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We Must Be Clear 2023-10-12 04:17:53

We must be clear Hamas is a terrorist organization.  The horrific atrocity they committed this time against the peoples in the Southern Israel neiborning the Gaza Strip, as they had done many times before, was cowardly, barbaric and despicable.  They should be condemned, not sympathized, whatsoever. Hamas is a cancer to the humankind.  It defies all treatments; the only option remaining is a surgical removal.

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作者:熊薇妮 回复 liucarl 留言时间:2023-10-12 06:10:13

Please give us the source of the accusations.

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作者:liucarl 留言时间:2023-10-12 05:33:04

Ex-CIA Analyst Confirms US Is Supplying Weapons To Both Sides of Israel-Hamas War. The United States is funding, arming and supporting both sides of the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to former CIA analyst Larry Johnson. Joe Biden: “If there hadn’t been “an Israel”, we would have to invent “an Israel” to protect our interests”.

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作者:熊薇妮 留言时间:2023-10-12 04:29:08

Tagore says "Man is worse than animal when he is an animal". Hamas is such an animal.

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来自: 北京
注册日期: 2023-01-12
访问总量: 547,877 次
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