| 范例绝学(Instancology/Absolutology):Definition of |
| 范例绝学(Instancology/Absolutology):Definition of “Analytical Ontology”
I) Meta-Definition:
0 Symbols: not,"!"; equal to,"="
1 Our World = w
2 Time = t
3 Space = s
4 Variable = x
5 Number = n
6 Function = f() = f(x) = n
7 Logic = "if and only if", condition = "where", true, false,"->","A"
II) Axiom:
0) The Absolute = A
1) Instance = true
II) Postulate:
0) w is of The Function: w = f(s,t), if and only if where !(s = null ∩ t =null)
1) If something exists including w itself, it must exist under the condition of (either time is not null or space is not null) AND (cannot be both nulls), i.e. "∀(w)∃(x)((s != null ∨ t != null) ∩ !(s = null ∩ t = null), f(s,t) = x = Instance)"
III) Theorems (entailed definitions):
0) ∀(Absolute)∃(A)(A ->w)
1) ∀(Absolute)∃(w)((s != null ∨ t != null) ∩ !(s = null ∩ t = null), Thinking = f(s,t) and Consciousness = f(s,t))
2) Being = f(s,t), where s = null OR t = null AND !(s = null and t = null), if and only if Instance = true
3) Nothing = f(s,t) = where s != null and t !=null and Instance = null
4) Mental = f(s,t) = where s = null and t != null and Instance = true
5) Physical = f(s,t) = where s != null and t != null and mental != null
(The End)