Laura Story 是2012 Grammy Award 现代基督教歌曲的获奖者。
这件事情导致了她转眼变得一点不酷,她痛苦沮丧,为了排解忧愁,在手臂相对好点之后,她报名参加了一个短宣团队,去了一个完全语言不通的国家-- 蒙古。在那里,她真实地遇见了耶稣。
慢慢地神带领她走向音乐事奉的道路,2004年她写的歌开始获奖,嫁给了一个英俊的运动员丈夫,2006年丈夫查出脑瘤,在经历极度的痛苦,于2008年她写出了获奖歌曲《Blessings》。她用生命体验圣经里雅各书写的1:2 “我的弟兄们,你们落在百般试炼中,都要以为大喜乐。”。她说" But there’s a decision that I find God is asking us to make: whether we’re going to judge God based on our circumstances, or whether we are going to choose to interpret our circumstances based on what we hold to be true about God.”
Who but Jesus ?
Who but Jesus, loves the sinner?
Who but Jesus, calls him friend?
Reaches out to touch the leper,
Bids the weary come to Him?
Who but Jesus, loves the lowly,
Those the world has cast outside?
And with such scandalous compassion
Makes a wretch his chosen bride?
Who but Jesus, dwells among us,
Called this broken world his home?
Took on flesh and pain and sorrow
Reaping what He did not sow?
With the lost He shared salvation,
With the thief He shared a cross,
All that we might share His riches,
Who but Christ would give it all?
Who but Jesus?
Who but Jesus?
Who but Jesus, loves the sinner
Enough to give His life?
Love too pure for men to merit,
Praise too glorious to deny.
Praise Him now with my joy in living,
As in death my comfort rests.
Who but Jesus, loves this sinner
He alone is my righteousness.
Who but Jesus?
Who but Jesus?
Who but Jesus?