我的一点体会是: 家庭查经班中如果有孩子们,那么这样的服事就开始显得重要和必要起来。在时间的搭配上,即要给孩子们一起学习上帝话语的时间,也要给他们轻松的交友游戏时间,比如看电影,各种board games, wii games,这里也有安全的考量。 在儿童节目的设计中可以包括几个方面: 1)敬拜: 有些家长希望大人孩子们一起敬拜,就不需另外要带孩子们唱诗。 如果团契的大人都喜欢唱中文歌,有时就需要准备儿童诗歌,youtube上有一些,我自己也买过一些儿童的诗歌Cd。 还学过点手语教孩子唱歌,增加趣味性。 2)我曾用过或正在用的教材 我因为一直参加BSF (http://www.bsfinternational.org/), 他们不仅仅有大人查经材料,还可以在网站上下载各个年龄段的查经问题,挺好用的。 不过有些家长希望儿童们的节目更有趣味性、游戏性,于是我们加入了下面两本材料 这两本材料,课程挺有趣的,里面有不同的游戏和需要找不同的影片片段,看教的人怎么准备了,如果愿意付出时间和脑筋会有不错的效果。但如果同工们没有时间准备的话,就有些不实用了。 1) Creative Bible Lessons from the Life of Christ: 12 Ready-to-Use Bible Lessons for Your Youth Group http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Bible-Lessons-Christ-Ready-/dp/0310402514/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1346272342&sr=1-1&keywords=creative+bible+lessons+from+the+life+of+christ 2) Creative Bible Lessons in John (这是针对约翰福音的) http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Bible-Lessons-Janice-Ashcraft/dp/031020769X/ref=sr_1_5?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1346272519&sr=1-5&keywords=creative+bible+lessons+doug+fields 3)这是有人推荐给我的网站,我没有用过。 www.group.com 活跃气氛的玩具 小朋友相互扔球,球面上有各样的问题和祷告的事项,接到球的小朋友,要大声读出左手拇指按住的问题,或祷告要求。 1)prayer ball http://www.amazon.com/Toy-Throw-Tell-Prayer-Ball/dp/B004O426VO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1346271877&sr=8-1&keywords=prayer+ball 2) All about me (可以增加小朋友之间的彼此了解,比如最喜欢什么礼物,等等等) http://www.amazon.com/Throw-Tell-Balls-about-Preteen/dp/B003S55EU0/ref=pd_sim_sbs_misc_2 有的时候,家长们会提出要求,比如希望有更实用、有趣的教导,那就需要动些脑筋。 比如上次给孩子们看的耶稣的比喻,那就需要准备相应的问题与孩子们讨论: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXwJBOoViUE 我准备的一些参考问题: Two sons' parables 1) What's the vineyard? 2) In Jesus' day, which group of persons were represented by the son who said he would not work but later did? 3) Who was represented by the son who said he would work but did not? 4) Which kind of perosns are represented by each of the sons today? 5) (personal, thinking ) Which kind does God consider you to be? Why ? *********************************************************************** Matthew 25:14-30 1) What is the main teaching of this parable? 2) Explain Matthew 25:29 3) Anything we do that prevent us from using our talent given by God? 4) What "talent" do you think God would like to "invest" or use? Where and how will you do so? -- personal thinking 5)Do you think it is possible for one to bury one's talent in the earlier part of life and then, after a change of attitude toward God, dig it up and get even more profit than others because of deep repentance and great zeal? (Joel 2:25 with this in mind) _____________________________ 1) what's the great Reversal after death for Lazarus and the rich man? 2) What did the rich man do in the parable ? is it the sin again God ? 3) The Richman was suffered, has he been changed? Yes / No, why ? 4) Does the Rich Man ask to come to heaven? What did he ask? ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××× 这次先写到这里。 (有些问题是参考BSF的)