Midnight Not a sound from the pavement Has the moon lost her memory? She is smiling alone In the lamplight The withered leaves collect at my feet And the wind begins to moan
Memory All alone in the moonlight I can smile at the old days I was beautiful then I remember the time I knew what happiness was Let the memory live again
Every streetlamp Seems to beat a fatalistic warning Someone mutters And the streetlamp gutters And soon it will be morning
Daylight I must wait for the sunrise I must think of a new life And I mustn't give in When the dawn comes Tonight will be a memory too And a new day will begin
Burnt out ends of smoky days The stale cold smell of morning The streetlamp dies, another night is over Another day is dawning
Touch me It's so easy to leave me All alone with the memory Of my days in the sun If you touch me You'll understand what happiness is
Look A new day has begun
聽Eliane Paige 1998年在倫敦的演唱版本,那種低迴緾綿,欲語還休的深情,確是教人為之感動。 同是A主題,她三段的處理各不相同,第一段、第二段、第四段的開頭第一句,(Midnight,Memory, Daylight)她是輕聲急頓,使人有有餘而不盡之歎; 此外,她在樂句中故意的輕收稍頓,如第一段的The withered leaves collect /at my feet, 第二段I remember /the time I knew what happiness was, 第四段I must think/ of a new 第六段If you /touch me, 這些分句的處理,正是表現了對那過去日子的戀戀不捨,大有欲語還休的情韻。至於末段最後的兩行:Look /A new day has begun,她在唱到Look時突然輕聲收住,再舒聲唱A new day has begun,長音收結,表達了對未來的期盼。這匠心獨具的處理,大有一唱三歎,餘音不絶的韻味。
在B主題的兩段,處理也有分別。第三段的開頭四句,街燈的暗淡陰沉,命叩臒o奈,這些內容都是由低沉而平淡的聲音唱出,至末句And soon it will be morning則是輕盈悠美的長音,充份將那種期盼的心情呈現。第五段的前三句,對過往的逝去,唱得沉重斷續,至末句Another day is dawning才抒懷而歌,開放的心懷,企盼的情意至此而展開。
巴巴拉史翠珊的處理卻是截然不同的,她用開朗的聲調,直抒胸臆。她唱時任由感情溢出,一段緊接一段,A主題各段的唱法是一種,跌宕的歌聲如流水的騰流,在低處稍作歇息,接著又奔騰而下。那種樂觀開朗的情韻直貫全曲。在B主題,她的處理是低鬱輕吟,好像要把那過去埋在心底,到了最末Look A new day has begun,她是樂觀而愉悅地,那美妙的歌聲,顯出她對明天的欣欣等待。總言之,她的感情是樂觀開朗,與Eliane Paige的情調完全不同。這有一比︰Eliane Paige像是一個功力深厚的工筆畫家,在畫面中加了很多精緻的細節,畫面精美,寓意委宛;Babara Streisand就如一位揮灑自如的寫意畫家,若不經意地大筆一揮,情韻卻自在筆墨線塊之中。但是,她們都已達致藝術的最高境界,我們這些欣賞者,只能拜倒在她們的歌聲魅力之下。