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文字狱里的聚会 2021-11-06 11:26:59






Liu Zongyuan, locked up in prison, runs into Li Bai, also a newly minted inmate, and asks Li what he is in for. 


“They convicted me of falsely reporting for writing ‘Its torrent dashes down three thousand feet from high (1).’  You wouldn’t believe it but they actually took the trouble to measure that damn fall and, surprise, surprise, it’s actually one foot short of 3,000.  One foot short, and here I am!” 


“Same here,” Liu says, “Remember ’All the birds have taken flight from the hills?’  Someone spotted one poor birdie on a frickin tree and told on me.  And listen to this.  That bird?  I’ve been told it was a dead bird.”










These two are commiserating with each other when Du Mu steps in, crestfallen. 


“What are you in for?” they ask.  


“Whew, I was found guilty of public indecency, a crime of moral turpitude no less,” Du responds in despair.


“Because of ’停车做()爱枫林晚,’ right?”  Liu and Li blurt out in unison.


“Yes, I feel so humiliated.  I was convicted of making love in a coach, or ‘coachquake’, as they put it, on this one single shred of evidence.  Coachquake, my foot!”  


“Don’t say I didn’t warn you, though,” Li Bai says, head shaking emphatically, “The very first time you showed me that poem, I told you to change “坐爱” to something else.  You just wouldn’t listen.”


“But there is simply no better choice than ‘’ to mean ‘because’ in that line!” Du says, his tone more imploring than retorting.  


At that, they fall silent.








Lu You, cursing, bursts in on those three just then. 


“What are you in for?” they inquire.


“No more than writing, ‘Don’t say an old ox is useless.  At 80, I’m still hard at it.’  They allege I’m 80 years old and I’m still scheming to keep Er-Nai mistresses.  Everyone knows I lost my wife some years ago and wrote ‘Grey-haired widower cries over his loneliness.  He grieves for his wife and he grieves himself.’  I’ve been single since.  Where are all my Er-Nai mistresses?  I’d like to get to know them.”


“You know,” Li Bai murmurs, “’Loneliness’ rhymes much better with ‘mistress’ than ‘himself.’”


“Shut up, you rummy fool!”  Lu You retorts in anger.







李白:“‘破帽遮颜过闹市, 漏船载酒泛中流’,你地,明白?”




As they are discussing Lu You’s case, they see Li Qingzhao passing by in shiny jail uniform and exclaim in horror: “What can a delicate lady like you have done to be sent in here?”


“The dusk at the river arbor I often recall.  Blind-drunk, our way back we remembered not at all,’ Li replies with the usual dreamy look in her eyes and a smile on her lips, “I’m in jail for drunk driving.”


Upon hearing that, Li Bai crumples to the floor, muttering: “I’m in big trouble now.  If one can be in for such a one-time trivial indiscretion, what’s going to happen to a winebibber like me?”  Then he looks around and declares in the solemn tone of a prophet:”Guys, Lu Xun will be joining us soon.”


“Why?” Liu Zongyuan says, “Isn’t he lauded as the great flag bearer?” 


Li Bai: “’Crossing the busy market, under a torn hat I hide my face.  Carrying wine in a leaky boat, down the river I race.’ That’s why.”


“But that’s old news,” Lu You chips in, “You all don’t read the news, do you?  Lu Xun has been on the lam for a while now.  He was tried in absentia for protesting the creation of the crime of “issuing groundless criticism of decisions and policies by the central authority.”   


Li Bai: “Really, what did he do?”   


Lu You: “Because he asked the question: ‘If a monk can touch it, why can’t I?’”




“没有吧?什么是驾驶执照? 和我被抓进来有啥关系?”李清照一脸迷惘地问。




“Eh, do you even have a driver’s license?”  Turning back to Li Qingzhao and forgetting his own misery briefly, Lu You asks.


“No, what’s a driver’s license?  What’s that got to do with it?” a wide-eyed Li Qianzhao inquires, a look of perplexity on her face.


The door opens at a heavy sigh from everyone and in stumbles Su Shi.


“What has landed you here,” all the people ask in disbelief.


“Sexual Deviancy”, Su whimpers, blushing crimson, “All I did was writing ‘They are hills viewed in face and peaks viewed from the side, Assuming different shapes viewed from far and wide,’ and they charged me with the crime of being a peeping tom.  This is all just a misunderstanding!  I’m so nearsighted I can’t even see my out-stretched hands.  I’m known for putting hot compresses around my eyes before and after reading due to nearsightedness.  How can I be a peeping tom if I can’t see a thing?  Peeping at what?” 






At that, in walks Hua Tuo. 


From everyone, “You don’t even write poetry.  Why are you also in prison?  Has providing medical service become a crime?”


“No, not yet, but practicing medicine without a license is a crime now and there is no provision for someone like me to be grandfathered in,” answers Hua Tuo dejectedly.


No sooner does Hua Tuo finish his answer than Li Shizhen enters, his hands busily tearing apart a copy of “Compendium of Materia Medica.” 


“You’re banned from practicing medicine, too?” Hua Tuo, alarmed, inquires in a trembling voice.


“They accuse me of plagiarizing ‘The Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic’.” 






“你是说那首以‘倚门回首, 却把青梅嗅’结尾的诗?”




“Wow, I’ve never heard of anyone thrown into the slammer for plagiarism!”  Li Qingzhao interjects.  As she is slumping down, she is heard muttering: “This is bad.  To think I may also be prosecuted for plagiarism!”


Lu You, who considers Li Qianzhao a bosom friend, moves over to her. 


“What’s bugging you?”  Whispers Lu. 


“Oh,” Li sounds like she is near tears, “I hope it’s nothing.  It’s just that, you remember that poem by me, the one about playing on a swing?” *


“Oh, the one that ends in ‘Leaning on a door, I looked to see who comes. In less than no time, I sniffed at the green plums’?”


“Yes, yes, that one.”  Li Qingzhao is sobbing now.  “I haven’t told anyone, but that one is, in a sense, based on a poem by Han Wo.” (13)


“Don’t worry.”  Overhearing the conversation between Li Qingzhao and Lu You, Li Shizhen puts in.  “I’m here only because some people don’t like Dr. Zhang Wenhong’s opinion that the world will have to co-exist with the Covid virus and are trying to discredit him by claiming that he committed plagiarism in his doctoral dissertation.  These same people are using my case to test the water, to gauge people’s reaction to my treatment.”     






While Li Qingzhao is being consoled, there stumbles in a crying Du Fu who declares despondently”I’m homeless.  Homeless!  My thatched cottage was declared an illegal building and has been demolished.  I told them I’d write poems of protest and they throw me into prison!”   


Just as everyone is desperately hoping the deep sadness they are suffering from what they’ve witnessed cannot get any worse, the next figure to come in leaves everyone dumbfounded, as it is none other than Confucius. 


“You all want to know what I’m in for?”  Seeing the quizzical look on everyone’s face, Confucius roars in utter indignation and bitterness, “I’ll tell you what I’m in for; I’m in for the newly concocted crime of illegal tutoring!”









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作者:莫烦59 留言时间:2022-04-12 09:27:50



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作者:乡华 回复 云乡客 留言时间:2021-11-06 17:00:33


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作者:云乡客 留言时间:2021-11-06 13:32:32


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