随着下周二大选的日益逼近,民主党和共和党在媒体上的宣传战和攻击战也进入了白热化。而近来在媒体上出现率很高的一个名词是““San Francisco Values”。被共和党用得最多的一句话就是“如果下周二民主党拿到了众议院的多数席位的话,Nancy Pelosi就会将“San Francisco Values”带给你们,而这意味着“同性恋结婚,从伊拉克撤军,纵容恐怖分子,提高税收。。。”霎那间,旧金山成了邪恶的聚集地,“San Francisco Values”成了一个谈虎色变的贬义词!
作为突然被贴上异类标签的旧金山市民,大家在气愤之余,也提出了疑问:什么是真正的“San Francisco Values”?
这是一些旧金山市民自己对“San Francisco Values”的定义。
1.旧金山是一个多色体,它包容一切,既有liberal,又有conservative, 它向一切新概念,新观点开放。
4.San Francisco values people who are trying to find out who they are and how they can make their way in the world.
5.San Francisco is a place where you are free to be you and me.
6."San Francisco values" means freedom -- to be yourself and express yourself as you like, to be imaginative, inspired, included free from hatred and disempowerment.
7.It means that we are a city inclusive of a diverse array of people from all walks of life. We question authority and demand greater insight into complex problems. But one thing we will never tolerate is hatred or violence.
8.San Francisco values are my values, your values, their values, our values. People who are uncomfortable with the thoughts, feelings, opinions, lifestyles, politics, religions and choices of others will probably be uncomfortable here.
这一切一切,加上低失业率,开放宽容的气氛,使得旧金山不仅是最受欢迎的旅游城市,也是one of five American cities that Joseph Gyourko, an economist at the National Bureau of Economic Research, calls “superstar cities.” 我不明白这样的San Francisco Values 有什么不好?