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迷失于祖国和政权之间--闲谈小胡同学来访的风波 2011-02-05 15:37:36















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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-25 08:50:10
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作者:兰冠云 留言时间:2011-02-08 20:42:58
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-08 09:13:48
健健康康,快快乐乐,事业有成,家庭和睦?靠什么? 靠放下

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作者:seewhy9 留言时间:2011-02-07 15:35:16




存在就是合理? 时常听见这样一句话:“存在就是合理。”比如,当某种丑恶的社会现象暴露时,有些社会人士就会这样说。不可否认,此说法一定意义上相当深刻,因为它要求不要仅仅停留于就事论事式的表面分析,而要深入到现象背后的原因。然而,其消极之处也十分明显:它往往沦落为对丑恶现象的辩护。之所以出现这种情况,窃以为跟我们对“存在就是合理”理解的片面性有关。 第一、存在就是合理,当然有为现实辩护的一面,不过,它不是主要的;主要的是它革命、批判的一面。这点,恩格斯在《路德维希。费尔巴哈和德国古典哲学的终结》里早有揭示。他说,黑格尔的名言“凡是现实的就是合理的,凡是合理的就是现实的”,“这显然是将现存的一切神圣化,是在哲学上替专制制度、替警察国家、替王室司法、替书报检查制度祝福”。但是,这样想的,只是“近视的政府”与“同样近视的自由派”。“在黑格尔看来,凡是现存的决非无条件地也是现实的。在他看来,现实的属性仅仅属于那同时也是必然的东西”,“这样一来,黑格尔的这个命题,由于黑格尔的辩证法本身,就转化为自己的反面:凡在人类历史领域中是现实的,随着时间的推移,都会成为不合理的”。举个例子,“罗马共和国是现实的,但是,把它排斥掉的罗马帝国也是现实的”。换而言之,某种丑恶现象的存在是合理的,但是,将它消灭之后出现的美好现象更加合理。 第二、“存在就是合理”的成立是有条件的。“存在就是合理”其实是黑格尔名言“凡是现实的就是合理的,凡是合理的就是现实的”的通俗(一定意义上也是歪曲)表达。它的成立,以黑格尔的整个哲学体系为依据。黑格尔认为,宇宙的本原是绝对精神(理性),它自在的具备着一切,然后外化出自然界、人类社会、精神科学,最后在更高的层次上回归自身。因此,凡是在这个发展轨迹上的就是合理的(“合乎理性”的简略说法),也就是必然会出现的、是现实的。反过来讲也同样成立。 我们当然要承认黑格尔哲学的深刻之处,然而,其理论的虚构性、先验性也是不能否认的。在其整个哲学体系受到质疑的今天,其个别结论当然也还是可以成立的,不过,它们需要重新论证。毫不思索的拿来就用,虽然与“拿来主义”共享着“拿来”二字,实际上恰恰是缺乏脑子的表现,是违背“拿来主义”精神的。
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-07 15:03:09

日本等。你不愿想想黑格尔“存在就是合理" 的涵义。不过还是

产党并且放弃几乎所有财产。 正确或者错误现在好像并不太重
的根本原因。 您说是道德还是不道德 (我绝不再回了,因为超过
了我能或愿意参与的范围)? 您选择大势所驱还是认为共产党政府

Finally, my family is far away from Beijing even though
I visited Beijing more than 4 times. 我绝不再回了,因为
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作者:seewhy9 留言时间:2011-02-07 13:36:00



2.你作为科学家,一定知道逻辑的重要性,严密定义的重要性。国家,政府,当政者与人民,祖国(homeland and motherland)有相当大的区别,不能相互随便替代。看政治问题,好像也应该基本区分对象的地位与责任,权利和义务。上帝的归上帝,撒旦的归撒旦。谁手上有无辜的人命,就该谁认罪。如果是受到上级乃至上级乃至上级的指示或命令,所有责任者都逃不掉该领的那份儿,不管他们自己承认不承认或者悔过不悔过。



