To Kim Whitehead (悼科姆 - 怀特海德) (Kim 是我的同事,于2009年11月30日因突发脑溢血去世,时年36岁。参加她的葬礼后我夜不成寐,草拟此诗,聊以抒念。12/09/2009) You are one of my colleagues, Sit only two cubical behind. For more than two years we have worked together, I’ve never heard you saying “No” to whatever people asked. An IT professional, You tirelessly worked; A trained ballerina, Gracefully, you walked. Often, a couple of gentlemen (who are hardly workingJ) Standing by your cubical, chatting, watching you work. People say “Look, Kim is popular again!” You say nothing, modestly smiled. Yes, you are well-liked, Because during outage, you always remain calm; You are well-liked, Because under pressure, you don’t show you are tired. Everyone enjoys working with you, A soft-spoken intelligent lady indeed. Sometimes I even wonder, To keep such good temper all the time, is it very hard? I am very grateful that I got to know you, You are one of a kind. I wish I could be like you -- Impact without force; sound without word. “An Angel” –- a drawing someone posted on your cubical wall, That is how you are viewed. You left us, But the angel will forever be held. An angel, All secular trivial things, you don’t seem mind; An angel, Above the horizon, you look beyond. You and I didn’t have chance To talk much about personal life, But I am sure you as a mother, Are very loving and are 100% devoted. You raised fund for your daughter’s bicycling race, Every time she needed. You sent us the photo of Michaela, Every race she finished. Would you please ask me for contribution again? I wish you would. Through Michaela, Your life will be continued. I watered your plants this morning, “Kim won’t be back” - I finally accepted… The green is going to stay, Surely by many, you will be missed. 版权所有© 西子。未经作者允许,不得转载文章和摄影。引用请务必注明出处。 |