧视同性恋的人乱喷之前,先掂量一下自己的智商和对人类文明的贡献吧! ——————————— 部分参考资料: 《想不到吧—历史上著名的同性恋名人列表》 作者:wheredingding 发表于 2015-08-27 INTELLIGENCE AND HOMOSEXUALITY Published online by Cambridge University Press: 31 January 2012 SATOSHI KANAZAWA In July of 2010, researchers at York University released a study showing that gay men’s brain hemispheres worked in conjunction with one another better than straight men’s, allowing them to remember faces quicker and more accurately Research published in the Economics of Education Review in 2009 said that gay male undergraduates on average have a grade point average about 2 percent higher than that of straight males at the same institution. A 2004 New Jersey study found 52 percent of same-sex couples in that state include at least one partner with a college degree, compared to 42 percent of opposite-sex couples. Renée Liddicoat, published A Study of Non-Institutionalized Homosexuals, also in 1961, and found that South African homosexual men and women had significantly higher verbal I.Q. scores than that of her heterosexual control group. A 1949 study of 100 neurotic homosexual and 100 neurotic heterosexual soldiers similarly found evidence of higher intelligence scores and educational achievement amongst the gay soldiers (Winterstein-Lambert, E. Bulletin de la Faculté de Médicine de)