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由麻州副州长撞车案件想到的 2012-01-07 05:21:29
2011年11月2日凌晨五点左右,麻州副州长提姆-莫雷在I-190州际公路上发生重大车祸,他所开的车开下了高速公路,撞在一百多米外的石壁上,车体全部损坏,几乎呈报废状态,但提姆只是手臂上刮破了点皮,身体其它部位没有受伤,并奇迹般地离开了车祸现场 ,在高速公路打电话向高速公路巡警求救。

关于车祸的原因,副州长的解释 是凌晨路上的黑冰(Black Ice)引起的。因为自己系了保险带,也没有超速,开在法定的55MPH限速之内,发生事故时,可能是自己当时睡着了。虽然自己经历接近死亡的考验,索性也没有什么大碍,这件事让州里的办案警察觉得很蹊跷,而这副州长却显得若无其事的样子。这一点让大众感到了不可思议。更奇怪的是,每次新闻记者会时,媒体对副州长的说法质疑时,州长总是打断对方的问话,借口要去工作而搪塞过去了。



这个事件从侧面说明了好些问题,如为什么政客有优先权或者优先级来阻止调查,为什么罚款额度不一样等等,因为不知道具体内幕,不好妄加评论。这里最值得一提 的是民众对这件事的心态,大部分人觉得跟自己无关,只是把他的故事当成饭前茶后的笑料谈谈而已。没有什么刁民给政府出难题,大家有耐心,一定要等着政府来处理,就算等它十年、八年的也无妨,相信民选的政府能处理好这件事。毕竟是民主国家,大家的境界就是高,警察说什么,就听什么;州长说工作忙,那就是工作忙,别的人也不好多问了。更说明问题的是,即便是警察有所有的证据证明副州长没讲真话,跟要电话公司要记录,州里就可以打招呼,电话公司就是不给。搞得警 察也没脾气,真是官大一级压死人啊!所以,大的问题,咱们也就别讨论了,还是讨论些鸡毛蒜皮的事情吧!

安无事? 私下里跟几个喜欢玩车的人闲聊这件事,为什么副州长在这么大车祸中没有受伤?他们提出的答案颠覆了许多媒体关于安全驾车的宣传,他们认为,这主要是没有系 保险带的原因。如果他当时系了保险带,和整个车体紧紧地捆在一起的话,他早就没命了。保险带真正要保护的是当驾驶员和车一翻滚的情景,这个时候保险带是绝 对有好处的。而在其他场合,如这种平开直撞得车祸,真要跟车捆在一起了,也就捆死了。当然,也有人猜测,因为没系保险带,当车在高速向外冲的时候,他可能 被甩在雪地了,这样救了他一命。整个事件就他一个人知道,他怎么说,大概也就是那样了。

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作者:苏联是党老大哥 留言时间:2012-01-08 11:53:21




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作者:华山 留言时间:2012-01-08 08:44:42


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作者:贪官太多 留言时间:2012-01-07 14:33:25
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作者:大西岸 留言时间:2012-01-07 14:01:02

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作者:luo 留言时间:2012-01-07 13:14:19
The above newspaper article was from the following source:

From the news report, Murray should be driving with his windows up. An early morning in Mass and especially after a snowstorm, would be too cold for him to drive with windows down.
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作者:luo 留言时间:2012-01-07 12:58:43
Lt. Gov. Timothy Murray was driving 108 miles per hour just moments before his car sped off the highway and overturned last November, according to a police report released Tuesday.

The report shows Murray, who walked away with only a few scrapes and bruises, may have briefly fallen asleep at the wheel. The report showed no attempt to brake before the accident.

Murray was issued a $555 ticket for speeding, not wearing a seat belt and a lane violation in connection with the pre-dawn highway crash.

Murray said he takes full responsibility for the Nov. 2 accident on Interstate 190 in Sterling, which happened about 5:30 a.m.

