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Sophie's Choice 2007-12-28 16:32:56


Sophie's Choice by William Styron

It is said that a great fiction is always about tragedy. I guess it is
right. Sophie's Choice, no doubt, is a great book. Sophie's fate, no
doubt, is an unbearable tragedy. I felt very much depressed after
finishing reading this book.

The book is quite complicate, both its structure and the social issues that
the author has tried to address. There are two social backgrounds. One is
Auschwitz during the World War II, and the other is Brooklyn in NY postwar.
The book starts with Sophie’s new life in Brooklyn after she was rescued
from Auschwitz.Sophie's experience in Auschwitz was told by herself to her
friend in various times and locations,without specific order.


Jews are not the only people that suffered from the Nazi. The Nazi were not
the only people who hated and murdered Jews. Most Polish were anti-Jews even
before Hitler started the World War II. Sophie’s father, a university professor,
a pure Polish, hated Jews so much that he had come up with theories to prove
that Jews should be exterminated. After the Nazi invaded Poland, a lot of Polish
not only did not provide helping hands to the Jews, but also voluntarily
disclosed where the Jews were hidden to the Nazi, hoping that as long as the
Nazi were busy with killing the Jews, they would not hurt the Polish, at
least temporarily. Ridiculously, the Nazi did not appreciate either the
theories that Sophie’s father had proposed, or the help that Polish people
provided. They killed them as coldly as they killed the Jews.

One thing that I always have trouble understanding is why so many people
dislike/hate the Jews. Somewhere in the book, it was mentioned it partly
is because the Jews are good at making money and they want to buy everything
with money. Is it so? Is it because the envy of wealth? Is it because the
dislike of the attitude with money?

B. Auschwitz

Haunting with the smell of burning Jews, the concentration camp of Auschwitz
is the hell. I have got some pictures of Auschwitz somebody shot in 1980s.
See my photo folder. Nevertheless, the worst thing in Auschwitz is not death.
It is the torture of a person’s spirit with being slaved and forced to do
things that they would have never done as a normal person.

Sophie was sent to Auschwitz,together with her two kids, a girl and a boy.
At prisoners’arrival, the Nazi doctor, as a procedure,would examine their
physical conditions to determine whether they should be exterminated immediately
or could be used as a labor first. When the doctor came to Sophie and knew that
she was a Polish and a Christian,he told Sophie that she would be kept and
because she was not a Jew, she had the privilege to have a choice. The choice
is that she had to choose one of her kids, only one, to be kept. It is insane
and totally cruel to ask a mother to do that, to send her own child to the evil
death. Sophie finally did so and picked her son to be alive, which became a
lifelong guilt toward her little girl, with no chance to forget her helpless
looking back and crying for Mom. Later, Sophie abandoned her religion, by crying
“Fuck God”. Why should a person believe in God when he turned his back onto
his people, letting such devil coming to them?

Sophie, due to her ability to speak both Polish and German, was selected as
special-talented prisoner to serve for the Commandant of Auschwitz.Sophie
was an extremely beautiful and sexy woman. Any man, mentioned in the book,
who took an eye on her, either fell in love with her immediately or wanted
to have sex with her. The commandant was in the second group. To save herself
and her boy, Sophie had already determined to sacrifice her body. She even
“shamelessly” kept flirting with the commandant. Nevertheless, for various
reasons, the expected sex did not happen and the commandant determined that
Sophie would be sent back to prison immediately. To catch the last chance
to save her boy, Sophie stood on her knees, hugged the legs of the commandant,
and started licking his boots, crying “please let me at least see my boy once”.
She was too naïveto believe that the Nazi would do something to please her.
She had never seen her boy and she would never know whether he was alive.
This is another guilt haunting over Sophie’s heart by disregarding her
self-dignity in front of heartless Nazi.

C. Sophie and Men in Her Life

Sophie and Her Father

Sophie\'s father was some beast. He was someone that doesn\'t love anybody
but himself. He never gave any of his love to Sophie. Sophie, in his eyes,
was just somebody he could make use of for his own benefit, for example,
working for him without paying her. Treating him as some authority in the
family, Sophie never had the courage to say no to him, or to request something
from him. She did everything that he wanted her to do no matter how much she
hated to do, including writing down her father's crazy ideas about exterminating
the Jews and sending these messages to other Polishes, to marry somebody hating
the Jews as much as her father and treating her like some trash... She dared not
ask anything from her father, no matter how trivial it is, if her father did not
originate the offer. I remembered one scene so clearly. It was a cold afternoon.
Sophie spent the whole afternoon to organize and translate her father\'s work but
was somehow behind the schedule. When finally, Sophie brought the work to her
father, all she got from him was dirty words pouring onto her face like some
cold water. She wanted a cup of hot tea so much because she was so thirsty and
cold. The desire haunted in her mind, screamed inside her chest, but never came
out of her lips. The relationship between Sophie and her father reminds me of
something similar to slavery. When her father was shot dead by the Nazi, what
Sophie felt was not sadness but some kind of relief. She was freed from at least
one controlling, manipulating, and cruel master.

Sophie later said that she hated her father for his hatred towards the Jews. To me,
the influence of her father on Sophie is not only the lifelong guilt that she
brought up onto herself because of the work that she was forced to do for her
father, but her acceptance of the authority of men, and therefore her weakness
toward any men. She was always the one who accepts, either love, or rape, or beat.
She never had the strength to rebel.

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作者:usagi 留言时间:2009-12-28 15:12:13
nor could she choose which child of hers will live
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