2019年11月11日星期一早晨 7:21 am 香港东区西湾河 關家榮同志 社交媒体推特(Twitter)及脸书(Facebook)周一(19日)接连宣布,封锁其平台上的大量账号。两家社交媒体巨头说,这些账号散播关于香港示威的假信息,且背后由中国官方主导。 推特停用了936个账号,因它们“散布虚假信息”,目的是“损害香港政治运动的合理性”。推特还表示,上述账号是中国官方支持的资讯战的一部分。“我们有可靠证据证明,这是一个官方组织的行动。” 脸书则移除了7个页面、3个群组和5个账号。这些账号同样被指涉及散播关于香港的假新闻。其中有页面有近1万5000名粉丝,另有一个群组有2200个成员。脸书的声明写道,尽管涉及的人试图藏匿身份,“我们的调查发现其与中国政府相关个人之间的关联。” 脸书的网络安全政策主管格雷彻(Nathaniel Gleicher)说,脸书移除上述页面与账号等,并非由于它们发布的内容,而是由于它们背后的运作行为。“在背后运作它们的人们互相沟通,并且使用了假账号来诈称身份。” 港人眼里的“黑警” 大陆人心中的“英雄”香港警察近距离施放催泪弹和示威者装扮引发争议香港警察的自白:不愿夹在示威者与政府中间香港示威浪潮中的撑警派:“警察执法没问题”中国“资讯战”外界认为,中国的资讯战战术与俄罗斯此前使用的相似,通过发布大量煽动性信息及虚假新闻,为己方增长声势。社交媒体平台曾经打击过来自俄罗斯的虚假信息账号。 脸书和推特公开了假信息账号发布的部分信息,它们大多是带有煽动性文字的图片,注解文字主要是繁体中文与英文。有的写道:“黄媒(指偏向示威者的媒体)不会告诉你的事”、“暴徒、黑记合作”,有的将示威者与ISIS恐怖分子相提并论。 图片版权FACEBOOKImage caption脸书公开的虚假账号宣传的内容图片版权FACEBOOKImage caption脸书公开的虚假账号宣传的内容,其中一个账号名为“港人讨论区”。 推特公布的问题账号列表显示,许多账号名是无意义的乱码,大部分使用中文账号名,其余为英文。有的账号几乎没有粉丝,有的却有几万名粉丝。更诡异的是,有数十个账号的粉丝数量、追踪账户的数量一模一样。有账号早在2009年就成立了。 同时,推特宣布,从此不再接受国家控制的媒体在推特平台上投放广告,但并未点名任何媒体机构。如何定义国家控制的媒体?推特的声明中写道,采编内容控制、资金来源、直接间接的政治压力都是考虑的因素之一,但此政策“不会用在纳税人资助的实体,包括采编独立的公营媒体”。因此,英国广播公司(BBC)、美国的PBS电视台与NPR电台等应不在受限制之列。 推特表示,出台这一政策,是为了保护“合理的探讨及开放的对话”。 图片版权GETTY IMAGES 中国如何“翻墙”打“资讯战”推特和脸书都在中国大陆受到封锁,无法直接访问。推特和脸书近年来作出许多打入中国市场的努力,但未取得突破。今年五月,推特短暂封锁了一些中国异见人士的账号,推特随后道歉,指是公司的例行操作,并非应中国官方要求。 包括人民日报、新华社、环球时报、CGTN、中国日报等多家中国官媒,都在推特和脸书上开通了页面,并时有购买广告以推广内容。 香港反送中示威持续,中国政府除了封锁大量信息外,官媒的宣传机器还开足马力,动员观众反对香港示威,其中一些报道被指散播虚假信息。 中央电视台旗下的央视网不久前报道,一名右眼受伤的香港女示威者,是被其他示威者打中,而非警察的布袋弹。央视网还发布了一张据称是该名女子在香港街头派发现金的照片,暗示她负责以金钱收买人们上街抗议。然而,目前并没有确凿证据支持这篇报道,但其在中国的社交媒体上评论与转发量数以百万计。 如此扭曲的媒体空间使香港示威在中国大陆及香港与海外,分裂成两个相去甚远的版本:一边是和平与激进行为皆存在的大规模群众运动,另一边是一场受外国特工驱动、暴力袭警、分裂中国的港独运动。 The social media giant made the announcement on the same day that Facebook announced it had removed seven pages, three groups and five accounts that it said originated from China and were "involved in coordinated inauthentic behavior." (MORE: Beijing, Hong Kong in stalemate as protests show no signs of ending: ANALYSIS)Kin Cheung/APPro-democracy protesters gather to participate in a rally organized by higher education students in Chater Garden in Hong Kong, Aug. 16, 2019.more + "What we've heard is both platforms saying variations on the theme that they have found people who are linked to the Chinese government, who've got caught running troll campaigns against the Hong Kong protesters, posting content saying that the protesters are cockroaches, that they're evil people, that they are the darkness standing in the way of the light of the people's revolution," Ben Nimmo, a digital investigator with the social media analysis firm Graphika, told ABC News' "Start Here" podcast. Nearly 1,000 of the accounts that Twitter suspended were actively attempting to "sow political discord in Hong Kong," the press release said. The company said that some of the accounts accessed Twitter from mainland China, where Twitter is blocked, but that many of them gained access instead through virtual private networks, which can hide the location from which you’re browsing TwitterAn example of the kinds of content that Twitter says were deliberately attempting to sow political discord in Hong Kong, including undermining the protest movement.more + "One of the interesting things with the Twitter announcement ... is they say that a lot of these accounts were being run through ... proxy internet accounts in different countries," Nimmo said. Facebook, meanwhile, said that the individuals behind the influence campaign it identified sometimes created fake accounts to manage pages that posed as news organizations, posted