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新冠病毒溯源的新进展 (ZT) 2023-06-13 13:42:28

以下来自Michael Shellengerge's twitter, translated by ChatGPT.

After years of official claims to the contrary, strong new evidence suggests the virus known as SARS-CoV-2 escaped from a Chinese lab. According to multiple sources, the researchers who led gain-of-function research, which increases infectiousness, were the first to be infected.


According to multiple U.S. government officials interviewed as part of a lengthy investigation by Public and Racket, the first people infected by the virus, “patients zero,” included Ben Hu, a researcher who led the WIV’s “gain-of-function” research on SARS-like coronaviruses, which increases the infectiousness of viruses. More than three years after the pandemic’s outbreak, many around the world had given up on learning the origin of SARS-CoV-2, the highly infectious respiratory virus that has killed millions, and the response to which shut down businesses and schools, upended societies, and caused enormous collateral damage. Public officials in the U.S. and other countries have repeatedly suggested that uncovering the pandemic’s origin may not be possible. “We may never know,” said Anthony Fauci, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who oversaw pandemic response for two administrations. Now, answers increasingly look within reach. Sources within the US government say that three of the earliest people to become infected with SARS-CoV-2 were Ben Hu, Yu Ping, and Yan Zhu. All were members of the Wuhan lab suspected to have leaked the pandemic virus. 

根据《公共与骗局》(Public and Racket)进行的一项长期调查,多位美国政府官员的采访表明,被病毒感染的首批人员,“零号病人”,包括胡本(Ben Hu),一位领导武汉病毒研究所(WIV)针对类似于SARS的冠状病毒进行“功能增强”的研究,该研究可以增加病毒的传染性的研究人员。大流行病爆发三年多后,世界各地的许多人已经放弃了了解SARS-CoV-2的起源的努力。SARS-CoV-2是一种高度传染的呼吸道病毒,已经导致数百万人死亡,对此进行的反应关闭了企业和学校,颠覆了社会,并造成了巨大的附带损害。美国和其他国家的公共官员多次表示,可能无法揭示大流行的起源。曾负责两个政府的全国过敏与传染病研究所的前所长安东尼·福奇(Anthony Fauci)说:“我们可能永远不会知道。”现在,答案似乎越来越近在眼前。美国政府内部消息人士表示,最早感染SARS-CoV-2的三个人是胡本、余平和朱岩。他们都是被怀疑泄漏大流行病毒的武汉实验室的成员。

As such, not only do we know there were WIV scientists who had developed COVID-19-like illnesses in November 2019, but also that they were working with the closest relatives of SARS-CoV-2, and inserting gain-of-function features unique to it. When a source was asked how certain they were that these were the identities of the three WIV scientists who developed symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the fall of 2019, we were told, “100%” “Ben Hu is essentially the next Shi Zhengli,” said Alina Chan, a molecular biologist at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard. Shi is known as “the bat woman of China,” and led the gain-of-function research at the WIV. “He was her star pupil. He had been making chimeric SARS-like viruses and testing these in humanized mice. If I had to guess who would be doing this risky virus research and most at risk of getting accidentally infected, it would be him.” Hu and Yu researched the novel lineage of SARS-like viruses from which SARS-CoV-2 hails, and in 2019 coauthored a paper with Shi Zhengli that described SARS-like lineages they had studied over the years. 

因此,我们不仅知道在2019年11月有武汉病毒研究所的科学家患上类似COVID-19的疾病,而且他们正在研究与SARS-CoV-2最密切相关的病毒,并插入了独特的功能增强特征。当问及消息来源对于这三位武汉病毒研究所科学家在2019年秋季出现与COVID-19一致症状的身份有多么确定时,我们被告知:“百分之百”。麻省理工学院和哈佛大学Broad研究所的分子生物学家阿丽娜·陈(Alina Chan)表示:“胡本基本上是下一个施正丽。”施正丽被称为“中国的蝙蝠女人”,并在武汉病毒研究所领导功能增强研究。“他是她的得意弟子。他一直在制造嵌合型类SARS病毒,并在人源化小鼠中进行测试。如果我必须猜测谁会从事这种冒险的病毒研究并最有可能意外感染,那就是他。”胡本和余平研究了SARS-CoV-2起源的新颖类SARS病毒谱系,并在2019年与施正丽共同撰写了一篇描述多年来他们研究过的类SARS谱系的论文。

Jamie Metzl, a former member of the World Health Organization expert advisory committee on human genome editing who raised questions starting in early 2020 about a possible research-related pandemic origin, said, “It’s a game changer if it can be proven that Hu got sick with COVID-19 before anyone else. That would be the ‘smoking gun.’ Hu was the lead hands-on researcher in Shi’s lab.” Sources tell Public and Racket that other news organizations are chasing aspects of this story. 

