笔者有个亲戚, 不到160CM的身高,大概125斤。 她更年期已过,父亲在新冠高峰的时候去世以后,决定放弃出差过多的工作, 过起闲居生活。闲居生活的第一个目标便是降低体重到年轻时候的95斤左右,她曾经和笔者说自己给自己一年的时间达到这个小目标。
这个亲戚在110-125斤的时间至少也有20年了, 20年积累的皮下脂肪, 180多天化为乌有。
笔者在新冠疫情以后,因为焦虑, 因为活动少,BMT也飙升至高点的22.8,听到励志的故事,决心开始减重。
首先计算基础代谢,公式采用的是 Harris-Benedict Equation, 也就是 Basal Metabolism Equation = (10 × weight in kg) + (6.25 × height in cm) – (5 × age in years) – 161
网上还找到另外的算法,比如:BMR = 447.593 + (9.247 x weight in kg) + (3.098 x height in cm) – (4.330 x age in years)
不同的算法得出的基础代谢不一样,不过正常人的基础代谢很少降到1000卡路里以下,方便起见,笔者就用1000作为自己的基础代谢,也就是说,即使每天躺在床上不吃不喝, 也会消耗这么多的卡路里。
第二步是安排饮食, 先计算卡路里,再计算脂肪,碳水,糖和盐的摄入。
“Calories may be determined by actually combusting a food in a “bomb calorimeter”. Protein can be assessed by the Kjeldahl method which turns all the nitrogen in a food to ammonia, then titrates it. Fat content can be estimated by extracting the food with solvents then allowing the solvent to evaporate and weighing the residue. Carbohydrates may be assessed by iodine-based or other colorimetric methods. Individual amino acids and vitamins can be measured using the liquified food as the growth medium for specially mutated bacterial strains which make all the vitamins and amino acids for themselves EXCEPT the one you are measuring. The number of colonies on a culture dish indicates how much of the missing nutrient was supplied by the food being analyzed. Minerals are quantified using atomic absorption spectroscopy which blows a mist of an acid-digest of the food into a flame and measures the color change and intensity—just like fireworks are different colors because of the minerals in them. These are all old-fashioned methods, but nutritional factors in food have been measured by various means for many decades.”
笔者用自制香肠或者馄炖来控制能量的摄入。拿馄炖为例,笔者用大概2磅多的面皮, 670克7成瘦的猪肉,300克虾肉,500克的青菜和韭菜, 半杯油,4勺盐, 3勺糖, 葱姜20克,做了大概200个馄炖。这200个馄饨大概是8000卡左右, 每个40卡。
每天吃15-20个馄饨,摄入600-800卡,碳水已经足够量, 笔者另外吃橙汁,杏仁,腰果,蔬菜,水果(西瓜为主),另外补足200卡。 这样基本满足了基础代谢的需要。
第三步燃脂。管住了嘴,还需要迈开腿。笔者家附近有一人工湖,一圈是1.7迈。笔者在太阳下去的傍晚。每天在人工湖走四圈,苹果健康的估算大概是16000步,耗时120分钟。 按照网上提供的计算方法,这样的一次运动可以消耗差不多400卡的能量。
到写这篇博文为止,笔者坚持了15天。 体重掉了3磅,比模型预测得要多一点儿。 但是考虑到减重开始要失去一些水分, 笔者认为实践的结果基本符合预期,对自己的计划很满意。