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网传3M N95 工业口罩不防病毒,Really? 2020-02-10 00:28:49

老婆给我看微信某师奶的传言:打电话去3M求证了 3M N95 8210只防工业粉尘,不防病毒。

这与我过去两个月从某些我信得过的博客所获得的零碎关于3M N95的资讯不同,而且我一向对师奶科技抱有严重戒心。


2019 Novel Coronavirus Outbreak @ https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/1791123O/2019-novel-coronavirus-outbreak.pdf

Surgical N95 vs. Standard N95 – Which to Consider? @ https://multimedia.3m.com/mws/media/1794572O/surgical-n95-vs-standard-n95-which-to-consider.pdf


Therefore, if a healthcare facility is prioritizing respirator use – due to, for example, limited supply during a health emergency

– they may want to consider prioritizing use of surgical N95 respirators for those healthcare workers requiring respiratory

protection while performing surgery or other tasks that may expose them to high pressure streams of bodily fluid or

conducting work in a sterile field. For other workers who will not be performing such surgical procedures or do not need to

maintain a sterile field, a standard non-surgical N95 (or equivalent) respirator can be worn to help reduce those workers’

exposure to patient-generated airborne viruses and bacteria.


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