杰米·梅兹尔(Jamie Metzl)是世界卫生组织人类基因组编辑专家咨询委员会的前成员,他从2020年初开始就提出了关于可能与研究相关的大流行起源的问题。他说:“如果可以证明胡本在其他人之前感染了COVID-19,那将是一个改变局面的关键证据。那将是‘罪证’。胡本是施正丽实验室的主要实验研究人员。”消息人士告诉《公共与骗局》,其他新闻机构也在追踪这个故事的各个方面。

On Saturday, The Times of London quoted an anonymous U.S. State Department investigator saying, “It has become increasingly clear that the Wuhan Institute of Virology was involved in the creation, promulgation, and cover-up of the Covid-19 pandemic.” Public and Racket are the first publications to reveal the names of the three sick WIV workers and place them directly in the lab that collected and experimented with SARS-like viruses poised for human emergence. 


Next week, the Directorate of National Intelligence is expected to release previously classified material, which may include the names of the three WIV scientists who were the likely among the first to be sickened by SARS-CoV-2. 


A bill signed by President Biden earlier this year specifically called for the release of the names and roles of the sick researchers at the WIV, their symptoms and date of symptom onset, and whether these researchers had been involved with or exposed to coronavirus research. On Dec. 29, 2017, two years before the pandemic began, Chinese state-run television aired a video that includes a scene of Ben Hu watching a lab worker handle specimens. Neither are wearing protective gear. The same video shows WIV scientists hunting for bat viruses with little protective gear. “If they were worried about being infected in the field, they would need full body suits with no gaps” to be safe, said Chan. “That’s the only way.” The WIV research with live SARS-like viruses was performed at too low of a safety level, “BSL-2,” explains Chan, “When we now know that the pandemic virus is even capable of escaping from a BSL-3 lab and infecting fully vaccinated young lab workers.” While scientists justify such research as necessary for developing vaccines, President Barack Obama banned federal funding for gain-of-function research of concern in 2014, because experts had come to the consensus that it was too dangerous. However, the National Institute of Health and NIAID headed by Francis Collins and Fauci, and a major U.S. government grantee, EcoHealth Alliance, deemed their work on SARS-like viruses as not falling under the gain-of-function research of concern definitions and funded this project in China and Southeast Asia.


In March 2018, the WIV, the EcoHealth Alliance, and the University of North Carolina applied for a $14 million grant from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Project Agency DARPA to engineer “furin cleavage sites” into SARS-like coronaviruses to study how this affected their ability to grow and cause disease.


Scientists say the key piece of the COVID-19 virus, which made it so transmissible compared to its closest relatives, was its unique furin cleavage site.

科学家们表示,COVID-19病毒与其最近的亲属相比具有高传播性的关键部分是其独特的酶切位点。DARPA rejected the grant, but it now appears the WIV went forward with the research anyway. The Times of London reported that US collaborators of the WIV had come forward and said the Wuhan scientists had put furin cleavage sites into SARS-like viruses in 2019.


Hu co-authored multiple papers on coronavirus research, including a 2017 paper on chimeric bat coronaviruses with Peter Daszak, the head of EcoHealth Alliance, which was funded in part by the NIH and the USAID Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT Program. Data privately shared with the NIH revealed that these chimeric SARS-like viruses grew far more quickly and caused more severe disease in humanized mice in the lab.

胡本与其他研究人员合作撰写了多篇关于冠状病毒的研究论文,其中包括与EcoHealth联盟负责人彼得·达扎克(Peter Daszak)合作撰写的一篇2017年关于嵌合型蝙蝠冠状病毒的论文,该研究部分由美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)和美国国际开发署(USAID)新兴大流行威胁PREDICT计划资助。与NIH私下分享的数据显示,在实验室中,这些嵌合型类SARS病毒在人源化小鼠中生长速度更快,并引起更严重的疾病。

When the WIV put out their first paper about the pandemic virus, they failed to point out the novel furin cleavage site despite having had plans to and allegedly putting such gain-of-function features into SARS-like viruses in their lab. “It’s as if these scientists proposed putting horns on horses, but when a unicorn shows up in their city a year later they write a paper describing every part of it except its horn,” said Chan.


Public sent emails and made phone calls to the NIH, WIV, EcoHealth Alliance, Daszak, Hu, and Shi over the last several days and did not hear back.

《公共与骗局》在过去几天向美国国立卫生研究院(NIH)、武汉病毒研究所(WIV)、EcoHealth联盟、达扎克、胡本和施正丽发送了电子邮件并进行了电话联系,但未收到回复。It is unclear who in the U.S. government had access to the intelligence about the sick WIV workers, how long they had it, and why it was not shared with the public. “You would expect the country of origin to be defensive,” said Chan, “but you wouldn’t expect a country receiving the virus to be withholding key evidence.”


