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Friends remind you who you were! 2009-12-25 06:26:34

Friends remind you who you were!


Talking to a primary school friend on phone, she suddenly asked “…Will you come back and do some business? Such as open an educational organisation like language school that sort of things? …”

 “Me? No, no. I am in the situation that I  just enjoy relaxing and no facing any big challenges. My biggest aim now is to find a rich husband and don’t need to work fulltime, only work when I want… ”

 “Will you really enjoy that kind of life? You won’t, if you will, you had already married to a rich man and did not need to work. You had chance but you did not want that kind of life. Based on the one I knew who you are, you will not carry on this thinking for long. You always challenge yourself and never give up fighting for higher. You may relax for a while but you will fed up this boring lifestyle soon and will get back to who you were…. 


When finished the conversation with her and one of my middle school teacher who always carry on other business while he has a fulltime teaching job as a middle school teacher, I feel like that a stone threw in a lake with dead water. It did reminded me about myself that  how hard I worked in business and how successful I did (not for earning money but for being famous in the kind of business, as I was interview by the correspondents, was written and put on some medias, such as daily mail  news paper and magazines. )


 I started considered that I have enough break since I jointed in this school as I feel the job get easier and easier, and feeling a bit not really bored but a bit too relaxing. I asked myself that if I should go back to who I was, and to do something else while I have a not very busy job (Don’t get me wrong, my job now could be very stress.) Maybe it is the time now that I should do something else, not just teaching on it own.


Good idea, I thing that is what I need-- to move my concentration on something else. As saying,: ‘Every thing happens with its reasons.’ Now I knew why I feel a bit not happy about the relationship with other colleagues and feeling a bit disappointed about the way they treated me. Do I care now? No. That was the signal telling me move on to do something else and not just focus on the job. It is only a job, and they are only your colleagues not your friends.   


 ‘Got it. Thank you!’


That’s one of the reasons I enjoy talking to friends. They may not give you a clear idea but through the conversation you could be inspire.




Few days later, once again, when we TALK on QQ she reminded me something that make me really feel good about myself and also remind me something I forgotten to proud of myself. 








As a teacher, I love to praise my students, and I do every time when I have chance. I know they love it; they enjoy it and even do better after that, because they want my praise. I did not know that I love being praised too. Thanks, my school friend!

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