“Given the seriousness of the accident I feel lucky to be alive and grateful that no one was injured,” Murray told reporters Tuesday outside the governor’s Statehouse office. “I recognize that I should have been more careful.”

The report appears at odds with comments that Murray made immediately after the accident.

At the time, Murray told reporters that he was driving around the speed limit, was wearing his seat belt and believed the cause of the accident was black ice.

The data gathered by the car’s “black box” moments before and after the accident show that Murray was speeding, was not wearing a seat belt and apparently fell asleep instead of hitting ice. Murray had asked for the information to be released.

The data showed that the state-owned Crown Victoria that Murray was driving was traveling south on Route 190 at speeds ranging from 75 mph to 99 mph before going off the west shoulder of the road.

The car went another 140 feet across the grass shoulder before striking a rock ledge and flipping.

At the time of impact, the car was moving about 92 mph, although the car’s top recorded speed was 108 mph about half a second before impact.

After hitting the ledge the car went another 232 feet south while rotating clockwise and rolling over, according to the report.

The “black box” data also showed there was no braking before impact and that Murray was not wearing a seat belt.

According to the police report, the data suggests that ice was not a factor, as most drivers who strike ice respond by sudden braking and trying to steer the car out of the spin.

“Neither sudden braking nor corrective steering are reflected in this data,” the report said.

The report also said that while it’s not possible to conclude “with 100 percent certainty” the cause of the crash, the data is consistent with a driver falling asleep and not realizing the car had gone off the road until it struck the ledge.

Murray says that he believes the police version, including the explanation that he likely fell asleep. He said he had no recollection of nodding off.

He defended his earlier statements, saying he believed that he had put on his seat belt.

“My recollection (was that) I was wearing my seat belt,” he said. “After I walked away from the accident I certainly thought I was wearing my seat belt.”

He also said that as he left the car after the accident he noticed the icy conditions on the road and assumed that was the cause.

Murray also asked police to administer a field sobriety test that he said showed a zero blood-alcohol reading.

Murray on Tuesday offered the most detailed explanation yet of what he said occurred in the hours before the accident.

Murray said he was dropped off at his house by his state police detail at about 8:30 p.m. the night before in time to help his wife put his children to bed. He said one of his daughters woke him up early in the morning and he was unable to get back to sleep.

He said at about 4:45 a.m. he left in the car to grab a coffee and a newspaper and to gather his thoughts for the day. The state had just experience an unusual late October snowstorm.

“This is not the first time I’ve taken an early morning ride,” Murray said Tuesday. “I decided to get onto Route 190 to see what I could of the storm damage. I drove up to Route 2, turned around to head back to Worcester.

“What I remember next was the vehicle was off the road, the impact of the collision and the car turning over several times,” he added.

Asked if he was tired when he got behind the wheel, Murray said he couldn’t recall.

He also dismissed one more possible reason for the accident.

“I was not on the phone. I was not texting. I was not emailing in any way,” he said.

Gov. Deval Patrick expressed confidence in his lieutenant governor.

“He is fortunate beyond measure to have walked away from that accident,” Patrick said in a statement Tuesday. “The lieutenant governor has taken responsibility for the accident and is counting his blessings. As his colleague and his friend, so am I.”

Massachusetts Republican Party Chairman Bob Maginn faulted Murray for “hiding information from his mysterious midnight ride.”

“The public is still left to wonder what the full story is,” Maginn said. “Murray is telling the same old Beacon Hill story. The insiders play by their own rules and do whatever they can to keep the public in the dark.”

The $555 fine includes $430 for speeding (108 mph in a 65 mph zone); $100 for the marked lanes violation; and $25 for the seat belt violation.

The citation was delivered to Murray at his home Tuesday morning.

Murray said he’ll pay the fine and plans to reimburse the state for the car.
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作者:bbcc 留言时间:2012-01-07 10:53:24
you forgot the airbags....
ps. re traffic fines, usually those are set by local municipal governments; many cases, on the highways, you turn a bend, it's another city or town or villages or township.....
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