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The Emperor's New Clothes 2023-03-01 19:19:04

"The Emperor has nothing at all on!" 

The world has heard the outcry for over 100 years now.  Unfortunately, the absurdity has never gone away. All these characters are still alive in today's world.  However, their profiles need to be updated.  Look at the followings:

The Emplorer: 

In the story, H. C. Anderson seems to suggest that Emperor wore nothing but his underwear in the parade.  Nowadays, the Emperor is so  shameless that he is completely naked during the parade.  He just clings to his crown, disregarding his bare butt.

His staff and weavers:

In the story, only two weavers were crooks, while ministers and staff were traped in vanity and  fooled by the weavers as the Emplorer. Nowadays, they form a gang of crooks working together, designing and weaving around the loom.  They force the people to accept the fallacy  that the Emperor's clothes is most magnificent of the world.  Some people don't believe it; they got beaten and thrown into prisons. The crooks shout at them "I am not asking whether you believe it or not, I am asking whether you follow me or not!"

All King's subjects:

In the story, they were all intimidated and fooled because they placed vanity over honesty.  Nowadays, they are so corrupt that they willingly act as flatters,  participants and helpers, as long as no harm is done to "myself".

The boy and the father:

In the story, the boy was naively honest.  Nowadays, we see the boy, as well as the father, bravely cry out "he covets the throne so much, even with his butt exposed!"

The procession and afterwards:

In the story, everybody exclaimed "How beautifu is our Emperor's new clothes!" till the boy said otherwise.  Nowadays, the Emplorer muffles those who dare to say otherwise.  However, people, such as 任志强,许章润,彭载舟,李康梦,酒吧小哥,and many more, are shouting "the Emperor has nothing at all on!"

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来自: 北京
注册日期: 2023-01-12
访问总量: 538,433 次
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