文章评论 |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-10-14 08:33:51 |
YH教授,嘿嘿,我又在班门弄斧了。抱歉,页面问题,看不到你的全部留言。所以,没法儿老实回答你。这个,做教授是能力,不是任何人想做就能做的。其次,教授的好处很多。这个就不列举了。文科教授不能做。恐怕是真的。佩服你和昭君女中豪杰。希望你能看到我的回答。 |
作者:YH |
留言时间:2007-10-13 18:11:56 |
Hi Lao Tu,
I am another female professor :). But don't worry, your article does say a fact about professors in many fields, especially in the science field. But for an accounting professor, even if an assistant professor, University of Florida was paying $210,000 to look for it this spring. For a full time professor, they were paying $500,000 for it! So being a professor you may never get rich like an entrepreneur, but you can have a pretty decent and relax life. Unfortunately, I am not in accounting field :)! Last night I gave my daughter the new Forbes 400 and she immediately wrote an essay for her Chinese school assignment! So no matter what she becomes in the future, I will be happy for her as long as she is happy. Me and my husband, have to work in Walmart when we retire :). You, on the other hand, can enjoy your life lying the big bucks your son earned for you:).
Say hi to Tu Tai, and tell her I also have a cat, and we love the cat very much too. |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-10-12 21:24:39 |
谢谢chani同学阅读。谢谢理解我的意思。随便侃山,居然让人看出我的市侩心理。这年头说话也得注意了。嘿嘿。 |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-10-11 19:53:28 |
昭君,谁又是教授啊?不要吓我好不好啊?嘿嘿。我回头重看了我的原文,好像没有那么恶意嘛。哈哈。佩服你和那个教授啊。是YH 还是年轻的妈妈? |
作者:chani |
留言时间:2007-10-11 11:24:01 |
前两天从博客置顶中先看了昭君的评论,再回头看了此文,先恭喜老秃培养了个好儿子.重复唠叨,发挥影响固然重要,我看更重要的还在于处于成长逆反期的孩子能不能听的进出你的唠叨,你能用什么方法大体上能让孩子从正面接受这种影响,这大概是老秃做的较成功之处.老秃最后也透了一招"把鸟笼做大,让孩子在你的无形影响下成长".不过这化有形为无形是要时时处处花心思的. BTW.那个在昭君哪里把水搅混的什么123,456又跑到这里来了,就他(她)这付小肚鸡肠,自以为是的德性也敢到处说"家庭的环境决定孩子的气质",真可惜他们家的孩子(如果有的话),心理有些变态的主.老秃别理这种人,继续码你儿子的好故事,我们还等着看呢. |
作者:.昭君 |
留言时间:2007-10-10 19:46:57 |
YH:High five to your daughter! It's a pity that so few girls have ambition to pursue careers in science! On the other hand, finance professors are probably the highest paid among professors, since they do have other alternatives that can make much more money. I have a colleague who's a CFA, and rumor has it that he has made enough money trading stocks that he could have retired years ago. But he continues to teach, even though he was one of the lousiest teacher I've ever known (the type that knows a lot but cannot communicate and relate to students). |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-10-10 19:46:40 |
年轻妈妈,谢谢阅读。你真有福气啊。这么年轻就这么理智. 我同意你的论点。如果我的孩子要做研究,我照样会全力支持。我也重视孩子的价值观,做个正直的人。 |
作者:老秃笔 |
留言时间:2007-10-10 19:43:36 |
回答YH:谢谢阅读。我这片真的是在侃山。顺便拿教授开玩笑。实际上,工科商科法律医学院这种地方教授是很好的工作,工资高,受尊重。就是纯文科的政治,社会学,语言这种学科钱少些。教授的工作比较稳定,有社会地位。诸般好处,相当不错。因为是侃山,信口开河,自然不能认真。要是跟平常朋友说话,我也不会这样轻薄别人。哎,大家看我的码字太认真了。 我儿子自有主见,他不是听我的一面之言的人。再说,孩子做什么,家长没有多大权力。许多因素在平衡吧。 |
作者:年轻妈妈 |
留言时间:2007-10-10 19:17:57 |
大多数中国人,或者亚洲人对子女的期待就是特世俗那种成功模式,总之不能受穷.我很理解你们这一代人受过的苦,毕竟,穷不是件令人向往和享受的事情. 你的育儿经验当然有很多积极的一面,你的儿子当然也很有前途.可是你觉得那种认为没钱就是LOSER的想法是正确的价值观吗? 孩子不是泥塑,可以成为你的作品.父母的引导非常重要,你说得对,但父母应该帮助孩子成为他们想成为的人,而不是父母希望他们成为的人. 我事实上在很多程度上是很认同中国人或者说亚洲人的家庭教育中的一些东西的,至少我们都不想培养懒汉,都有积极向上的愿望.但是我不喜欢势利的价值观. 朋友的朋友,给孩子花了大价钱读了艺术学校,结果女孩毕业了在餐馆打工.妈妈却还是总是以女儿为豪,说她艺术天分很高.朋友很替她着急,说你就不劝劝你女儿?她说,对孩子,你不能逼,只能等待. 这种境界,大多数中国人做不到.人家也不是出生豪门来着,但是这是西方社会的大环境.艰苦奋斗的中国人,也许要两三代以后,才不会只想"学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕"吧! 拙见,见笑! |
作者:YH |
留言时间:2007-10-10 17:19:04 |
Lao Tu,
I agree with you to some degree, but not all professors are poor. I know several professors in their late 20s and early 30s, they are in the middle and even lower level of universities (business school), but earning more than $100,000 per year . More importantly, they have 3 to 4 whole months vacation time!
You are lucky that you have a son that could become a inventor someday, but for most of the ordinary children,being a professor is definitely a good thing, especially for girls. Unfortunately, although I encourage my daughter to become a financial professor in the future, she did not want to :), and she wants to become a science professor, the ones that working the hardest but earning the least! Her defense: "Mom, do you want me to earn big money but hate my job or the opposite?" My words:"As long as you could buy your daddy and me a big beach house and BMW, we don't care :)". Am I the worst parent or what :)! Anyway, like a lot of your articles, though some of them would be criticized by the readers, especially female readers. But at least you are a man that are brave enough to acknowledge the weakness of human being (man especially :)). |
作者:123 |
留言时间:2007-10-10 12:57:26 |
你受得了砸吗?别人只是轻声叹了一口气,你就在她人院子里撒野,活脱一个天桥里的圈主。 还是我的老话,孩子的成长主要取诀于自身状况,家庭的环境决定孩子的气质。但愿上了好大学能使孩子大气一些? |