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两出儿童木偶短剧 2011-08-31 09:23:14
 Puppet Show

(November 6th, 2010, performed at Cuddihee’s house)


Frog And Panda



Frog (Jumping over on the stage): 


What a nice day!

I have some time to play!


What a beautiful day!

Why is nobody around here today?


Panda (slowly walking):

Hmmm--- I just had yummy bamboo soup,

And a chocolate bamboo cake;

My legs are too heavy to walk,

I want to take a looooong nap. (He falls sleep.  Snoring)


Frog (Leaping over, patting Panda’s head):  Hey! Hey!, Please wake up!


Panda (reluctantly opens his eyes and stands up)


Frog: (when he talks, he always keeps jumping back and forth)

Who are you?

Where are you from?

What’s your name?


Panda: Slow down. One question at a time, please.


Frog: Ok, Ok. What’s your name?


Panda: My name is Panda. What’s your name?


Frog: My name is Frog.


Panda: Hi, Foog.


Frog:  Not Foog. F-R-O-G.


Panda: I am sorry. F-o-r-g.


Frog: No problem. Try again.  F-R-O-G.


Panda: F-R-O-G.


Frog: That’s much better.


Panda: Thanks!


Frog: You’re welcome.  Where are you from?


Panda: I’m from China.


Frog: China?  I don’t think that I’ve ever heard such place before.


Panda: Now you know.  All Pandas are from China.  Where are you from?


Frog: I’m from here.


Panda: Here? Where is “Here”?


Frog: Just Here! (He is jumping towards the other side), look, the Pond. That’s where I’m from.


Panda: I have never heard of a country called Pond before.


Frog: Now you know. All Frogs are from Pond.


Panda: (Shaking hands with the Frog) Hen-Gao-Xing-Ren-Shi-Ni, Frog.


Frog: What are you saying?


Panda: I was speaking in Chinese. “Hen-Gao-Xing-Ren-Shi-Ni “ means “Nice meeting you”. Do you want to try? “Hen-Gao-Xing-Ren-Shi-Ni “.


Frog: Hen-Gao-Xing-Ren-Shi-Ni!


Panda: Very well. You are a quick learner.  Now let’s play together!


Together (they hug each other, then start dancing):

What a happy day!

I found a new friend today!

What a lovely day!

 Let’s go to play!




*The End*


Giraffe and Lion



Lion: (Walking over majestically)

I am a Lion.

I live in African Plains.

I have a big round face

And a pair of black paws.


Giraffe: (Appeared on the stage, in gentleman’s demeanor) 

I am a Giraffe.

I live in African Plains.

I have broken brown fur

And a huge yellow mouth.


Lion: Hi, who are you?


Giraffe:  I am a Giraffe.  Who are you?


Lion: Wait, wait.  Did you say that you are a Giraffe?


Giraffe: Correct.


Lion: (shaking his head) No, no, no.  As far as I know, all Giraffes have very long necks. But you don’t.


Giraffe: All Giraffes have very long necks, that don’t mean I must have a very long neck; I don’t have a very long neck, that doesn’t mean I am not a Giraffe.


Lion:  I don’t quite understand what you are saying.


Giraffe: I am a Giraffe, that’s for sure. My father is a Giraffe, and my mother is also a Giraffe, they both have very long necks.  I am just a Giraffe without a very long neck.  That’s all.


Lion:  That sounds very logical. Now I’m convinced that you are a Giraffe indeed.


Giraffe: You haven’t told me yet -- who are you?


Lion: I am a L-i-o-n.


Giraffe: Wow!  You …you… you look exactly like a lion, you are extremely handsome!


Lion: Yeah, I heard that a lot.


Giraffe: But, but, may I ask why you don’t have a tail?  As far as I know, all lions have tails.


Lion:  You are very observant. My parents and my siblings all have tails. But I am an exception. I was born without a tail. That’s my uniqueness. 


Giraffe:  It’s very impressive. (Shaking hands with the Lion) I am very glad to know you.


Lion:  I am very glad to eat you! …Sorry, I meant I was very glad to know you, too.


Giraffe (relaxed): I am a GIRAFFE, I am also ME!


Lion: I am a LION, I am also ME!


Together: (they hug each other)

Let’s be friends and sing along!

Let’s be friends and dancing around!

Let’s be friends and having fun,

Let’s be friends and play a-l-l d-a-y l-o-n-g!


*The End*


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