昨天,二娃儿的音乐学校举行了每个学期的学生的独奏表演。二娃儿演奏了Allegro[注] by J. H. Fiocco。结束后,二娃的小提琴老师面带喜欢,说他的表演是CD Quality。我以为他是在王婆卖瓜—自卖自夸。独奏会上全是三位老师的学生,老师之间的攀比是不可避免的。但在把二娃儿拉琴的视频放上Youtube时,我留意了其他小家伙在Youtube上的演奏视频。比较一下,我对老师的话也就信了几分。
注:Allegro —Musical tempo(拍子): fast, quickly and bright (120–139 beats per minute)
Sounds like I am defending, but for record keeping purpose I post here the comments from my son’s violin teacher after he viewed the video on Youtube:
“The recital place Chapel is not good for recording. It would be better if he would play in the dry room. So his live performance was much better than it's on Youtube. The piano pitch is not the same as the violin--that is one reason the Youtube audiences think it's not on tone. Overall, it is a job well done.”
百草园, Thanks for coming! I am sure you have enjoyed your reunion in LV.