5.我最不齿的借口之一,就是collateral damage,就是以布希为代表的美国“政府”为杀死无数的阿富汗伊拉克平民(当然还有许多其他的例子)厚颜无耻的“解释”。用到中国,就是“要奋斗,就会有牺牲”,甚至为了一个“伟大的目标”,不妨牺牲一部分人的利益乃至生命。不是说要绝对反对牺牲,而是一定要看是不是符合大道人道。为了政治目的或利益,草菅人命是绝对错的。(我是尽量避免用绝对这个词的,有时候却似乎很难)。
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-07 07:25:12
seewhy9, thank you very much. I do not mean we should
forget what happened. I do think there is something
to do about, say, what happened on 6.4.89, and so on.
But, hatred would ruin our own life. By the way, I
helped that person by pretending on having found
nothing about his wife's background during "Cleaning
Jiaji Duiwu" after the cultural revolution without
using hatred toward what he did to my father with
the landlord issue (that person is also a family
to me, but not so close). He was shocked (I should
say) to thank me. I was a young assistant (they
tried to persuade me into communist) to a person
who was in charge. The person in charge did not
say anything either because I did not say anything
about the matter after we found something partially
because my father was above that person in charge.
That person I protected was very thankful to me
since then. My family was not hurt too much because
most people involved are also family members -only
not too close and my father had too many friends
at every level including one at the top level of
the province (retired). We treated "enemy"
as friends (most of them are indeed family members,
say 5 to 10 generations away -- I am not sure).

About 6.4, I forgot ONE point why I said a little
bit stronger on the beginning. I do not like some
guys talking about 6.4 for USA's sake or act as
somebody else's dog (I used dog there). Demonizing
Chinese government is not what I like. Criticizing
it, however harshly, is reasonable. I wrote in
another place that the most important issue is to
Jiushinengshi to figure out what to do to improve
in order to make China even better (I love my
birthland and I do not hate the government). Don't
you agree? I feel deeply sorry for anybody who has
suffered during 6.4 or anytime, but, AGAIN, hatred
would only ruin our own life. Walk out from the
hatred, being happy (not forgetting) makes your
life better. Being DanDing about what is going on
with Hu's visit. Life likes a drama; I am sorry
but killing is inside the drama. I feel terribly
bad even sometimes now when I watch some movie,
but I do not choose to hate. I am trying to help
as you said I should.
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-07 07:25:03
seewhy9, thank you very much. I do not mean we should
forget what happened. I do think there is something
to do about, say, what happened on 6.4.89, and so on.
But, hatred would ruin our own life. By the way, I
helped that person by pretending on having found
nothing about his wife's background during "Cleaning
Jiaji Duiwu" after the cultural revolution without
using hatred toward what he did to my father with
the landlord issue (that person is also a family
to me, but not so close). He was shocked (I should
say) to thank me. I was a young assistant (they
tried to persuade me into communist) to a person
who was in charge. The person in charge did not
say anything either because I did not say anything
about the matter after we found something partially
because my father was above that person in charge.
That person I protected was very thankful to me
since then. My family was not hurt too much because
most people involved are also family members -only
not too close and my father had too many friends
at every level including one at the top level of
the province (retired). We treated "enemy"
as friends (most of them are indeed family members,
say 5 to 10 generations away -- I am not sure).

About 6.4, I forgot ONE point why I said a little
bit stronger on the beginning. I do not like some
guys talking about 6.4 for USA's sake or act as
somebody else's dog (I used dog there). Demonizing
Chinese government is not what I like. Criticizing
it, however harshly, is reasonable. I wrote in
another place that the most important issue is to
Jiushinengshi to figure out what to do to improve
in order to make China even better (I love my
birthland and I do not hate the government). Don't
you agree? I feel deeply sorry for anybody who has
suffered during 6.4 or anytime, but, AGAIN, hatred
would only ruin our own life. Walk out from the
hatred, being happy (not forgetting) makes your
life better. Being DanDing about what is going on
with Hu's visit. Life likes a drama; I am sorry
but killing is inside the drama. I feel terribly
bad even sometimes now when I watch some movie,
but I do not choose to hate. I am trying to help
as you said I should.
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作者:seewhy9 留言时间:2011-02-06 23:22:16







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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 22:24:21

To answer all of your questions, I am more inclined
以直报怨 than 忌恶如仇. I do not like to hate. I can
not afford hating. I am a serious scientist who is
reading on this website for many years without
saying anything until recently. This is the first
time I somehow got into the mood to say so much.
Perhaps I would not do this anymore because I
do not want to get involved. I am interested but
not interested in getting involved as Confucius
said 君子不党 ( I do not claim that I am a 君子
at all, in case you misunderstand me -- I might
try to be a 君子, but I am merely a pure scientist).
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 22:05:00

