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His Blog is bilingual,a babe named Lakeshore,一语湖边,too.  
随笔:在音乐中阅读,—My beloved way of reading ( 转译 上 ) 2007-10-19 22:58:17

随笔:在音乐中阅读,—My beloved way of reading ( 转译 上 )
加译题: My escapes into country music.

[1]Shut in to my very cosy loft, it roofed sliding down form the sides, windowed on both sides, from inside looking out, I feel I can embrace the whole sky, right in front of me…out there, nothing in between (us).

[2]It all piled up there, my (dear) collection, all country discs, in a glassed-wardrobe. The old-fashioned and simplest are the player and the speaker. When door closed but left the window open, take out one you feel, have something tasty and moody to drink, then you may pose what ever you like on the floor, bathing in the sunshine shines in right through the window, thus a perfect, beautiful, afternoon. 

[3]When country is on, aired, it should be a sunny day. It shined and smelled differently in the seasons in a year, gave good excuses letting your body positioned most comfortably, some drinks aside within reach, with various voices singing, but one edifying book in hand, a must.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006湖畔呓者

[1]Shut in to my very cosy loft, it roofed sliding down form the sides, windowed on both, from inside, I can embrace the whole sky, right in front of me…out there, nothing in between (us).

[2]It, all piled up there, my (dear) collection, all country discs, in a glassed-wardrobe. The old-fashioned are player and speaker. When door closed but left the window open, take out one you feel, have something moody to drink, then you may pose what ever you like on the floor, bathing in the sunshine right come in through the window, thus a perfect, beautiful, afternoon. 

[3]When country is on, aired, it should be a sunny day. It shined and smelled differently in the seasons, gave good excuses letting your body positioned most comfortably, some drinks aside not far, with various voices singing, but one edifying book in hand, a must.

博絮:上一篇 / 下一篇  2006-12-13 10:39:49 / 天气: 晴朗 / 心情: 高兴 / 个人分类:呓语杂感-Cyberency 查看( 168 ) / 评论( 0 ) / 评分( 0 / 0 )
转译,上:新东方博客:江晓弘-在音乐中阅读,—My beloved way of reading

- Oct, 2007 @@
一语湖边, (John Lakshore)
Noted for personal study, and future diggings;
Friendly discussions and comments are welcome! Readers discretions is advised!
Saturday, October 20, 2007 1:50:18 AM

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