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His Blog is bilingual,a babe named Lakeshore,一语湖边,too.  
一语湖边,Biography,我的自白-代序: 2007-10-12 14:47:34

一语湖边,  我的自白-代序


I have never written any thing alike about myself, and i  think i am really too young to do so! however, if it\'s leting everybody read about it, then here is who i am: in Chinese: 自卖自夸

Biography: 自我简介:

His Blog is bilingual,
a babe named ’Lakeshore’ 一语湖边,
a penname too.
-John Lakeshore

His passion for life made him an interesting man with many hobbies: Cooking, Sports, Poetry, Freelance and Photography. In 2006, He find Blog Writing a new channel for his passion. His writing true to his inner feelings and comes with fresh ideas that originated from his insights and visions tackling various aspects of modern life.

He has became an active Blogger, in one of the China\'s biggest bilingual Websites, and gained rapid popularity among students and other learners of English Language. Now he is now indulged in his Column, trying to strengthen himself in compiling some better works, mirroring his feelings and love in life, learning, work and observations in Northern America by a name given to himself: John Lakeshore.

His Blog is bilingual, named ‘Lakeshore’, and “一语湖边‘ in Mandarin; also a pen-name. he says: \" it\'s a handy tool, for self edification\" and he liked Francis Bacon’s the most:  \"Reading maketh a full man conference a ready man, and writing a exact man.\" He fell deeply in with Blog Writing. True to his inner feeling, he is going to try to write better, and mirror his lust in learning and life by a name he gave it.

To all readers, he says: Why do I write ?  Writing, as to me is a way of keeping my mind in peace other than a religion; if you are true to you inner feelings, sentimental to what you see, modesty in listening; always, can you find stuff to write about; Plus, it is a good tool of educating myself. Nowadays, internet creates tons of \'Freelancers\',or Bloggers, I have became one of them; I enjoy it.


Friday, October 12, 2007 4:19:10 PM

* biograpgh, is imitated or learnt from Western Website,

Noted for personal study, and future diggings;
Friendly discussions and comments are welcome!
Readers discretions is advised!
Sunday, August 26, 2007 11:32:47 PM
First Version: Monday, August 27, 2007 12:22:48 AM
Second Version: Friday, October 12, 2007 3:55:32 PM

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来自: Burlington, Canada
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