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京城里的生殖器崇拜 2009-08-22 17:25:46


中国央视新大楼的"大裤衩"设计一直有争议 (ZT)












Rem Koolhaas and CCTV architecture porn
Posted by Joel Martinsen, August 20, 2009 6:54 PM

Tab and slot**The new CCTV headquarters complex is an unending source of delight for China's netizens. Although the unique shape of the overhanging CCTV building presents an obstacle to standard phallic skyscraper jokes, clever internet users have found no shortage of low-brow jabs at Beijing's most controversial new landmark.

Last November, online forums were abuzz with jokes about the building's resemblance to a figure seated on a toilet. People called it the "Big Underpants" (大裤衩) and joked that one of the proposed nicknames, "Knowledge Window" (智窗, zhichuang) should really be the sound-alike "hemorrhoids" (痔疮). The complex's tendency to burst into flames has made it even bigger target for humor.

Content coverYet it turns out that dick jokes may not be a lost cause after all. It turns out that taken together with the burnt husk of the TVCC annex, the CCTV complex resembles a pair of male and female genitalia. So that's worth a few weeks of fun, right?

There's more: it turns out that while Chinese audiences have been spending the last five years watching construction proceed on this massive erection of glass and steel, completely innocent as to its filthy connotations, architect Rem Koolhaas may have been aware of the resemblance all along, and he might have even done it on purpose.

From today's iZaobao:

An old joke about the new CCTV tower has found renewed interest. A news item on the Sing-Tao website said that images in the book Content, published by CCTV architect Rem Koolhaas, compared the building to male and female genitalia.

iZaobao helpfully links to a gallery of illustrations from Content, a flashy, trippy look at various Koolhaas projects that was published in 2003. The CCTV building, which was featured on the cover (pictured), also appeared inside in a gallery of architecture porn: "Architecture like you've never seen it" and "Models that make you wet" read the captions, and there's an insertion shot of the TVCC annex building.

Headquarters and hindquarters
The annexIt's excellent fodder for netizen snark, particularly as one favorite online nickname for CCTV is "CCAV," implying that China's state broadcaster is as tawdry and vulgar as the adult video industry.

Content has been around since 2003. The page scans were posted at the Chinese-language Art 218 BBS in 2004. So why has it taken so long for netizens to become aware of them? And why now?

The catalyst for the present controversy turns out to be an outspoken critic of Koolhaas and the CCTV project. Xiao Mo, a professor of architecture who is retired from Tsinghua University, has criticized the CCTV building and other vanity projects by superstar international architects in print, on the web, and to the global media. In an interview last year, he told NPR, "There is a bird's egg in the South, a bird's nest in the North, a bird's tree in the East, and a bird's cage in the West. They turned our beautiful Beijing into the world's bird capital."

Xiao MoIn June, Xiao posted an additional critique to the Tecn academic web portal (Tecn was closed shortly afterward, but the essay has been widely reposted and is currently available on the Architecture BBS) in which he pulled together rumors of the intended "genital worship" aspects of Koolhaas's design with a few page scans from Content magazine. His entertaining blog post was picked up by the mainstream media, which quoted a few choice lines, crediting them to "an architecture industry insider."

Here's a translation of Xiao's piece. He included a few page images from Content but placed yellow dots over the sensitive bits. In the interest of fidelity to the original source, we've taken the liberty of incorporating uncensored images from the Art 218 BBS.

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