I have no reservation to agree with what you said.
By "I do not care that much", I meant I do not talk
about that killing with only hatred. I do not mean
just go forward and forget about what happened. I
mean we should discuss about the killing as a scholar
and do not involve too much personal hatred. Therefore,
we may do better. Also, by "I do not care that much",
I meant "killing is a reality". My family member (very
extended to more than hundreds, most of them still live
there) killed each other because one side is communist
and another side is Guoming Tang. Which side I am going
take. I love each one of them. Say, the poorest uncle
joined the communist and killed the richest uncle who
was a Guoming Tang by the order of communist. Then, he
was killed by whoever (I believe by those Guoming Tang's
close family member, when I was a child) never being
found out. It is not clear about moral standard or
"legal foundation", at least it is very difficult
to say anything about that because it was happened
between two governments. I protected one person
who married a wife from a "Rich Long" family, he
was surprised to thank me during the cultural
revolution. I do have a moral bottom line.

I can see that you are
very reasonable, you realize that I am not those
people you might call 5 mao or whatever, I am the
one not involved in communist the most among 8
brothers because I did not like the politics or
communist. But, with my almost whole life experiences
with my communist brothers, I know them too well to
say they are totally wrong. My old brother just retired
a couple of years ago as a discipling secretary, he never
really reach to the center of the government. He is very
stubborn about communist, at least when he was young. He
believe that and he suffered too by being forced out from
a certain special army unit after someone told the army
my family actually was a "Landlord" before we were
reclassified to be PingLong (to be little merchant
again, and Landlord again for a short while in the
cultural revolution. I admit I am seeing the picture
in a different way because my family did not get too
much hurt during the long period. I am not better than
any of you. If my father was killed by the communist,
I might not be able to be neutral as I am now. I do not
blame anybody if one hates communist, Guoming Tang, or
whoever. My point is it may be better to be neutral
to discuss what happened in order to make the society
better. One more point, by what I said, I meant
unfortunately sometimes the world is very ugly. That
is the reality. No guarantee it would not happen
one thousands years later or in USA (say 100 years
later). It might be contrary to what you think, I
perfectly accept and agree with you on everything
you said. No any need to argue with you. This is
the first time I joined a little discussion in this
extent for some reason. I respect your attitude
toward the issue.

The key point I tried to make is that how we making
life better is more important. I suffered very much
in USA and got involved something beyond you may
imagine, I did not hate USA either and tried to
compromise without losing my moral ground. That
part, I do not have liberty to discuss here. I am
going to write down for my children (they can publish
in case if they want to only after my death). I can
not tell them now, they would have trouble to hear
the truth. I have to wait until they are still older.
USA democracy and freedom is not better (I do not say
it is worse) than any other government from my PERSONAL
experience. Every system is cheating and corrupted. USA
is much richer so that it is easy for many of you to
see the darkness unless you get involved in certain
level and areas. But, I can not afford to hate. I can
not AFFORD (can you?). I fought very hard to hold my
moral and whatever ground and succeeded eventually.
You may believe this statement from everything I said
before to trust that I am at least a serious and
independent thinker. Thank you for having responded
to my posting so directly. I do not think I am going
to involve in the discussion too much more. I only
tried to say something to you young guys from a
different angle. I knew I am not one of you guys
and I am almost sure I am older than you guys.
I did not even participate 89 movement; but observed
as an outsider. I would be happy if I help you to
see the matter from another angle, right or wrong.
I do not even want to claim I am the only with
RIGHT idea. That is from my scientific research
experiences. It is no harm to look the same thing
from another angle, you may see something you never
would see.

Best wishes to everybody who is serious and good luck
to you guys. Using Buddhist's way, happiness for
everybody and peace for the world!
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作者:seewhy9 留言时间:2011-02-06 18:54:47




你不会是真的相信:“杀五十万平民”you don't care? 不涉及政治不等于没有是非标准,对吗?



有人喜欢说do not look back, let's move on.其实研究历史是为了更好地前进。鉴古知今。

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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 17:19:56

I grew up in China, came to USA in 1989. I started to
learn to speak English (I could read very well before
then) at 40 years old. Now, some of my American people
which state I was born in USA as foolish as you think
that I grew up here in USA. My wife and son came to
USA 3 month later in 1989 and she got another college
education here in USA with the aid from the USA. I do
agree with you the life is much harder in China. Many
people suffered so much. But, we can only do something
for the future not the past, can we?