On January 15, 2021, five days before President Joe Biden took office, the U.S. State Department published a fact sheet that pointed to the likelihood of a lab leak as the cause of a pandemic.


Already, the State Department in 2021 suspected that the WIV had lied to the public. “The U.S. government has reason to believe that several researchers inside the WIV became sick in autumn 2019, before the first identified case of the outbreak, with symptoms consistent with both COVID-19 and common seasonal illnesses. That raises questions about the credibility of WIV senior researcher Shi Zhengli’s public claim that there was ‘zero infection’ among the WIV’s staff and students by SARS-CoV-2 or SARS-related viruses.”


In February of this year, the Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, told a reporter that “the FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan.” The Times of London reported that State Department investigators “found evidence that researchers working on these experiments were taken to hospital with Covid-like symptoms in November 2019.” As previously reported in Vanity Fair, some of the information State Department investigators found in 2021 was “sitting in the U.S. intelligence community’s own files, unanalyzed.” “Ever since I put out my [May 2020] preprint [research paper] saying that an accidental lab origin was possible, I was criticized as a conspiracy theorist,” said Chan. “If this info had been made public in May of 2020, I doubt that many in the scientific community and the media would have spent the last three years raving about a raccoon dog or pangolin in a wet market.” Public is a reader-supported publication. To support our investigative reporting, consider becoming a paid subscriber. Identifying the first COVID-19 case as a Wuhan Institute scientist overseeing gain-of-function research has significant ramifications for investigators in search of a motive for a cover-up. Politicians, scientists, journalists, and amateur researchers for years now have zeroed in on the possibility that Covid-19 may have resulted from U.S.-funded gain-of-function research conducted in China. Publications ranging from the Washington Post to the Intercept to the Wall Street Journal have uncovered suggestive details, including the fact that the NIH awarded funding for at least 18 gain-of-function research projects between 2012 and 2020, and NIH scientists in 2016 expressing concern about supposedly paused hybrid “chimera” virus research. Had the information come out earlier, governments may have responded to the pandemic differently. After Public shared the information with Chan, she said, “I feel vindicated, but I’m frustrated. If you knew that this was likely a lab-enhanced pathogen, there are so many things you could have done differently. This whole pandemic could have been reshaped.” Said Metzl, “Had US government officials including Dr. Fauci stated from day one that a COVID-19 research-related origin was a very real possibility, and made clear that we had little idea what viruses were being held at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, what work was being done there, and who was doing that work, our national and global conversations would have been dramatically different. The time has come for a full accounting.”


《伦敦时报》报道称,国务院的调查人员“发现证据表明,参与这些实验的研究人员在2019年11月出现了类似COVID的症状,被送往医院。” 正如《名利场》之前报道的那样,国务院的调查人员在2021年发现的一些信息“存放在美国情报界的档案中,尚未经过分析”。

陈表示:“自从我发布了(2020年5月)我的论文,提出实验室意外起源的可能性,我就被批评为阴谋论者。” “如果这些信息在2020年5月公开,我怀疑科学界和媒体在过去三年中是否会一直谈论湿市场中的浣熊狗或穿山甲。”






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作者:奥维尔 回复 启泰 留言时间:2023-06-14 12:11:11

covid 19 很可能是一场阴谋。不早不晚 2020年开始。


拜登在 2019 年 10 月就警告:美国没有准备好应对 pandemic。


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作者:启泰 回复 浅冬深夏 留言时间:2023-06-14 09:05:53

是的,我是!怎么了?美国政治 不能被 质疑 吗?PRC 已经不用质疑了,臭名昭著了。

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作者:浅冬深夏 回复 启泰 留言时间:2023-06-14 08:08:10


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作者:启泰 留言时间:2023-06-14 07:53:44

COVID 19, 2020美国大选,两大 世纪疑案。 体现了美国人的聪明才智。

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作者:启泰 留言时间:2023-06-14 07:48:23

covid 19 很可能是一场阴谋。不早不晚 2020年开始。时任总统 3年的业绩,一笔勾销。这个病毒,可控性高,几个月 就有了特效药,然后就有了 疫苗。 科学家 真的 厉害了。艾滋病 疫苗 在哪里?多少年了?病毒不是从实验室泄露的,众口一词。违背了简单常识。恶魔导演的一场 瘟疫。谁去揭真相,谁死!

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作者:WHBD 留言时间:2023-06-14 05:49:04


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作者:奥维尔 留言时间:2023-06-14 01:57:49


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