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His Blog is bilingual,a babe named Lakeshore,一语湖边,too.  
Native Indians,Asians? 2007-11-12 08:44:13

Native Indians, Asians?

nomadic Asians, 50,000 years ago


The first people living in Northern America are native Indians. but by some scientists, they came from Asia some 50,000 years ago, through Siberia crossing Bering Strait to Artic Alaska where they move or chase their \"food-source\' from one place to another.

They were nomads. In a vast land from Northern Canada, the United States, and Mexico. they normally were called American Indians sharing similar characteristics; however, numerous tribes and groups have their own customs and traditions, different languages, religious beliefs, in various cultural areas.

Their life styles were, by large, decided where they inhabited; the famous \"woodworking\' was developed during the breaks of their harvesting seasons in West Canada; in contrary to Northern and West Plain, the  \"Spanish farming\' was traditional in East Plain; but the \'Buffalo hunting\' offered necessities as well as materials for art.

\"\" \"\"
*Reference: American heritage dictionary 3rd edition
– 137 words John lakeshore

一语湖边 (John Lakeshore )
Blog: 万维读者
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Noted for personal study, and future diggings;
Posted or Edited Date: Monday, November 12, 2007
Link: 24en 专栏 [ 湖畔呓语 ] 连接:

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来自: Burlington, Canada
注册日期: 2007-10-12
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