(By the way, my family and neighborhood live better
life because our ancestors left a very very big land
to the whole village after 2 of them were killed by
communist, who is also from an extended family. Rich
or poor, communist or anti-communist, all of them
are from the exact same ancestor who was a city officer
in early Qing dynasty after an examination. Whom I am
going to favor, one side or another, both sides are my
family from the exact the same ancestor??? They killed
each other! Whom I am going to blame? We have more than
500 people from the same ancestor in the area. Communists,
Guomoing Tangs, Buddhists, everything. They are all my
family. My family! I love every one of them, almost 1000
in an area. I call them uncles, granduncles, nephews, and
whatever appropriate. How I could hate any of them. They
are all my family. But, they killed each other (not
too much though) because of politics. If Japenese did
not burn almost the whole village, very few of my whole family from hundreds people are poor. They would be mostly
middle class. We should hate Japs, should we? But, hatred
would not help us. I even had to accept that fact Japs
burned the whole village after one of my family members
(very extended) killed a Jap because the Jap raped another
family member. The whole family chose not to fight, and nobody was killed by Japs though. I wanted to hate, but hatred does not help me. I feel sorry for you to hate!
That is why I said what I said. I am not planning to go
back at all, my youngest son became a US citizen after
he got a good offer from a 500 fortune company in US.
He did not become a citizen even when I became a US
citizen in case. But, nobody in my family here is going
back to China at all. I am not planning to contact Chinese
government either, I scolded a communist city level
officer (a friend of my family and he is in the city's
"people congress" now) with smile the last time I went
back visiting China a couple of years ago when he tried
to introduce me to the Mayor. His friends laughed back
to suggest continuing drinking with me. That officer
did not say much after he was openly shamed by me with smile. It was funny.

See the picture, Sir or Madam ???
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 16:49:10
Sir/Madam weewhy9:

I think better to tell you a little more. My father
gave up everything from his uncle (my grandfather
died young from something), who did not have
any children and raised my father as the only
child as a big landlord and merchant in a town
nearby to go back to the village living in a
cottage after he joined the communist party
a while before 1949 since his uncle's workers
joined the communist party. I was born in a
cottage and my parent was going to be beggars
before the local communist party secretary asked
my father to stay and to help him by becoming a
lower level officer. The second level local
government finally decided to allow my family
to still inherit a little bit from my father's
uncle to build a little house in 1957 I was born.
We finally became "little merchant" instead of
being a "Landlord" my old brother joined the
communist party too and eventually became a city
level discipline secretary. I never touched
politics because of my experience at 10 years old.
One of my young brother is an academic city college
officer now and communist. I am a pure scientist.
The big reason for my family in doing well is
our ancestors including my father's uncle
had a very very big land to give to our whole
neighborhood (later give to an even bigger
neighborhood in 1973 or so). Two biggest
landlords (one of them was a very good teacher,
both of them were from my extended family but
not very close to us) were killed by communist
government and the local communist secretary was
killed (he is a little bit more close to my family
than those two landlords) by whoever with the case
never solved (I believe it was those two landlords'
close family) and my father had to help that secretary's
son to get a job later on. The key reason was that
my family gave up a big fortune before the communist
took it since my father had many people inside
communist before 1949 and joined them and happily
live a poor life before land reform. Well, we became
"landlord" again during the cultural revolution but
without big suffer since my family suffered already
before. For your information, I suffered the most,
I was born not so well because of poorness, I was
beaten by the neighborhood kids when I was 10 years
old. I DO NOT blame killing because that is the reality.
I am not saying it is good. I am saying it is okay not
to hate and accept what happened so that we can move on
a better life. Enjoy the life, work hard, and hope the
best for your life. I could not be always smiling like
my father, but I really really inherited from my
father to be optimistic and happy whatever happens.
Life is hard, is it not? I wish everybody have
a better life from a Buddhist's point of view.
I am not a Buddhist either. I learn Christian,
Buddhism, communism, and everything. I wish
no war, no killing in this world. But, I have
to be realistic! I wish the best, I accept the
worst, I do everything (however terribly hard
beyond you can image) to earn for my family.
Are you willing to do so? I did the same in USA
and I obtain something beyond I tried to get.
BEYOND! Why should I say anything for the communist?
I do not even agree with my brothers becoming communists.
I earned better than they got from China. Why I favor
communist? No, I only tried to offer an advice (if
I would be qualified) to some young people (who think
that I may be qualified) to be realistic about the
tragedies in human life. I favor Buddhism over
communism; but I do not see Buddhists can govern.

