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His Blog is bilingual,a babe named Lakeshore,一語湖邊,too.  
來自: Burlington, Canada
註冊日期: 2007-10-12
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· A Bridge,符號,多元文化體驗 (
· 莽崑崙英譯-Translation of Mao
· “Toronto, purchased "?
· Native Indians,Asians?
· Seasons In the Country 譯下:
【Cyber Feelings 一語湖邊】
· A Bridge,符號,多元文化體驗 (
· 大湖冬晨, Winter-at-Lakeside
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· 【大湖小橋一語閒言】漢英小詩
· 莽崑崙英譯-Translation of Mao
· 試譯席慕蓉散文 [ 一個春日的下
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· Seasons In the Country 譯下:
· Seasons In the Country -譯上
· 隨筆:在音樂中閱讀,—My beloved
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【Canadian Study-楓葉的過去】
· “Toronto, purchased "?
· Native Indians,Asians?
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Seasons In the Country -譯上

‘Seasons In the Country’ 四季與音樂譯上

-試 加題: 來自山谷的回音, 原創:http://blog.hjenglish.com/jiangxiaohong/

這一篇原譯自上海的一家英語網,覺得有點大都市的小布爾喬亞,有點shanghai 氣息,就留下了,
When I was doing it, I felt not sure if I could complete it or not, but bit by bit, I finally did it, but I am not sure if it is okay to read aloud or in silence. As I have always been, curious and eager to know your comments; critics are welcome, and wish you feel not waste of your time or still brining you some enjoyment?

When \'thanksgiving\' holidays, I have been thinking that if it is ancient adore to the nature that gives us, then there is friendship we can warship too on earth, or earthly. 此貼獻歌 West Canada 的朋友們

It\'s getting warmer and warmer these years, even by the lake you feel so; when spring had gone far, and summer ended, then was the moment we would have been missing them now. Just had smelt the fall, then the steps of winter have been heard approaching already.
Thanksgiving days.

春天,太陽是生命力最好的象徵。這時放一張John Denver和Alan Jackson的音樂,聽那些精神抖擻的牛仔唱着來自鄉間的浪漫歌曲。可以的話,要找一隻有稜角的玻璃杯裝新鮮的牛奶來喝。然後在美國人對大西部的迷醉里,想象孤獨大草原中的浪漫景象 —— 一個自由的牛仔在工作一天后抱着吉他圍(依)着篝火唱歌,或是追逐着長途汽車的情景。一張碟聽完,舔舔上嘴唇上沾的一圈牛奶沫。喜歡的話呢,還可以在春天的音樂中讀一首春天的詩:

春天: Sun, no argues, the immortal-icon of vitality. Spring, is the best season for ‘John Denver’s’ or ‘Alan Jackson’s’, country romances sung by those handsome cool-boys. If you may, just find a big and heavy mug full of fresh milk, and drink it. Impossibly, not be able to picture yourself into the scene of a ranch, like a cowboy, be drunken with the west-dreams or fancying of at the night-fire, singing, or maybe, chasing after a bus riding to the greenness of the massive land left behind. When music ended, licking  lips sugary, and creamy; likely, being perhaps poetic trying to read in silence a poem of spring authored whomever.

APRIL is the cruelest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.
T. S. Eliot: The Waste Land
-- 趙蘿蕤譯艾略特的《荒原》

夏天,陽光透過樹木的枝幹投下班駁的影。在蒸騰的熱浪里,找出The Judds、Dolly Parton的唱片來放。然後去便利店買一瓶冰鎮的ram jazz,我喜歡lime口味的。對於熱愛鄉村音樂的人來講,生活再艱難,都有一個屬於自己的夢想天台。外面有嘈雜的人聲和車流,想象自己一身乾淨利落的裝扮 —— 牛仔帽、筆挺的牛仔褲、大號的皮帶扣、西部風情的靴子,坐在莊園裡聽純正的音色帶來的簡樸卻不失真摯的歌曲。實在是一種不太喧譁的享受。當然,你也可以在夏天的音樂中想象自己對着心愛的女孩大聲誦讀莎士比亞的名句:

夏天: Through the summer leaves, its shadowing patens magically drawn on the tree and at our foot. In blistering heat, humid, if ‘The Judd’s’ or Dolly Patron’s were picked, next, is an \'iced-Ram Jazz\' from next-door convenience, but not to forget Li me’s. For ‘country’ lovers, even the days are long and harsh, there is always moments to dream: day-dreaming in the noise of crowd, traffic; a  cowboy neat look, a hat, a big-buckled belt, surely, a western-boots; relaxing in the fields; with the melodies bringing you end-less simplicity and sincerity, only from the country; A country luxury that beyond imagination never too lavishly. Or sure, you may also recite to your hearty-one loudly, the Shakespeare’s sonnets’().

Shall I compare thee to a summer\'s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate.
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer\'s lease hath all too short a date.
― William Shakespeare

@@湖畔 to be continued, [此貼子已經被作者於2006-12-16 4:06:55編輯過]
論壇帖子:http://www.hjbbs.com/dispbbs.asp?boardID=29&ID=395911 :加題: ‘Seasons in the country’

Reversed and To be continued

  Noted for personal study, and future diggings;
Friendly discussions and comments are welcome!
Readers discretions is advised!

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