Seasons In the Country 译下: 加题来自山谷的回音 原创:
按: \"thanksgiving\" 随感一语 这一篇原译自上海的一家英语网的旧作, 觉得有点大都市的‘小布尔乔亚‘ , 有点shanghai de 气息,就留下了,如果大家喜欢, 我就更开心了。
thanksgiving\' 有感,if it is ancient adore to the nature that gives us, then there is friendship we can warship too on earth, or earthly. 此贴献歌 West Canada 的朋友们
在湖边, I felt that 冬天已慢慢地接近, 然而,我的朋友啊,
O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
秋天,阳光有如红酒,一点一滴地都要醉人。我的阁楼窗玻璃上贴着不同色块拼凑的透光纸,阳光透进来散成几束色彩斑斓的光晕,我独喜欢酒红色的那一片。这个时候要听Don Williams、Patsy Cline、Brad Paisley的声音。给自己一杯清水,找一个舒适的姿势蜷起来。那是一种精致纯正而且原汁原味的音乐,有钢琴、弦乐做背景和声,很容易辨识。偶尔激烈的节奏里也有不受约束的情感。孤独伤感的时候,或者需要发泄不安的时候,在里面便能微妙地听到自己心的声音。
秋天: Come autumn, it’s fascinating, easily, to-be-drunken in the sun, colored as wine. My lofty window papered like the church’s. It shines in splittingly into colored-circles, but the red one is my loved. Thus the moment for Don Williams, Patsy Cline, or Brad Paisley, just need a cup of water plain, nestle yourself into pleasant positions. Enjoy their voices, their music of a pure origin type, so fine, not at all artificial. Easily you distinguish piano’s, string-band midst in the background, Wildly You went emotional, hearing the inner-voice of your heart, in the moment of loneliness, thrilled in a sudden feeling unsecured, or saddened.
此时如果读到Cyril Connolly 康利诺的小说 中这样的句子,你是否也会感同身受呢: “Fallen leaves lying on the grass in the November sun bring more happiness than the daffodils.”[/align]
冬天,暖暖的阳光是叫人庸懒的。找个象牙色的杯子泡一杯对味的咖啡,放Kenny Rogers、Willie Nelson的唱片。然后漫不经心地看一缕腾起的白雾,在鼻间蔓延开来。在一段优美的旋律里,听着精致的声线,伴着缓慢温柔的经典,从每一口咖啡的温暖中找到各自喜欢的苦与香。
冬天, Only in winters, the real warmth from sun make you feel lazily to do nothing (relaxed and lazy). Now, just a cup, ivory-colored, let go (put on)the “Kenny Rogers”, “Willie Nelson” then, the white creamy smoke danced to moisture your nose, in a alluring music, the voices, the magnificent classics, dripping softly to you mind, followed with taste of bitter or sweet in your each sipping.
一把夏威夷吉他,一只口琴,一个好声音,再这么多的喜和愁,忧和乐,只是这样。无论如何搭配,都是经典。在阳光明媚的下午,放一张乡村音乐的唱片,找一本喜爱的书。每一段音乐都是用心的美感之作,每一段美好的回忆就这样让手中的文字带给你... Guitars, a harmonica? a thick voice, all mixed classically with the happiness or worries, delighted or lonely, but only be brightened in such a sunny winter afternoon. A piece of ‘country’, or a book beloved, the very single piece aired in appreciation of my heart; Words in lyrics (episodes) narrates a soul and memorizes on paper the same way.
每每至此,我会想起 Percy Bysshe Shelley. 雪莱 在中的经典名句: O Wind, If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗?
原创: 论坛帖子: :加题: ‘Seasons in the country’ @@湖畔 to be continued, [此贴子已经被作者于2006-12-16 4:06:55编辑过]
Reversed and End.
一语湖边( Personal Notes, Friendly discussions and comments are welcome! Readers discretions is advised!
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-By John Lakshore Oct, 2007 / Copy Courtesy to 万维读者 & Writer Date:Friday, November 02, 2007 8:39:17 PM a personal note for learning and Study purpose, readers discretion is advised!