I wish everybody including you to have a happy
life from my heart. I just came back from a Buddhist
meeting today while refusing to be a Buddhist. Why,
I do not like to be a member of any political party
or religion. I study New-confuciousness (not neo-
confuciousness in Song dynasty) because somebody
on this website says he wanted to establish a new
confiuciounism for the Chinese people. (Oh, confuciousness
is correct, other minor typos I can not care too much.)
But, I am a scientist who is only interested in
everything including politics without involving
politics. How about that?

Have a happy life. (NO MORE TO SAY, I have said
already beyond I would say. Only today.)
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作者:不跟帖不行 留言时间:2011-02-06 16:05:18
这德性,人格品味,一典型的街道办事处的小脚老太太北美版,好在这老太太生长在这儿,要是她生长在中国文革时期,那她就会害死人了,这儿她再会溜须拍马充其量只能被人当笑料捞点和留着万一回大陆找好处时的资本和后路,其实老太除了可气也挺可怜,老太太 投下的钱和时间,殊不知她这是肉包子打狗肉,共产党过河拆桥,翻脸不认人国内那都是一朝天子一朝人,吃了原告吃被告,黑吃黑,白吃黑,别说国内他们自己的人,海外爱国侨领被骗和利用的事实在是太多了,就凭这老太太这点小聪明,海外环境下操练出来的这点小儿科情商伎俩,玩得了信用道德丧失
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 15:13:41
Seewy9: Sir/Madam,

I think I might understand history much much better
than somebody (I do not know about you). That is
why I said what I said. My family suffered some,
I was beaten by many kids when I was 10 years old.
But, I DO NOT BLAME THAT to Chinese government, I
realize that was because of human nature. It is
not good, is it? I was 10 years old, my father
was out of office, and then I was beaten by kids
from neighborhood. We learned from that, no fighting,
no begging, but working hard. My father got back
to office about 2 years later after he did something
without any title or benefit. My mother was against
what my father was doing. But, my father readily
accept whatever happened. He keeps working hard
and always smile to us -- a big family with 8 children.
I determined to work hard to get something better than
everybody. I did then and now. Five of my 7 brothers
have a college education, perhaps because our village
was (not is) a little rich than neighborhood from
a big land from our ancestors. It was taken again
in cultural revolution to give to the neighborhood
and we became poor. But, I insisted my young brothers
going to school and helped them financially and
academically. My youngest brother quit school because
of money issue and went back to school after I came
to USA. I paid partially his education from my scholarship
and he got a 3 years high school plus 3 years college
and now working for a bank. He complained once to me
but told me that life is much better than he would be
sweeping on the street if he did not go back to high

I have told you a little bit about history and a
little bit about my family. That told you at least
a little bit why I said what I said. Do I have to
say more? I am willing to tell you anything, but,
I do not have too much time to waste on this website.
My "friend (seewy3 if I may)"! Be realistic! Of
course, it is perfect if you want to be a politician
and wish to bleed for building a better China. If
you do not wish to go to prison or bleed, you can
still SAY something to build a better China. Only,
I do not think complaining or being sarcastic would
help much. Tell me I am wrong. But, I said enough
for you because I have a little bit time today.
No more is needed to say because I do not want to
waste time here, you would forgive me for that
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 14:45:26
I only mean to remind you to be realistic
as I am in a good mood today and have some
time to spend.

The world is not perfect, human nature
makes the world very ugly sometimes. It is
okay! OKAY? You might be too young to
understand this, in case you do not know
anything in history. Killing will be in
this world forever. FOREVER! It is not a
big issue. Living a better life is what
you need to think about more. Not to blame
whichever government, Chinese or USA.

