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His Blog is bilingual,a babe named Lakeshore,一语湖边,too.  
大湖冬晨, Winter-at-Lakeside 2007-10-13 15:35:56

大湖冬晨, Winter-at-Lakeside


By the same water,

let’s enjoy the Sunrise together 

Friday, October 12, 2007 4:19:10 PM

英语随笔 –Writing in English


It’s been pretty long that I wanted to have a ‘winter-at-lake’ pictured; Yet, winter came, this year, very late, as if to test our patience. It came finally, just last week, the first snow of winter covered streets, lake-side, and trees ...


People in the northern areas had no more complains this time, welcomed it with a pleasant relieve on their mind; “oh, finally, It’s snowing!”


\"Let it snow, let it snow,…” was the music in the air, repeatedly heard since X-mas.


Though excited for the chance came at last that I could capture the beauty of the snowy bank

and the mist at lakeside, minus -7 or maybe -08 outdoor, I still could not hold camera longer than 10 minutes before I went back to get a coffee to keep my finger warm.


When I returned, it was already up there, higher above the lake. I missed the moment again this time, and I have to arrange to do it again…. I knew it’s not easy. But i will do it,….


Oh, Sun, please wait for me....next time..






Friday, October 12, 2007 4:19:10 PM

英语随笔 –Writing in English



Noted for personal study, and future diggings, Readers discretions is advised

Friendly discussions and comments are welcome!


First Version: Version: 02,Thursday, February 22, 2007

Second Version: Friday, October 12, 2007 3:55:32 PM




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