in groups, shared content or directed people to off-platform news websites. (MORE: Riot police storm Hong Kong airport as protesters force second day of cancellations)"They frequently posted about local political news and issues including topics like the ongoing protests in Hong Kong," a Facebook press release said. "Although the people behind this activity attempted to conceal their identities, our investigation found links to individuals associated with the Chinese government." This story was featured in the Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2019, episode of ABC News' daily news podcast, "Start Here." Now in their 11th week of protests, the announcements follow a week in which mainland China has begun to consider ratcheting up efforts to shut down the protests in the semi-autonomous territory as the protests have become more violent. Amid a city-wide strike, thousands of protesters last week stormed Hong Kong International Airport, forcing officials to cancel flights for two days in a row as protesters paralyzed its operations. The protests marked an escalation between the Chinese government and Hong Kong protesters, who at one point barricaded themselves in the airport with luggage carts before clashing with riot police. (MORE: Largest pro-democracy protest yet in Hong Kong fills major park, spills into streets )Rick Findler/REX via ShutterstockDemonstrators form a barricade as they clash with riot police at Hong Kong International Airport, Aug. 13, 2019. On Sunday, protesters rallied in Victoria Park in Hong Kong for what demonstrators say was the largest protest yet, with 1.7 million people in attendance. It was mostly peaceful, save for a few blocked streets from overcrowding in the park. The protests began in June when hundreds of thousands of pro-democracy demonstrators marched in opposition to an extradition bill that government leaders in the territory had reached with the Chinese government. The bill was suspended as the protests grew louder. ABC News' Brad Mielke, David Rind and Kelly Terez contributed to this report. https://cn.nytimes.com/technology/20190820/hong-kong-protests-china-disinformation-facebook-twitter/dual/ 2019年11月07日 中共一边严控大陆民众上推特(Twitter)、脸书(Facebook)及油管(YouTube),一边却出动国家力量在这些海外社交媒体上,大举发动针对香港“反送中”抗议活动的舆论攻势。继8月数十万来自中国的虚假社交账号被封号或删除后,日前有多家网络安全分析公司发现,针对香港抗议运动进行虚假宣传的舆论战并未停止,大量“五毛”疑似注册了新账户继续诬蔑港人,其发帖模式与被禁账户如出一辙。 据香港《苹果日报》报导,监视社交网操纵行为的分析公司Astroscreen,在针对3万个Twitter反“反送中”运动的账户进行分析后发现,有三分之一的账号是在8至10月间开设的。Astroscreen还指出,这些新账户都紧跟中共的说辞,称示威有“外国干预”,并使用通用的标签(如#HongKongProtest或#HongKong)来避开Twitter检查。 Astroscreen认为,这是8月被禁的账户以另一形式“翻生”。 该公司负责人巴罗佳(Donara Barojan)透露,新开设的账户都有相同的模式,包括以一般照片当头像、不提供任何身份信息,不少账户的追随者少于10人,而且主要发布针对香港示威的英文帖文,旨在抹黑示威活动,“这会带来错误的共识”。 Astroscreen表示,上述提及的账户中,目前至少有2个已经被移除。 网络安全公司Nisos及FireEye(火眼)亦有类似的发现。 美国网路安全公司FireEye自6月起追踪多个平台的假讯息行动。该公司资深董事福斯特(Lee Foster)表示,在社交平台8月移除账户后,很快就发现有同类新账户出现,而且形式与被禁的账户几乎一模一样。这显示散布讯息的幕后人士并没有收手。 Nisos分析总监、前中情局官员奥蒂斯(Cindy Otis)认为,创建新账户是“低成本、低风险”的方法,“他们没有理由不再尝试”。她还指出,这些新账户多数会转载帖文或复制讯息,同时利用改图将示威者描绘成“暴徒”。 今年8月19日,脸书率先表示,移除了7个页面、3个群组和5个账号,包括将香港抗议者描述成蟑螂和恐怖份子的内容和账号。这些账号被指涉及散播关于香港的假新闻。其中有页面有近1万5000名粉丝,另有一个群组有2200个成员。 次日(8月20日),推特公司表示,已暂停超过20万个账号,这些账号涉及帮助中共针对香港抗议运动进行虚假宣传。一名推特高管表示,这项措施旨在遏制散播恶意政治活动的讯息,并已经向FBI报告了此次中国(中共)的行为(Chinese acitivities)。 继推特和脸书之后,8月22日,Alphabet公司旗下的谷歌亦宣布,关闭210个YouTube频道,作为该公司反击亲中共团体的努力的一部分,这些团体试图破坏香港近期的民主抗议活动。 而9月20日,推特公司官方账号“推特安全”(twitter safety)发布声明,再次向公众披露了一批“违反推特价值观和平台操作政策”的账号,共10,112个,并以“背后有国家操纵”为由,将其永久关停(permanently suspended),其中仅中国(包括香港)账号就高达4,301个。 推特指控,这些中国账号“在香港的示威运动中挑拨制造不和”。 |