USA treats me very well because I work hard
(not because I am a dog of some politicians)
and am willing to sacrifice something to earn
what I should obtain, I do not have any reason
to please Chinese government. My whole family
is doing very well in USA. If you do well in
USA,why do you have to cry out to blame Chinese
government? Be successful and happy in USA and
hope China does even better! You do not have to
take my advice, but, it is your life (not mine)
on the stake. It is okay you say whatever you
want even "down with communist party", if saying
that would help you in your life. I never joined
any political party or movement. I was in Beijing
before and after June 4 for personal reasons.

Be realistic, get a better life for yourself.
Young guys! I am older than Liu Xiaobo. I admire
him. But, he has to be in prison because he is
now. Not because I like to see him in prison.
He is in prison because right now he loses.
He might win later (only might, not much chance);
so you can go that direction. If you want to be
like him, I admire your courage. Go back to China
to overthrow Chinese government!

But, be realistic -- if you try to get a better
life. I did not get a penny from Chinese government
when I came to USA in 1989 with a full scholarship
from USA, but I had to struggle very hard after that.
I made it after 20 years of struggling and get
something more than I expected. One of my even older
friends got a professorship at the age of 60 a few
year ago. If you are 40 years old, you may still try
to do that, can you? Perhaps you are not capable to
do that. If so, that explains why you are talking
POLITICS like that. POLITICS = BLOOD. If you do not
wish to sacrifice, do not talk about politics.

Well? Be realistic. Take my advice for your sake,
not for anybody else. I am happy if you cry "down
with Communist", it is okay whatever you say. But,
it might not be a good idea for yourself to waste
too much energy to blame around instead of working
hard to earn something for your family (or if you
have a family). I have disliked politics since I
was 10 years old, I chose a science career because
of that. So, you understand a little bit as I do
think you are smart people???
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作者:seewhy9 留言时间:2011-02-06 12:45:24

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作者:sunzhong 留言时间:2011-02-06 11:50:59
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作者:巴山人 留言时间:2011-02-06 11:21:54

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作者:顶顶牛 留言时间:2011-02-06 11:09:47
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作者:共党汉奸 留言时间:2011-02-06 10:13:28
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作者:共党汉奸 留言时间:2011-02-06 10:01:46

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作者:共党汉奸 留言时间:2011-02-06 09:52:29
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作者:dianlaoban 留言时间:2011-02-06 09:46:07
那你就等着吧, 估计你这辈子都没戏了,可怜的胡同串子
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作者:极右派 留言时间:2011-02-06 09:11:10
难得好文章,这些上蹿下跳的人都有其经济目的,和领馆勾结在一起, 浪费一点中国纳税人的残羹,要讲这些丑事公布于众。
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作者:极右派 留言时间:2011-02-06 09:06:03
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作者:li15 留言时间:2011-02-06 08:58:17
USA, or Bush Government invaded Iraqi and killed
at least a half million civilian there. But, as
a USA citizen, I do not really care. I care about
the human right there. But, I do not really care,
because that is the human nature. Every now and
then killing is there (I do not mean the killing
everyday on the street of USA !!!). You have your
personal reason to hate China's government. But,
take it for real. Do not be a dog of USA to say
that to your own people. Say that only for your
hatred of Chinese Government! Do not use Chinese
People's name either. I was one of them. My big
family is still there. Some of them are okay
enough, a few of them are not very good. But,
they do not blame the government. Get in real,
sir (I intended in using sir not Sir).

Say that whoever killed your family member.
Say that whoever took your property 50 years
ago. Do not say Chinese Government is bad
(than USA government) because they killed
some people on June 4. I was there in the
middle. I was there on June 10th (you were
not there?) again. It is okay to kill some
people who tried to overthrow the government,
even though the government may be on the
wrong side. If you want to fight, another side
of course can fight back. It does not matter
who is right, it does matters only who won. If
you can won, or if you can ask people to follow
you to win the control over China, you are my
hero, even if you a dog of USA. I do not even
know you would be better than Chinese government
if you would have any chance to govern. But, if
you lose, get for real. Find a job in USA and
live your life. Do not be a loser's politician.
By the way, I have no reason to mean you can not
bad mouth about China. It is your choice. What
I am trying to say is that it is better for you
to live your life and do not say something out
of hatred. My family was a (landlord and little
merchant) DIZHU and XiaoShang. We do not hate
the government. Hating will only harm yourself.
Find a better way to live in USA and perhaps
better (in my opinion) not being a dog of USA.
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作者:顶顶牛 留言时间:2011-02-06 07:00:17

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