| 【古風按】在這個世間,有很多很多富人過着表面風光而內心痛苦空虛的生活;富人們雖然不跟公眾講他們的不幸福,但是一種行為就把富人們的老底給揭穿了。如果富人真的很幸福,等他們賺足錢後(也就是當賺到自己和自己的子孫幾輩子都花不完的錢的時候),富人們應該知足常樂了啊,完全可以退休、盡情地去享受生活了呀,為何富人們幾乎都在繼續拼搏,努力賺更多的錢呢?其原因其實很簡單,人變富後,就會發現“錢並不能買來幸福和快樂”,可是富人們基本上都不明白為何自己窮的時候不快樂幸福而自己富了後還會如此,他們左思右想,大都會找到“唯一的邏輯出路”:可能是我還不夠富有吧,也許等我更富有了,我就會快樂幸福了。這就是為何近100%的富人(包括貪官)永遠不知足的根本原因。 那麼,到底金錢能否帶來快樂幸福呢?當然能夠,而且是絕對的“Yes, it can!”但是有一個先決條件:錢不能花到自私自利的用途上去(見下面的視頻裡提供的科學證據)。也就是說:只有當把自己的財富拿去做利益他人和社會的善事的時候,花出去的錢才能給自己帶來快樂和幸福。花錢去利他,不在乎錢的數量的多寡,只要去做就能得益;如果自己沒多少錢,可以去做義工,為社會公益事業服務。這其實就是中國古代先賢和佛家所倡導的“藏富於民”的精髓:與其把巨財留給子孫,不如分財與民,民心感激自己的善舉,待自己的後代遭遇困難的時候,貴人們就會及時出現並施與援手,幫助自己的後代度過難關了。可惜得很,這麼無上的智慧,即使表述得如此直白,又有多少人會實行呢?據古風個人的經歷,能夠聽後而行的人遠遠少於人口總數的1%。即便如此,古風也不會悲觀,本來教育的成功率就是如此低嘛,能夠救一人就救一人吧,所謂“盡人事,聽天命(隨因緣)”囉。 http://www.zerohedge.com/news/money-can-buy-happiness Money Can Buy Happiness by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, 30 April 2012 The oft-cited idiom that "money can't buy you happiness" - except in Phat Phong from what we hear - is summarily discussed by Michael Norton in this TED Talk as he notes that if you think that money cannot buy happiness then you are not spending it right. His point is (and his delivery is comedic yet clarifying) that money makes you anti-social or selfish (rather than happy) as we will tend to spend that money on ourselves (or the wrong things - a new Veyron perhaps?). But via experimentation (among people from Vancouver to Uganda) he discovered that spending money in a pro-social way will make you happy... So money can buy you happiness as long as you give it away once you have it - a noteworthy caveat - especially as Norton notes that the size of spending does not matter - as long as it focused towards someone else (and not, as he notes, in a dinner for your girlfriend with hopes of benefits later). In almost every country in the world, people who give money to charity are happier than people who do not give money to charity and interestingly spending-on-other-people made teams or people (sports or sales) more successful - of course, we assume taxation does not count as spending on other people. |