很多英文书刊都登载过拿破仑的语录:“中国是个多病的沉睡巨人(sickly sleeping giant),……”。
也有的文章省略了“多病”,以免影响病人心情。例如《芝加哥论坛报》的这篇: http://articles.chicagotribune.com/2008-08-26/features/0808220547_1_sleeping-giant-china
俺查了一下,“中国是多病的沉睡巨人,一旦他醒来,会震动世界”这段所谓拿破仑语录,收录于《新政治词典>(纽约蓝灯出版社,1993年,第715页)。但是,牛津大学出版社在2006年出版了一本名为《伪语录》(What They Didn't Say: A Book of Misquotations)的书,该书指出:拿破仑对曾率英国使团到中国的阿姆赫斯特爵士说:“如果英中交战,你们会教会他们战斗,迫使他们保卫自己。并可能得到美国和法国的技术援助,最终战胜你们”。
In 1978, Vermont Royster offered another possible source in the 'Wall Street Journal': 'China is a sickly, sleeping giant. But when she awakes the world will tremble.' For over a century and a half that prophecy -- attributed to Napoleon by Lord Amherst who visited him at St. Helena on his way back from China in 1816 -- has remained unfulfilled." "Safire's New Political Dictionary" by William Safire (Random House, New York, 1993). Page 715.
You would teach them their own strength. They would be compelled to adopt measures to defend themselves against you. In the end they would get technical help from France and America, and even from London; they would build a fleet, and in the course of time, defeat you.