试译席慕蓉诗歌 Diz,Translation Ex.[乡愁一首及采访摘译]
按:■席慕容 〔简介)蒙古族女诗人。原籍内蒙古查哈尔盟明安旗。蒙古族名字全称穆伦席连勃,意为浩荡大江河。是蒙古族王族之后,外婆是王族公主。在父亲的军旅生活中,席慕容出生于四川。十三岁起在日记中写诗,十四岁入台北师范艺术科,后又入台湾师范大学艺术系。1964年入比利时布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院专攻油画。毕业后任台湾新竹师专美术系副教授。举办过数十次个人画展,出过画集,多次获各种绘画奖。1981年,台湾大地出版社出版席慕容的第一本诗集《七里香》,一年之内再版七次。其他诗集也是一版再版。席慕容多写爱情、人生、乡愁,作品清新、易懂、好读。

记者:回来之后感觉自己最大的收获是什么? What is your most impressvie getting in by this re-visiting homeland this time?
席慕容:我觉得在我46岁踏上故以前,这个世界没有给我一个正确的内蒙古,没有给我一个完整的、仔细的、正确的内蒙古高原的草原文化。我的意思是说,这么好的东西怎么从来没有人告诉过我,我46年所缺少的正是这个属于我的故乡的生命现场,我缺席了46年,所以我现在加倍地想要补回来。我用书写,用演讲,在我书写的同时、演讲的同时,我觉得自己在建构一个我的生命现场,这个生命现场是草原文化给我的启发,我希望跟大家分享。I was already 46 years of age before I stepped on to the home land, before :that, the inner-Mongolia left in me from this world is far away from one that is correct, complete, detailed, or accurate, the culture, either; I mean, why no one tells me this of such beauty? and that, I thought, was what I missed in this whole 46 years, a living presence of the mother land, I have been absent too long, so I am as twice as much eager to get it back. I write, I make speech, while I feel that I am building a theater of my life again, and this is the enlightment that only this magnificent culture in this unique locale can provide, I have to share with all.
记者:因为在我们那个年代喜欢您的诗很重要的原因是爱情,您写爱情诗的跨度为什么那么大? The strongest reason that young of the time likened your poems is the romance of it, but why the time sphere of poems, or its scope is so huge?
席慕容:没有人规定说40岁以后不准谈恋爱。我那个时候30多岁,30岁现在看很年轻,我女儿现在有30多岁了,那个时候还有诗人跟我说,你到50岁的时候总不能写情诗了吧,他是好意,但是我觉得写诗不是我的专业,我觉得我是要写才写的,我也不知道50岁怎么了,我现在离50岁已经很远了,但是我还在写,谁说50岁不能写,照写,但是有些东西得改变,有一些沧桑。谁规定超过60岁的灵魂就不可以写,灵魂是自由的,可是超过60岁的人就得循规蹈矩一点。There is no limits to the age of love, after 40 of age? No, such rules; I was in my 30\'s of age, a women in her 30 could be very young from now; my daughter is 30 years age now; remember a poet said to me in his good willing that love poems are quite beyond age of 50, however, poems composing is not my expertise, I write for I have to, nothing wrong with age of 50 either; now, its pretty far from my age of 50; but I still write, no body says one could not write when you re 50 years of age? We can still do that, of cause, something ought to be changed, you feel the time-changing, or agedness. No rules prohibit a soul of 60\'s, our soul is free; surely, nevertheless, one should be more disciplined when get over 60.
■席慕容的诗, 乡愁 ( homesickness)
故乡的歌 是一支清远的笛 总在有月亮的晚上 响起
故乡的面貌 却是一种模糊的怅惘 仿佛雾里的 挥手别离
离别后 乡愁是一棵没有年轮的树 永不老去
Love of home, melody in my heart, flutes distant and flight night always, with twinkles and moonlight Love of home, painted imaginary, voids (frames) listlessly faces as if in days foggy, Goodbyes waved in the mist of thickness (emptiness) Love of home, starts when depart farewell, and goodbyes stays as a tree grows no rings, yet never die
一语湖边, (约翰雷克肖) Noted for personal study, and future diggings; Friendly discussions and comments are welcome! Readers discretions is advised! Thursday, October 18, 2007 1:58:34 PM Cyber_Feelings: http://www.vrzworld.com/discuz/?fromuid=617 Blog: 万维读者 http://blog.creaders.net/johnlakeshore/ Link: 24en 专栏 [ 湖畔呓语 ] 连接: http://www.24en.com/column/lakeshore/2007-08-16/58839.html